Insane stat! Out of every PS4 & PS5 game sold in the last quarter, 11.9% were 1st party games. Seems exclusives do matter;) Playstation exclusives do!

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21 Jun 2022
This is the related recent data for Sony, % of PS full game sales that are from 1st party:
FY21 Q1 16.51%
FY21 Q2 9.95%
FY21 Q3 12.19%
FY21 Q4 20.57%
FY21 14.49%
FY22 Q1 13.59%


Before Nintendo updates their numbers adding sales from April-June 2022:
Combined sales of top 10 best selling Nintendo games for Switch: 247.51M (I don't remember where can I check all 1st party games, not only the top 10)
Total game sales for Switch: 822.18M (having 107.65M consoles sold, this is 7.64 games sold per console)
So the 10 top selling Nintendo games sold 30.1% of the total Switch sales.

Adding the non top 10 Nintendo games the % of 1st party sales must be higher than this 30%, so at least 2 or 3 of these 7.6 games sold per Switch console are Nintendo published games 5 or less games are 3rd party.

Until March PS4 and PS5 had 136.3M consoles sold combined, and 1719.2M games sold for them combined. This is 12.6 games sold per console. I count them combined because both consoles and their games continue being sold and because their game sales are only shown combined since the PS5 release. I have no idea % of the PS4+PS5 game sales that are 1st party since PS4 launch, but let's assume it's that 14% of the previous quarter and previous FY. It would mean that on average there are almost eleven 3rd party games sold per PS4/PS5 console.

There are way more games sold for PlayStation, way more games sold per console on PS, and the percent of game sales that are 3rd party is way higher on PS. So if you're a 3rd party who has to choose one of the two, whould choose Switch or PS? This explains the difference of 3rd party support outside the moneyhatted exclusives and ports.

Regarding Xbox, they must be so proud of their game sales for Xbox, particularly the first party game sales. For sure, they must be dominatitng gaming almost in a monopoly according to some who think that regulators may stop them from acquiring someone. Because they share these sales frequently like in this source, in this other source or on this other one.

Atleast Sony and MS have both lost Japan now 😂

These retail Japanese game sales ranking aren't representative of the Japanese market, and even less of the worldwide console market:

79% of game sales in PS are have been digital, and many games aren't released in physical. Some of them only have physical version in the west. Japan also represents a small percent of the worldwide sales. These rankings don't cover digital sales plus hundreds of other physical games being sold in Japan aren't in the chart.

When also counting digital, worldwide there are way more games sold for PS4 than for Switch, there are way more games sold per console for PS4 than for Switch, users spend more money on games/buys more games per console on PS5 than in PS4, so than in Switch too.

Basically all Japanese 3rd party companies support PS, and mostly all the known ones have at least a PS4 console exclusive and in some cases already a PS5 one too.
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Exclusives definitely matter as that's the reason why I own an Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.

First Party Exclusives thus far for me -

- Marvel's Spider Man: Miles Morales (9.0/10, disc)
- Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart (9.0/10, disc)
- Horizon Forbidden West (9.0/10, digital)

Third Party Exclusives thus far for me -

- Final Fantasy VII Remake (9.0/10, digital/upgrade)
- Kena: Bridge of Spirits (8.5/10, digital)

Upcoming -

- Sword and Fairy: Together Forever (digital)
- God of War Ragnarok (disc)

Also digitally purchased FIST: Forged in Shadow Torch but dropped it as im not into metroidvania games anymore and Returnal which I also dropped after four hours. Love Housemarque, the combat/gameplay and sci-fi setting of Returnal but my God, I wish it was a straightforward game or at the very least like Alienation where if you die, you start the map that you're on over but keep all the loot that you acquired before death. On the positive side, Returnal was the first and last roguelike game that im going to be playing this generation. lol.


