[Innacurate, unreliable source] AndroidCentral: Sony is making deep cuts to the PSVR2 Division

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

Until now, the PSVR 2 has been a pretty darn good VR headset. Well over 200 games are currently available, with several impressive releases like Horizon Call of the Mountain, Gran Turismo 7, and the duo of Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 Remake. However, the headset now has an insurmountable problem: Sony no longer cares about it.

Sources close to Android Central have revealed that Sony is making deep cuts to funding for VR games. While I'll paraphrase for anonymity, my source was told that there will be very few opportunities for VR game development at Sony going forward.

To back that up, another source informed me that only two PSVR 2 games are in development at Sony. Given the state of the games industry with constant layoffs and studio closings, I don't exactly feel confident that even these games will ever see the light of day if Sony continues on its current trajectory.

via Android Central
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8 May 2023
Androidcentral...sister site of Windowscentral 😑 nothing but FUD.

I told everyone that PSVR2 flopped
PSVR2 was never a flop, Sony just fell for the FUD from people who hate them, like they always do, and gave up on it before it even started. It's only been out a little over a year, and the 1st year of support was objectively amazing. But now Totoki and Hulst hate everything unique about PlayStation and are throwing it to the wayside.

I'm not surprised that Sony fell for the FUD but I was surprised by how many PlayStation "fans" did. It never made any sense why PSVR2 received so much hate since it came out.


8 May 2023
Sony brought It upon themselves. PSVR2 could have sold way better, but they screwed It up.
Totoki and Hulst logic - Xbox isn't doing VR, so we shouldn't either. It's too unique, immersive, enjoyable and adds too much value for PS5 owners, so let's get rid of it ASAP.
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27 Jun 2023
Sony brought It upon themselves. PSVR2 could have sold way better, but they screwed It up.
Idk what they expected they made a piece of hardware to play games but didn’t have exclusive games & the exclusive games from 3rd party like that one R6 seige type game was a disaster. What was the plan release PSVR2 with no games & hope people buy it?

PS didn’t even need to make full VR games the VR modes in GT7 & RE4 show how successful they both can be & they likely took less budget.

Instead of PS focusing on its platform it focus on PC/Steam & Nintendo. Steam didn’t even release Half life Alyx yet PS releasing its tenpole singleplayer games to PC/Steam lol.
Instead of using Nixxes to introduce VR modes for PS games there busy with other shit that is diminishing the PS platform.

They should’ve partner or bought nDreams who made great VR games & VR modes. And gave them TLOU 1 & TLOU2 & introduced VR modes for both you can even sell it for $10. VR mode for Death Stranding 2 & GOT 2 even Returnal could’ve got a VR mode which would’ve been sick. Returnal on PC has a VR mode lmao ultimately PS focusing on PC & putting its games on PC killed PSVR2 why buy a PS5 or a PSVR2 when you can wait for it to get ported & get the definitive version + include VR mods + not having to spend $500 twice for both hardware

Aswell PS took the traditional console route w VR by having only a premium version for $550 while Quest had a premium that’s like $500 & a much cheaper entry for casuals that cost $300. I don’t think people who are in VR actually care about visual quality they just want a low entry to experience it even if it’s not the best. PS should’ve have a PSVR2 premium $550 & PSVR2 lower entry $300
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27 Jun 2023
I'm not surprised that Sony fell for the FUD but I was surprised by how many PlayStation "fans" did. It never made any sense why PSVR2 received so much hate since it came out.
What’s funny is most people replying on Reddit are saying how it should’ve launch on PC day 1. While I’m not opposed of PC support day 1 no backwards compatible w PSVR1 + no low entry model + no exclusive games from PS ip whether licensed to 3rd party or even VR modes for singleplayer games like DS2 VR mode, GOT2 VR mode, TLOU1&2 VR mode, Returnal VR mode should’ve been all things PS should’ve done.

Meta is loosing money in VR games but there certainly building up a platform w a hardcore VR community which will likely be 1 way people play games & experience media once VR gets to the size of glasses/goggles

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Sony brought It upon themselves. PSVR2 could have sold way better, but they screwed It up.
I dunno. I bought it. Was pretty impressed by it. Then I returned it.


