Jim Ryan On Gamepass: Microsoft has tried the first path and it did not work at all


21 Jun 2022
Jim Ryan spitting truth bombs! 🔥

Sony should release these statements more often and with more data. Create doubts among developers and publishers regarding Game Pass, so Microsoft finds it more difficulty to get Game Pass deals and acquire studios and pubishers.


14 Jul 2022
The problem is Xbox put all of their chip in for sub service making it their main course and hoping the rest of the industry would throw out the current traditional business model of selling games and instead join in with them. That's not what happening. The rest of the game industry has been treating sub services as a freaking side gig.

It also hasn't caught on with gamers overall. No matter how hard MS tries to appeal or coerce people over to Game Pass, some of us are not interested now and never will be. You can see that in stagnating sub numbers across the board and, in MS' case, even the purchase and exclusion of IPs from rival platforms has had a negligible impact.