Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


29 Jun 2022
Looking at Microsoft's appeal arguments,

1. They argue that the cloud isn't a separate market, which imo is a hard sell because even the EU thinks it is.

2. They argue that the CMA didn't take the 10 year deals that MS made into account. I'm pretty sure they did and just didn't think they were good enough. They also argue that the cma miscalculated MS marketshare in the cloud market. Even if that were true, I would argue that it's not enough to change the ruling given the other advantages they have in the market.

3. MS argues that it's wrong to assume ABK would have put it's games on cloud services without the merger. Wasn't there some internal documents that the cma found that says that ABK were planning to do that? Someone let me know.

4. MS argues that they would have no incentive to make ABK games exclusive to their cloud service and that even if they did, it wouldn't have an effect on the market. You could look at the massive popularity and revenue driven by COD yearly to show that isn't true.

5. MS argues that the CMA didn't consider their remedies and that blocking the deal was too harsh a response. CMA mentioned the remedies several times and found them lacking. Is it unlawful to not like the proposed remedies? I wouldn't guess so. CMA also suggested divestiture, but MS dismissed that suggestion.

The CAT does give those interested in the proceedings an opportunity to give input, so I imagine an army of shills and companies with financial incentive to push this deal will be shouting at the CAT about how they should overturn the cma soon.
Pretty weak arguments

Number 1 is a particularly poor argument. Every cloud market that has come into existence is distinct from what came before it. Netflix vs DVDs, Spotify vs CDs, cloud storage vs hard-drives etc
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Cool hand luke


16 Jul 2022
Pretty weak arguments

Number 1 is a particularly poor argument. Every cloud market that has come into existence is distinct from what came before it. Netflix vs DVDs, Spotify vs CDs, cloud storage vs hard-drives etc
They've desperately tried to use that argument to knock the entire SLC out for a while now.

Even the EU see it as a market. Yesterday vestegar said this.

Where we did have concerns was in cloud gaming - still a nascent market but one we expect to grow, because it offers many advantages for gamers. For one, it enables gamers to untie games from specific devices - that means more accessibility and lower cost. So cloud gaming deserved an in-depth assessment. This was a common concern because, like us, the CMA focused on this market.
  • thisistheway
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Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022
They've desperately tried to use that argument to knock the entire SLC out for a while now.

Even the EU see it as a market. Yesterday vestegar said this.
That's what was failed to be considered by Xbox fans with the EC accepting the case with behavioural changes. The EC acknowledged the cloud market was separate and that strengthened the CMA's case. There are now likely 2 other regulators that also recognise this. If I were MS, I'd be reading through the other approvals to see if other regulators recognised cloud gaming as a separate market. I know the CMA would be doing the same to support their argument that they didn't go off on a solo run.

The appeal is going through the motions and Xbox are hoping Bobby fucks up before July or by some miracle the ABK shareholders agree to a drawn out case for no additional money (lol, not a fucking chance). ABK shareholders will demand a higher buyout and if granted they will dump the fucking shares if it gets anywhere near quick profit for them.
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
For what its worth i saw Phil Spencer liked a senjetsu sage post on twitter if you want to know where his mental state is at the moment.

He's such an imbecile that he managed to misspell this:

  • haha
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28 Jun 2022
One of the reasons I dont like Xbox is that they encourage and signal boost the worst, most unhinged fanboys.
I just picture Phil laying a completely dark room, depressed wondering how the whole generation went wrong scrolling twitter.

"Ah tim dawg, his inarticulate, insane ramblings always brighten my day." Like tweet.

"Our paid for hire shill, Florian Mueller putting disinformation and keeping hope alive for my cult. I cant interact with anything he does, we need reasonable doubt."

"General MLD, he lies to the public 24/7 for us." Like Tweet

"Peter ovorro, Another unhinged cult fantatic true believer. I will reward him for his delusions." Like tweet

"Hmm senjitsu sage? Never heard of this one before. Wow...this guy is so unhinged and demented he makes all of our other paid for hire shills seem normal. I will now harness this deluded individual that clearly needs a mental evaluation for my needs." Like tweet.
24 Jun 2022
For what its worth i saw Phil Spencer liked a senjetsu sage post on twitter if you want to know where his mental state is at the moment.

I'm not even surprised. If you want to see why there are so many toxic fanboys, shills, and influencers in the Xbox circle, just look at the top. Phil Spencer is all for that type of energy, that's why so many words in that X-Cast interview rang hallow; it was just performative BS.

He's not the only one in Xbox upper management who condone that type of energy/behavior, but he's the most prominent name among them, obviously. You don't just "randomly" like a Senjutsu Sage post without being at least somewhat familiar with the insane crap he's saying all over his timeline about Xbox.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Lmao, where are all the high quality AAA made for Gamepass? I don't think there ever was even on in since it was created.
Halo's, like, player's choice of the year, like, brah./s

I have GP and Starfield is the first AAA game that has me intrigued on there. And we have no idea how that's gonna turn out.
  • haha
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Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022
One of the reasons I dont like Xbox is that they encourage and signal boost the worst, most unhinged fanboys.
The support they gave that disgusting cunt fanboy in Brazil shows they give zero fucks. The main Xbox fans signalboosted and rewarded by the higher ups at Xbox are irate hateful cunts who are 100% toxic.
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25 Mar 2023
Halo's, like, player's choice of the year, like, brah./s

I have GP and Starfield is the first AAA game that has me intrigued on there. And we have no idea how that's gonna turn out.
I have some idea based on what they showed so far.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Florian Mueller revealed to be posting under the handle of SoloKingRobert in page 1042 in neogaf.

Wild... but I think we all suspected that these people do astroturfing under many different identities...

Trying to push whatever they can to favor Microsoft. That's why despite the Xbox fanbase being much smaller in reality compared to the PS fanbase, they have a massive, massive representation online... proportionally so much bigger than PS or Nintendo. That's how you know something weird is 'up'.


Active member
10 Apr 2023
North Pole
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Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
  • Surprised
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


21 Jun 2022
Maybe he got that screenshot from somewhere else but I'm not surprised if it's him. DarkMage, Senjutsu, Adamsapple, SoloKing. All these account are astroturfers for Microsoft and GAF is a breeding ground for them.

Nobody normal has this kind of devotion for a soulless megacorp.

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