I just don't want to play games that way. It's also easy to get motion sick when playing first person games, which a lot of them seem to be because of the format of the thing. So yeah, looking like you are in the actual game is really cool. I also don't want to wear a headset, don't want to feel nauseous and don't want to feel like I'm isolating myself from the real world and others while playing. It's just an inherent limitation of the devices.

Every single VR headset seems to have this trajectory. Really cool tech. Not really solving a real problem.


8 May 2023
VR tech isn't there yet. 20 more years.
And how do you think it gets there? Magic? They need to stick with it and constantly improve like they did with the PS1 -> PS2 -> PS3 -> PS4.

What’s funny is most people replying on Reddit are saying how it should’ve launch on PC day 1. While I’m not opposed of PC support day 1 no backwards compatible w PSVR1 + no low entry model + no exclusive games from PS ip whether licensed to 3rd party or even VR modes for singleplayer games like DS2 VR mode, GOT2 VR mode, TLOU1&2 VR mode, Returnal VR mode should’ve been all things PS should’ve done.

Meta is loosing money in VR games but there certainly building up a platform w a hardcore VR community which will likely be 1 way people play games & experience media once VR gets to the size of glasses/goggles
PSVR2 has been hit with non stop FUD since day 1, even the biggest PS people like Greg Miller from KindaFunny were trying to label it a flop a few weeks after it came out. People were begging for PC support since day 1, like how is that going to help PS5 owners? PSVR2 was being sold at a loss but people wanted them to put it on PC anyway, where Sony made no money. That was always the biggest talking point surrounding PSVR2 and why it received so much hate, but it never made sense in the first place. Stuff like that is why I hate the gaming community and why I hate Sony for falling for it.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
And how do you think it gets there? Magic? They need to stick with it and constantly improve like they did with the PS1 -> PS2 -> PS3 -> PS4.

PSVR2 has been hit with non stop FUD since day 1, even the biggest PS people like Greg Miller from KindaFunny were trying to label it a flop a few weeks after it came out. People were begging for PC support since day 1, like how is that going to help PS5 owners? PSVR2 was being sold at a loss but people wanted them to put it on PC anyway, where Sony made no money. That was always the biggest talking point surrounding PSVR2 and why it received so much hate, but it never made sense in the first place. Stuff like that is why I hate the gaming community and why I hate Sony for falling for it.
"How is that going to help PS5 owners?" You know, for every truly successful accessory that helps a platform and its owners, there's two that at best end up net neutral and ten or more that actually hurt the seller, buyer or both. Splitting the market with optional add-ons is pretty much never the way.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Androidcentral...sister site of Windowscentral 😑 nothing but FUD.

PSVR2 was never a flop, Sony just fell for the FUD from people who hate them, like they always do, and gave up on it before it even started. It's only been out a little over a year, and the 1st year of support was objectively amazing. But now Totoki and Hulst hate everything unique about PlayStation and are throwing it to the wayside.

I'm not surprised that Sony fell for the FUD but I was surprised by how many PlayStation "fans" did. It never made any sense why PSVR2 received so much hate since it came out.
PSVR2 FLOPPED... What will it take for you to admit it 🤣.
  • they're_right_you_know
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Androidcentral...sister site of Windowscentral 😑 nothing but FUD.

PSVR2 was never a flop, Sony just fell for the FUD from people who hate them, like they always do, and gave up on it before it even started. It's only been out a little over a year, and the 1st year of support was objectively amazing. But now Totoki and Hulst hate everything unique about PlayStation and are throwing it to the wayside.

I'm not surprised that Sony fell for the FUD but I was surprised by how many PlayStation "fans" did. It never made any sense why PSVR2 received so much hate since it came out.

No offence to VR fans, but it's never going to catch on to the mainstream not until it becomes cheap and as small as google glasses at least which won't happen for at least another 10 - 15 years.

PSVR2 loke the first PSVR was never ever going to become huge, it's just been a gigantic waste of time and money


Well-known member
12 Apr 2023
Sony doesn't have a "PSVR2 division" so this rumor doesn't even make sense.