21 Jun 2022
Sony sold 20.9 millions first-party games in 2022. Almost 21 millions in 6 months 😲 That's more impressive to me instead of this q4/q1 percentages shit. Most of it is Horizon and GT7 so I think the sales were good.
Im new here, but im guessing by this thread and how some people conduct themselves, that you can say whatever you want here?
What's wrong with the thread? You prefer player numbers instead of sales?
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
I still legit don't know if this is a parody or not.
Is your existence a parody? Because you're a widely disgraced xbot who gets clowned on by everyone!!!!

Also, what makes this even more impressive!

Horizon and GT7 are the only 2 Playstation exclusives accounting for this 12%, and yet they released 2 quarters ago

So that's even more insane

Horizon & GT7 made up for 12% of all games sales in this quarter based on their legs alone

When Ragnorak releases I expect Playstation exclusives to account for 90% of all games sales that quarter, especially with Horizon and GT7 continuing to have insane legs

Where's your Halo & Forza slop? Not even top 30 in sales charts amd already dead online! How come your corporate microsoft overlords don't give out the numbers! Oh thats right, because they are terrible

xbots seem to be allergic to context and facts
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11 Jul 2022
Sony sold 20.9 millions first-party games in 2022. Almost 21 millions in 6 months 😲 That's more impressive to me instead of this q4/q1 percentages shit. Most of it is Horizon and GT7 so I think the sales were good.

What's wrong with the thread? You prefer player numbers instead of sales?
Exactly my brother. You know your stuff. And you're spot on

When I saw that tweet I was blown away by the numbers. But that's because I'm viewing those numbers in proper context and through a proper lens

it's crazy how xbots just don't know how to percieve context

I mean, in just 1 quarter alone, 2 Playstation exclusives (Horizon & GT7) which came out 2 quarters ago, made up for 12% all game sales in this current quarter? That's fucking insane bro. It shows the juggernaut legs of Playstation exclusives.

and by the way, it also let's us concretely know how much Horizon & GT7 sold in 1 quarter , just divide 6.9mill by 2. Each have sold 3million in 1 quarter. Thats gangbusters

BUT like I also said to the xbot @DynamiteCop

"So yeah, even without this 1 impressive stat, I can show you a thousand different other ways how Playstation exclusives do sell systems - and are selling systems, according to the cold hard facts and numbers, and NOT according to unfinformed opinions"

So yeah, take away all the context and everything, there's a million other ways to talk about how impressive Playstation exclusive sales are

Just like you brought up, and its a beautiful stat

In 2022 so far, Playstation exclusives have sold 21million

How many games have xbox exclusives sold in 2022 lmao @Bernd Lauert ? I bet it's not even more than 5 million in total lmao

"But but player counts" - which micorsoft moved the goalposts to because of terrible sales!
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
So the 10 top selling Nintendo games sold 30.1% of the total Switch sales.
And there it is💥💥💥💥

But according to @Bernd Lauert , who's an xbot who only hides behind Nintendo when it suites him (xbox ain't even worth getting behind for him) - according to him, Nintendo exclusives make up 80% of all game sales on Switch lmao

Suprise, surprise an xbot was spewing off false numbers

See, when you actually look at the stats across the industry, Playstation exclusives are doing exceptional. That 12% in 1 quarter doesn't look so bad now compared to Nintendo's 30% now. Especially when you factor in zero 3rd party competition on Nintendo. And additionally, Playstation exclusives have sold 21million in 2022 so far.

Playstation exclusives are certainly the premier must buy games of the industry, just like Nintendo exclusives are, when you take all proper contexts into account - and Playstation exclusives are certainly growing and getting there in terms of flat out, out of context, percentages too

You know, Yurinka, we have had our disagreements, but you're a good fucking poster who's very informative and thorough if nothing else!

