IGN : The Biggest Disappointments of 2023


8 May 2023
idc imo tlou is great for vr, it's a slow paced (mostly) shooter...the fact that it has a lot of canned melee animations doesn't really detract from the core of the game
The melee animations aren't the issue, RE4 has a ton. TLOUs issue is that it's a stealth cover shooter with relatively large level design, I've yet to play any VR game like that. In RE4 every encounter is in a corridor or a small arena, meanwhile TLOU there's a lot of depth and verticality. You need to be able to see enemies further away and even through walls, a first person VR view doesn't really allow for the same type of approach as 3rd person does, especially when in cover.


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29 Nov 2022
The melee animations aren't the issue, RE4 has a ton. TLOUs issue is that it's a stealth cover shooter with relatively large level design, I've yet to play any VR game like that. In RE4 every encounter is in a corridor or a small arena, meanwhile TLOU there's a lot of depth and verticality. You need to be able to see enemies further away and even through walls, a first person VR view doesn't really allow for the same type of approach as 3rd person does, especially when in cover.
I think that'd just make it more tense. It'd be a proper horror game, especially if they randomized the locations of enemies. Think about how intense it'd be going through first person mode and you hear a clicker screeching from somewhere in the distance.
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26 Jun 2022
It's about the launch lineup, not the hardware.

And I do agree with that, to be honest. Sony didn't put their weight after PSVR2.
We needed a PSVR2 mode on all of Sony's 1st party titles for it to be a success, and an update to all their PSVR1 titles to support the new platform.

Instead, Sony didn't even bother porting their best PSVR1 game, Astro Bot Rescue Mission. We have Capcom doing more for PSVR2 than Sony with RE4 VR mode which is nothing short of moronic.

I really wanted to love the PSVR2, but I hate that Sony is pulling a Vita with it.
That thing started so well.... then crickets (mostly)


8 May 2023
That thing started so well.... then crickets (mostly)
Crickets to the people that fell for the FUD, there's been a big exclusive release almost every month; with RE4 Remake being the latest. Dropping just a few weeks ago and already being one of the best VR experience EVER. Only on PSVR2.


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4 Aug 2023
This comment makes no sense, the launch line up was great....and it was also 10 months ago. In that time, it's had 10 exclusives, since when is 10 exclusives in 10 months bad??? By that logic, every console ever made sucks.

This is unrealistic and a terrible idea lmao, who the hell wants to play God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted, Horizon ZD/FW, etc in VR? The only game that it could maybe work with is TLOU, and that's a strong maybe.....but even then not really. Resident Evil games are much more linear than Sony 1st party games, and it feels like you're in a corridor a lot of the time, that's why VR works so well for them.

I agree, Astro needs to be ported, but this comment is asinine. "Capcom is doing more for PSVR2 than Sony"....Capcom released the same amount of PSVR2 exclusives this year as Sony did 😐 And who do you think paid for the development of those VR modes? 🤔 And who spent millions on RND to even bring you the headset? Cmon

Another asinine statement, if you think bleeding edge technology,10 exclusives in 10 months, and over 200 games isn't doing enough then nothing will ever be good enough for you. You either fell for the FUD and did no research on your own, or are actively participating in the spreading of FUD.

They already are putting their back into it, they bought a VR dedicated studio and are funding a bunch of 3rd party exclusives. Of course they could do more, but VR's sales don't justify that type of an investment yet. The gaas pivot was very stupid but at least GAAS has proven potential, the PSVR1 only sold 6m and PSVR2 will be lucky to sell 10m.

You're obviously a bit too emotional about defending PSVR2 against opinions different than yours. I get that you like it, but shooting at all the messengers stating the obvious isn't going to magically make the PSVR2 a more appealing platform to the general audience (or even the VR audience that is right now preferring the Meta Quest 3 by far).

The 10 exclusives the PSVR2 had at launch could even be 100 if all of them except for Call of the Mountain are indies for niche markets. The Vita had even more games, and at some point it was the platform of choice for japanese visual novel games. That didn't make it a successful platform either.

3rd person action games do work pretty great on VR as we saw with Hellblade's VR mode.

As for sales, given the way things are going I'm not sure PSVR2 is going to outsell PSVR1. Looking at all the people selling theirs, I bet the software attachment ratio is a lot lower too.


8 May 2023
You're obviously a bit too emotional about defending PSVR2 against opinions different than yours. I get that you like it, but shooting at all the messengers stating the obvious isn't going to magically make the PSVR2 a more appealing platform to the general audience (or even the VR audience that is right now preferring the Meta Quest 3 by far).

The 10 exclusives the PSVR2 had at launch could even be 100 if all of them except for Call of the Mountain are indies for niche markets. The Vita had even more games, and at some point it was the platform of choice for japanese visual novel games. That didn't make it a successful platform either.

3rd person action games do work pretty great on VR as we saw with Hellblade's VR mode.

