Insomniac Games hit by ransomware attack. Wolverine pics leaked as well as Spiderman info.

Lord Mittens

Community Cat
1 Jul 2022
How is this good? Ransomware attacks essentially block the person's/companies' access to their files. What this implies is that Insomniac, as we speak, have parts of their business that are stuck and cannot run any meaningful work.

Yup, this shit is crippling for them.
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Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
Wolverine look great

90s wolverine GIF
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28 Jun 2022
Needs own thread I would have never knew wolverine pics leaked via, that ransomware thread.


Insomniac Games has been hacked which includes the Wolverine video game as leaks have been released by the hackers.

A ransomware group named Rhysida – the same hackers behind a recent British Library hack – are demanding a ransom of $2 million payable within a week or they will release all the files they have stolen.

“With just 7 days on the clock, seize the opportunity to bid on exclusive, unique, and impressive data,” Rhysida said on its site it is auctioning off Insomniac’s documents for 50 bitcoin or $2 million. “Open your wallets and be ready to buy exclusive data. We sell only to one hand, no reselling, you will be the only owner!”

Sony has confirmed the hack and that they are investigating.

“We are aware of reports that Insomniac Games has been the victim of a cyber security attack. We are currently investigating this situation. We have no reason to believe that any other SIE or Sony divisions have been impacted,” said Sony in a statement to EuroGamer.

What was hacked?​

Via CyberDaily, the hack includes screenshots of the Wolverine video game, including character art that seems to relate to other Marvel characters that may be featured in the game.

Additional documents include passport scans that appear to belong to Insomniac employees including a former employee who now works at Disney, and documents belonging to a voice actor on the Marvel’s Spider-Man game. Internal emails and signed, confidential documents are also said to be a part of the hack.

The hackers, thought to be from Russia or the Commonwealth of Independent States, released the documents as part of the gang’s proof-of-hack data.

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Deleted member 223

Merge? Other thread made by main competition.

Will say, the game looks further along than I predicted.

Going for the TLOU, God of War camera angle aka up-close, third-person over-the-shoulder POV. So you know the combat will be up-close and personal, brutal and juicy.

I like the challenge that it presents for the devs because it requires a great animation pipeline to pull off as well as great camera work, on top of intuitive controls. Some gamers don't know what the fuck they're talking about if they think it's somehow easier - it's currently the hardest POV to pull, with the easiest one being First person view (where the character is completely hidden).

They could have gone cheap with a more distant third person POV aka less detail in everything but that is clearly not the case. Makes sense for spider-man where character mobility requires providing the player with a picture of the immediate environment but not so much here.

Excited in a way.
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Deleted member 223

No such thing as TLOU and GOW camera. It’s just a 3rd person perspective.

There is.... as they're the best and leading examples of how to execute up-close third person view, and how to handle the camera, and every dev out there will be looking at their games, and trying to mimic that work, then customizing as needed when going for that look.

You could say RE games were there first, but not to the mastery ND and SSM achieved - not even close. If anything, modern RE games with a third person view took more from TLOU. If the point is that the idea is not unique then you may as well say nothing.

That's like looking at Mirrors Edge, and not seeing how the camera work, animation and mechanics became a working model for other devs, say Dying Light.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
It's, as they're the best and leading examples of how to execute up-close third person view, and how to handle the camera, and every dev out there will be looking at their games, and trying to mimic that work, then customizing as needed when going for that look.

You could say RE games were there first, but not to the mastery ND and SSM achieved. If the point is that the idea is not unique then you may as well say nothing.

Word saled.

There’s nothing special about that camera view.


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
They do a successful ransomware attack on Insomniac and the best they can do is post two tiny screenshots?

There are the most incompetent successful hackers I've seen to date.

Deleted member 223

Word saled.

There’s nothing special about that camera view.
What's special is how it's executed, and the end-product.

You clearly don't get the point that is fine. Not required.


18 Nov 2023
They do a successful ransomware attack on Insomniac and the best they can do is post two tiny screenshots?

There are the most incompetent successful hackers I've seen to date.
Dont poke the bear. They said they have more and are waiting for payment from insomniac


9 Dec 2022
Nah. Hackers don’t go after Nintendo because Nintendo doesn’t play around with that shit. Nintendo goes heavy hard at people who dare.
Hackers ignore Nintendo because it’s a low tech company and most hackers are interested in valuable tech data they can sell. What are they going to steal from Nintendo? Garbage controller tech? Worst online tech in gaming? Obsolete storage tech? Microsoft, Sony, nvidia have important strategic value. They make tech that gets used for a lot more than video games and many hacker groups are state sponsored and they publicize “hey look at this video game stuff we stole” to hide what they were really after. Attack by hacking groups Igor instance linked to Russian intelligence agencies against western and western allied corporation and governments increased massively when the war in Ukraine started. Also North Korean and Chinese hacks single Sony out but could give a sht about Nintendo.