Nintendo Direct


10 Jan 2023
It’s really hard to figure what you guys keeps arguing about on this forum sometimes lol
Honestly I think @Box just derails every thread by discrediting sony and PS fans at every corner. If he would tone down his weird obsession just a tad bit, discourse here would improve dramatically. idk why we can't just enjoy all the platform holders for what they are.

also, being a fan of a gaming platform doesn't make you a fanboy warrior, some of you should seriously think about how dumb you sound constantly arguing the logistics of an exclusive video game title.
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Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
They all had 3rd party games and remasters.

Nintendo had 4 first party bangers on display. New Mario & Luigi RPG, new top-down 2D Zelda game, new Mario Party that actually looks fully featured, and finally the Metroid Prime 4 reveal.

Ignoring all of that screams cope.
I didn’t ignore none of those. They look something straight from Apple Store. Metroid looks dated as expected


12 Jun 2023
Welp just got a newsletter email from Square Enix showing all the platforms that Romancing Saga 2 is coming to. Guess who got skipped again so much for blood money. Coming to Playstation, Steam and Switch.
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Well-known member
Icon Extra
8 May 2024
Honestly I think @Box just derails every thread by discrediting sony and PS fans at every corner. If he would tone down his weird obsession just a tad bit, discourse here would improve dramatically. idk why we can't just enjoy all the platform holders for what they are.

in @Box defense, in this E3 season many people are failling to see that sony is ALSO not putting good shows, and its funny to point this to them while they blindly hate on decent games just bc they arent being released by the blue side


31 Jan 2024
I didn’t ignore none of those. They look something straight from Apple Store. Metroid looks dated as expected
"Apple store"

sure... minus the shallow gameplay mechanics that incentivize in-app-purchases and uninspired art direction... and Metroid Prime 4 looks great for a Switch game. At least it looks to be running at a constant 60 FPS which is more important to me than bells and whistles.
  • haha
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26 Nov 2023
Honestly I think @Box just derails every thread by discrediting sony and PS fans at every corner. If he would tone down his weird obsession just a tad bit, discourse here would improve dramatically. idk why we can't just enjoy all the platform holders for what they are.

also, being a fan of a gaming platform doesn't make you a fanboy warrior some of you should seriously think about how dumb you sound constantly arguing the logistics of an exclusive video game title.

The tone of quite a few people is really damn weird like, some of the arguments that crop up I can’t make head or tales of lol It feels like a lot of the times people are t even discussing games anymore, like the games don’t even matter. It’s wild.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I didn’t ignore none of those. They look something straight from Apple Store. Metroid looks dated as expected
Yeah it sure was all app store up in there, what with the button prompts, single player offline games and stylized graphics.



10 Jan 2023
in @Box defense, in this E3 season many people are failling to see that sony is ALSO not putting good shows, and its funny to point this to them while they blindly hate on decent gamesjust bc they arent being released by the blue side
Yeah but on the flip side, it’s getting to a point where no actual discussion can happen without him coming in to say Sony sucks pc rules. At this point don’t you think many of us get it?
The tone of quite a few people is really damn weird like, some of the arguments that crop up I can’t make head or tales of lol It feels like a lot of the times people are t even discussing games anymore, like the games don’t even matter. It’s wild.
Same, when you deconstruct the conversations being had here, you realize people are arguing about literally nothing 🤣


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
More 20 and 3

Metroid Dread is the best selling Metroid game ever. This is most likely simply due to Switch being the platform it launched on.

I loved the prime games but they didnt sell gang buster numbers at all.

Before Dread, Super and Prime were the best selling games at like 1.5 million units. Dread did like 5 million in launch year.

I was gonna make fun of Nintendo for probably showing some remakes of a 20 or 30 year old game today… but I’d buy and sell a switch for a 3rd time if they were to remake super Metroid and it not look like an abomination.
Metroid dread only sold like 200,000 more than metroid prime 1 on gamecube which had less than 22 million consoles sold

Dread is at 3.04 million sold as if december 2022 while prime is at 2.84 million sold


31 Jan 2024
Seeing this brings tears to my eyes.

it's not like SE is going to turn around and greenlight Final Fantasy 17 with Gooch at the helm now or anything, but I suppose it's nice to see SE at least working with him in some capacity, even if it is to publish a new version of one of his games Apple originally bankrolled.

26 Nov 2023
it's not like SE is going to turn around and greenlight Final Fantasy 17 with Gooch at the helm now or anything, but I suppose it's nice to see SE at least working with him in some capacity, even if it is to publish a new version of one of his games Apple originally bankrolled.


lol yeah it def won’t be that, but it’s really nice to see them back together again. Also would give my left nut for LO2 😭


31 Jan 2024
Welp just got a newsletter email from Square Enix showing all the platforms that Romancing Saga 2 is coming to. Guess who got skipped again so much for blood money. Coming to Playstation, Steam and Switch.
holy shit lmao

to @anonpuffs 's point, perhaps they should consider finding a different screen that is also a Xbox
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Al Catone

Staff member
18 Jun 2024
Play nice now people

Cats Hugging GIF
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