Most 2 overrated games you ever played


Well-known member
16 Jul 2022
Mention only 2 games

Game 1
Bioshock infinite

Okey let's say this game has one of the best stories in gaming ever and I loved the characters, but my goodness 😳 that gameplay and level design was TRASH. So repetitive, boring, dull. The abilities are useless and stupid. The shooting is basic, dumb and unsatisfing. Once you die you start from where you just finished, the enemies will not respawn all over again. 0 sense of responsibility. Your death has no value whatsoever. Just good world, story and characters. Everything else is trash. I can't belive this game got 9s left and rights. 5/10 on a good day.

Game 2
Red dead redemption

Oh boy oh boy... another game where they got everything right except the most important thing, which is the gameplay and the level design. this game is so frustrating and unfortunate. It's a gunslinging game, yet the only thing they can make right is the shooting, but nope... the shooting is so fucking TRASH. This game made me so frustrated the first time i played it. The shooting mechanics and controls are so buggy and disgusting. The shooting is so slow and that gun sway... omg just kill me now. It's just buggy and awful. looting takes forever. Another unfortunate case of realism gone wrong. There is 0 sense of progression in this game. The missions are so linear and there is 0 freedom how to finish them. There is only 1 way to beat the mission. The game will tell you exactly what to do, if you do anything else the game will be over. I couldn't believe it's considered one of the greatest games ever made... no it's not. 5/10 at best. Overrated garbage. Only idiots think this game is good
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Mention only 2 games

Game 1
Bioshock infinite

Okey let's say this game has one of the best stories in gaming ever and I loved the characters, but my goodness 😳 that gameplay and level design was TRASH. So repetitive, boring, dull. The abilities are useless and stupid. The shooting is basic, dumb and unsatisfing. Once you die you start from where you just finished, the enemies will not respawn all over again. 0 sense of responsibility. Your death has no value whatsoever. Just good world, story and characters. Everything else is trash. I can't belive this game got 9s left and rights. 5/10 on a good day.

Game 2
Red dead redemption

Oh boy oh boy... another game where they got everything right except the most important thing, which is the gameplay and the level design. this game is so frustrating and unfortunate. It's a gunslinging game, yet the only thing they can make right is the shooting, but nope... the shooting is so fucking TRASH. This game made me so frustrated the first time i played it. The shooting mechanics and controls are so buggy and disgusting. The shooting is so slow and that gun sway... omg just kill me now. It's just buggy and awful. looting takes forever. Another unfortunate case of realism gone wrong. There is 0 sense of progression in this game. The missions are so linear and there is 0 freedom how to finish them. There is only 1 way to beat the mission. The game will tell you exactly what to do, if you do anything else the game will be over. I couldn't believe it's considered one of the greatest games ever made... no it's not. 5/10 at best. Overrated garbage. Only idiots think this game is good
I 100% agree with that Bioshock game, it's one of the most laborious games I have ever played. 1 and 2 were excellent, then they made that monstrosity.

Red dead redemption was saved by some excellent characters namely Arthur, i found many of the systems a chore to work with.

My pick for the worst game is Control, a bland world with an even more bland character, the control system was decent, i have no idea how people rate it so highly.


28 Jun 2022
BOTW with its empty ass world, stupid ass shrines, mediocre bosses and weapon durability nonsense. I played it and dropped it, eventually I pushed myself to finish it just because. It was a 6/10 for me.

I agree about Read Dead 2. I couldn't even finish it due to the controls, gameplay and clunkiness.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
BOTW with its empty ass world, stupid ass shrines, mediocre bosses and weapon durability nonsense. I played it and dropped it, eventually I pushed myself to finish it just because. It was a 6/10 for me.


And Halo (the very first one). First mission was enough to see how bad it was. Never tried any of the sequels because of it.
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Hello there!
24 Jun 2022
I love the game, but the first Bioshock. There’s just such a disconnect between the 2007 hype and what that game is, which is a very, very basic shooter with some cool powers and boss enemies.

The game does excel at worldbuilding and story, with beautiful visuals to set it, which is why I love it, but I can’t ignore that the gameplay here is so… meh.

I also don’t get GTA after PS2. I feel like they’ve lost the pick-up-and-play fun and player freedom to some extent. The missions all feel so scripted, like there’s a director just out of sight and I have to hit my marks. Still really cool games, but I don’t understand why they’re still worldbeaters.


Active member
Witcher 3, the poor mans Skyrim lol Its soooo good, the NPCs are slow, robots that don't know you exist, so advance you can't have multiple classes...... REVOLUNARY /s



I as shocked at how much folks were trying to ignore Witcher 3's massive issues from people flying, missing faces, sound cutting off, the horse can cross the bridge glitch and worse yet, game save corruption yet had alllllll this energy and smoke for Assassin's Creed Unity.

AC Unity deserved that criticism, but in order for us to take that seriously, that same energy needs to be kept for Witcher 3's launch the following year as it makes me wonder how much did they really care about those issues if some fucking stickers and "free" dlc aka the rest of the game being updated cause it was rushed, was enough to make people try to defend such a horrid launch. The game today still has many of theses issues too.

Witcher 3 isn't the worst game ever, but folks need to stop trying to fucking pretend it isn't in the ball park of those Ubisoft games, I'd argue Ubisoft does it better as at least the game is playable and you can save.

Speaking of Ubisoft...


How the fuck did we go from Wind Waker, Twilight Princess.... to a Ubisoft clone with towers and newgrounds puzzles?

I remember everyone dogging on Ubisoft, telling us how the big open world is pointless without meaning annnnnnnd suddenly that goal post was moved big time when BoTW comes to copy that same design removing the standard dungeons and purposeful design that we expected.

If you want a open world with design where all the areas have purpose instead of bloat for the sake of it, God Of War 2018, that is the new Zelda in regards to that type of old school design and BOTW is pretty much looking to be a Ubisoft game lol
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Final Fantasy 7R takes the cake for me here. Game is middling, combat sucks — it’s a generic jrpg outclassed by Tales of Arise in every area that matters.


The Last of Us
Guardians of the Galaxy
Death Stranding
Uncharted (whole series)


16 Jul 2022
Resident evil 4 - didn't like the controls.
Guardians of the galaxy- it started off decent, but got tedious real fast.
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