As for sales, given the way things are going I'm not sure PSVR2 is going to outsell PSVR1. Looking at all the people selling theirs, I bet the software attachment ratio is a lot lower too.
The only emotional person here is you, everything I said is grounded in facts and reality. You said "Capcom is doing more than Sony", yeah that's an objectively emotional and goofy statement from someone who clearly doesn't know the facts and just spouts off whatever they heard from other ignorant people.
The 10 exclusives the PSVR2 had at launch could even be 100 if all of them except for Call of the Mountain are indies for niche markets. The Vita had even more games, and at some point it was the platform of choice for japanese visual novel games. That didn't make it a successful platform either.

3rd person action games do work pretty great on VR as we saw with Hellblade's VR mode.
Hellblade was hardly an action game, and you're really going to compare a super linear, 5 hour game with mediocre combat to any of Sony's 1st party games? 🤦‍♂️ You're clearly lost. "3rd person action" describes thousands of games....and only about 1% of them would actually translate well into VR.

And trying to downplay the 10 exclusives when 4 out of 5 of them were GOTY nominees is crazy! Digital Foundry's VR GOTY was also a PSVR2 exclusive, that wasn't even part of the TGA GOTY list. So trying to downplay them as crappy little niche games shows you have no idea what you're talking about, repeating FUD, and responding emotionally.

As for sales, given the way things are going I'm not sure PSVR2 is going to outsell PSVR1. Looking at all the people selling theirs, I bet the software attachment ratio is a lot lower too.
Another ignorant statement, you're on a roll today. Since the last sales update, PSVR2 was outpacing PSVR1. And thats with a much higher price tag and only being available on PlayStation Direct. "Look at all the people selling theirs", more anecdotal bullcrap, and I'm the emotional one 😂 Take your L and stop spreading FUD


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4 Aug 2023
The only emotional person here is you, everything I said is grounded in facts and reality. You said "Capcom is doing more than Sony", yeah that's an objectively emotional and goofy statement from someone who clearly doesn't know the facts and just spouts off whatever they heard from other ignorant people.

Hellblade was hardly an action game, and you're really going to compare a super linear, 5 hour game with mediocre combat to any of Sony's 1st party games? 🤦‍♂️ You're clearly lost. "3rd person action" describes thousands of games....and only about 1% of them would actually translate well into VR.

And trying to downplay the 10 exclusives when 4 out of 5 of them were GOTY nominees is crazy! Digital Foundry's VR GOTY was also a PSVR2 exclusive, that wasn't even part of the TGA GOTY list. So trying to downplay them as crappy little niche games shows you have no idea what you're talking about, repeating FUD, and responding emotionally.

Another ignorant statement, you're on a roll today. Since the last sales update, PSVR2 was outpacing PSVR1. And thats with a much higher price tag and only being available on PlayStation Direct. "Look at all the people selling theirs", more anecdotal bullcrap, and I'm the emotional one 😂 Take your L and stop spreading FUD
Dude you're completely unhinged.

Imagine getting this worked up over a peripheral for a videogame console.
You should go outside and breathe some fresh air.


8 May 2023
Dude you're completely unhinged.

Imagine getting this worked up over a peripheral for a videogame console.
You should go outside and breathe some fresh air.
😂😂 You were decimated with facts and you had 2 options.

Option 1. Respond with your own proper argument backed by facts, which we know is impossible because you're objectively wrong. Which only leaves you with option 2

Option 2. Apologize and admit you were wrong

Instead you chose to attack the person that schooled you and tried to gaslight them into thinking they were crazy. Your credibility is in the gutter forever now.


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
PSVR studio shutting down and giving the industry's lack of support as motive. Further proof on how Sony pulled the rug on PSVR2.

😂😂 You were decimated with facts and you had 2 options.

Option 1. Respond with your own proper argument backed by facts, which we know is impossible because you're objectively wrong. Which only leaves you with option 2

Option 2. Apologize and admit you were wrong

Instead you chose to attack the person that schooled you and tried to gaslight them into thinking they were crazy. Your credibility is in the gutter forever now.
Sorry, I was wrong. To attempt reasoning with someone who argues like the satirical description of a 4chan user living in his mom's basement.

It definitely won't happen again.


8 May 2023
PSVR studio shutting down and giving the industry's lack of support as motive. Further proof on how Sony pulled the rug on PSVR2.
Your ignorance is showing, again. Why even bother talking if everything you type is a lie or something incredibly stupid, or both?


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
VR2 is already dead. They did it quietly. More and more cancellations are coming. Will they officially end it? Probably not to keep features in few games that aren’t on-rail tech demo trash etc. It’s a massive waste of development resources for a product that failed on arrival.

It’s a flop. No question about it. They’re not gonna report units anytime soon. No one is buying it or cares.

I got no problem saying it. VR is a gimmick still. Worth the tech investment and r and d but nowhere near ready for commercial product launches. Why? The stupid fucking helmet. Maybe in 10-20 years.
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