No hard feelings bro. Keep on keeping on brother👊Beautiful factual post
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
FY21 Q4 20.57%
So Nintendo exclusives have been 30% of all game sales on Switch. And yet Playstation exclusives in quarter 4 reached 20% of all game sales on Playstation. Look at that! Its much closer then some like to pretend. Playstation exclusives go toe to toe with Nintendo exclusives despite having way more 3rd party competition. That's insane and really shows the power of Playstation exclusives. Funny how @DynamiteCop @Bernd Lauert are ignoring your post like the plauge, and now they are silent lol

Bro, imagine how big the numbers are going to be for Playstation exclusives when Ragnorak drops?!?! Goodness!

Horizon & GT7 released a long time ago. Those 2 Playstation exclusives accounting for near 14% of all game sales in 1 quarter was based off nothing more then their LEGS. The proper context really makes it more impressive

But yeah, when Ragnorak drops, and with PS5 ramping up production significantly by than, Playstation is going to be putting up insane record breaking numbers for the end of the year


8 Jul 2022
Sony is pretty much the most productive and consistent AAA publisher out there.

Also, look at the microsoft shill FUD thread on resetera

The title of the thread on resetera is that Sony is down 37% in PROFITS

Yet Sony is only actually down 2% in revenue

xbox was down by 11% in revenue which is actaully terrible

And again with microsoft being terrified to ever give actual numbers the percentages microsoft gives mean nothing without context

For example, Sony's revenue is 25billion, while microsoft's revenue is 12billion etc

If we compare by profit, xbox would be down in profits by way more than 37%

xbox doesn't even make profit lol

While Sony made lots of profit. Its just down because they made more profit last time and have more expenses this time than last time (aquistions and PSVR2 etc)

Again, percentages mean nothing without the numbers for context

Microsoft hides all their shit and spins everything with pure deception and dishonesty because in reality they aren't doing as good as they like to propagate

"Their comeback" FUD narrative is a lie

Anyways, you never saw the thread on resetera about microsoft's quartely report, with the title, "down in revenue by 11%" in the title

And you don't see "down by 2% in revenue" in Sony's title

No, instead, it's something completely different to try and make it seem like Sony is doing bad and microsoft "doing better"

It really is insane!!

Resetera cough cough windows central, is literally a mental asylum where those xbot whackos are running around preaching their alternate realities, while wholey consuming each others filth being spewed, within their little safe space xbox echo chamber (neogaf is the same)

It's beyond insane. Resetera needs to have what little relevance it has left completely taken away
To be down on profit first Xbox would actually have to show some profits.

Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
You need to respond with arguments and data to make your points. Constantly trying to rely on derision and mocking doesn't fly here. Be a contributor and not part of a defense force.

BTW saying Nintendo is 80% first party sales is not a good argument. You could argue they rely COMPLETELY on first party and don't have a healthy ecosystem.

12% of a massive ecosystem could be argued to be strong. It's all context. But that's the point, try to make an argument. I don't have a horse in this race, because I just don't care.

But it's funny to come into this thread and see the same people going to war for their favorites (or is it employers?) while offering zero data or information to try and back up these dumbass gifs.
Look what I quoted when I posted that gif. What he said was so wrong that I certainly won't try to argue against it. If you don't see it then idk.

Btw, the dude is so antagonistic all the time that he doesn't really deserve to get a proper response, imo. Anyone who repeatedly and unironically uses words like "xbot" is a complete joke.


21 Jun 2022
Btw, the dude is so antagonistic all the time that he doesn't really deserve to get a proper response, imo. Anyone who repeatedly and unironically uses words like "xbot" is a complete joke.

Why? That term exists since before 2005. Get over it. You don't see anyone getting triggerred by Sony Pony.

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4 Jul 2022
Exclusives have always mattered. Exclusives have always been the main reason you bought a console. You prefer Nintendo exclusives, you bought Nintendo, you preferred Sony exclusives you bought Sony, You preferred MS exclusives you bought XBOX/PC. It's just that MS changed the narrative when their exclusives were only falling into the 40-69 Meta range for years and have been devoid of GOTY caliber games for millenia.
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