I'm Sorry But we Really Need a Playstation Showcase Now more than Ever!

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
You know what buddy, it's clear we have different point of views and I've had to deal with stupid people a lot already in my life to know when it doesn't make any sense to continue arguing.
Let's end it here, I prefer to continue enjoying my vacation.

The irony...


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
Playstation studios have had 4 to 5 years to cook, they have had more than enough time to get something ready. There is no excuse to blue ball us this time.

We need more than that, what have Naughty Dog,Bluepoint and Bend been working on all this time?

Honestly forgot they even existed, Concord is supposedly coming out this year? Did Sony forget that they have to actually market this game...

Bluepoint was a support studio on Ragnarök, and Is still a support studio for one of the big 6 (ND, bend, etc.)

Naughty Dog got its game cancelled so they are probably not going to show anything.

I'm expecting Team Asobi, and Sucker Punch to make announcements this year.

Further more I'd like to see how Until Dawn enhanced is coming along, and Concord & Fairgame gameplay.