They would just have game studios that make games in VR and I highly doubt anyone would know what every Sony studio is working on to know that there's only 2 games in development... as these games wouldn't be made by some fictional "PSVR2 division" to begin with.

And looking at the author he seems to just be shitting on PSVR2 nonstop for weeks and has been pushing people to buy the Quest 3.

Doesn't seem like a reliable person at all

Edit: yeah the author is a massive platform warrior on Twitter and loves to tell people he doesn't like Sony and he doesn't touch his PS5
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8 May 2023
PSVR2 FLOPPED... What will it take for you to admit it 🤣.
They should shutdown the entire thing and refund everyone who bought that dead weight piece of tech..
You still acting like PSVR2 slept with your mom? 😑 I thought you'd finally move on from me destroying you in that debate months ago, let it go bro.

No offence to VR fans, but it's never going to catch on to the mainstream not until it becomes cheap and as small as google glasses at least which won't happen for at least another 10 - 15 years.

PSVR2 loke the first PSVR was never ever going to become huge, it's just been a gigantic waste of time and money
That's literally how all technology starts, expensive and cumbersome, but improve over time and get cheaper, computers, cellphones, consoles, tv's, hell even cars. VR will get there too, but not overnight, you have to take what works and constantly improve upon it, and look at what doesn't work and learn from that as well. So Sony/Meta/Valve/HTC shouldn't give up on VR, especially not Sony since they have the most expertise in both tech and gaming. Relatively speaking, VR is still in it's infancy and look how amazing it already is, imagine 20 years from now.

Everyone wants Ready Player One VR while simultaneously hating on VR and trying to dismiss it as a gimmick. How else are we going to reach that point if everyone gives up on it immediately?



27 Feb 2024
I don't know why people expect VR modes for the Sony AAA games, they can't make the single player games itself in 5 yrs tacking on a VR mode would be too much for the soy American devs. Expecting the devs in 2024 to work a few extra hours every week results in a hit piece from the friendly neighbourhood cucktaku and you people expect VR modes LMAO.

The people in video game industry get paid way too much for the work ethic they have, there is no concept of deadlines and scope creep is a disease that these idiots let fester on nearly every fucking game. The project managers are not worth the paper their degree is printed on, how they allow the creatives to drag on these shitshows for 4+ is honestly perplexing


8 May 2023
I don't know why people expect VR modes for the Sony AAA games, they can't make the single player games itself in 5 yrs tacking on a VR mode would be too much for the soy American devs. Expecting the devs in 2024 to work a few extra hours every week results in a hit piece from the friendly neighbourhood cucktaku and you people expect VR modes LMAO.

The people in video game industry get paid way too much for the work ethic they have, there is no concept of deadlines and scope creep is a disease that these idiots let fester on nearly every fucking game. The project managers are not worth the paper their degree is printed on, how they allow the creatives to drag on these shitshows for 4+ is honestly perplexing
Pure facts, and I don't even think tacked on VR modes is a good idea. People bring up VR mods on PC and 95% of them are awful experiences, Returnal VR included. It slows the games pace to a crawl and completely removes the fun intense bullet hell factor. Games like God of War and TLOU make even less sense in VR.... RE4/RE8 are linear games in corridors and small arenas, so they're the perfect fit for VR.

Expecting the devs in 2024 to work a few extra hours every week results in a hit piece from the friendly neighbourhood cucktaku and you people expect VR modes LMAO.
Hard to believe Naughty Dog used to add in multiplayer modes for their games and now that's even too much to ask from them 😐


21 Jun 2022
The article is full of shit:
  • Sony never had a "PSVR2 division"
  • Sony London wasn't working in a VR game
  • Firesprite wasn't working in a VR game
  • The Insomniac hack featured documents from 2020, 2021, 2022 or early 2023. These guys may have not found VR games mentioned there, but Sony obviously was working on multiple VR games they published
  • Insomniac made VR games for Oculus yes, but many years ago before they were acquired by Sony and before they became super successful with Spider-Man
  • The article complains that Sony shown Astro Bot in the state of play but it wasn't for VR, and ignores Sony also announced cool VR games at the event