PlayStation 6 Is Planned to Be the Most Powerful Console of Its Gen; Sony Only Considering AMD |UP| Will have handheld & AMD contracts signed.


28 Jun 2022

Sony is planning to make the PlayStation 6 the most powerful console of its generation and, as such, is not afraid to take as much time as needed to achieve this goal.

A new video shared by RedGaming Tech this week provides some updates not only on Sony's next-generation system but also on the PlayStation 5 Pro. While Sony has yet to announce its mid-generation refresh system, it seems more and more likely the console is indeed releasing, as third-party studios started receiving dev kits recently. While this isn't a confirmation that the system is coming 100%, as hardware is canceled all the time, the fact that dev kits are getting shipped out suggests that Sony is going through with its PlayStation 5 upgrade, which should be released later this year.

As for the PlayStation 6, the system has been in the works for around one year, and its specs, like CPU and RAM, haven't been finalized yet. Sony is talking with development studios as of now to tweak the system, which is almost assuredly going to be powered by AMD technology, as AMD is the only vendor Sony is considering, according to RedGaming Tech. This is somewhat new, as Sony was talking with multiple vendors, including NVIDIA, for the PlayStation 5, before settling on AMD.

While the system specifications have yet to be decided, Sony is set on making the PlayStation 6 the most powerful console of its generation and is thus ready to take things slowly, as the console's release window is said to be 2028. How this goal will be achieved remains unknown, but it is being said the Japanese company is tripling down on ray tracing and path tracing, the latter not universally supported due to its massive performance costs, machine learning and AI, especially in regards to NPCs' interactions to offer innovative and advanced gaming experiences.

Update 4/18

2 months ago, Moore's Law Is Dead revealed that Sony has signed a contract with AMD for the PS6 and for a handheld version of the console, as you can see in the video below, starting at minute 13:30

if Sony signed a contract for the PS6 and for this handheld at the same time like he's mentioning, this means that PS6 will be released with 2 SKUs day one, 1 less powerful SKU for handheld and 1 very powerful SKU for console, he even mentions that Sony can probably also sell a weaker console with the same specs as the handheld, cheaper, like Microsoft did this gen with the Series S, so you would have a PS6, PS6 Lite (less poweful console, same specs as handheld) and PS6 Handheld
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28 Jun 2022
I wonder if Sony deliberately is putting this out in the ether like “hey we know you’re unsure about Xbox but we’re definitely making a ps6 and it’s going to be powerful.” The timing is too good imo.


28 Jun 2022
I wonder if Sony deliberately is putting this out in the ether like “hey we know you’re unsure about Xbox but we’re definitely making a ps6 and it’s going to be powerful.” The timing is too good imo.
I wouldn't be surprised. These companies love to thruw shit out, deny it then see how the convo is progressing.


28 Jun 2022
Sony never target highest possible specs, they always try a reasonable balance between specs and cost.

I call BS on this.
Highest possible specs in regards to what? To an assigned budget? they surely do like they did with PS3 (obviously they went overboard and pulled back from tht philosophy) and 4. Of course they look for an equilibrium but thy aim to get the best thy can considering budget constraints and obviously trying to recoup profits as soon as possible.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Highest possible specs in regards to what? To an assigned budget? they surely do like they did with PS3 (obviously they went overboard and pulled back from tht philosophy) and 4. Of course they look for an equilibrium but thy aim to get the best thy can considering budget constraints and obviously trying to recoup profits as soon as possible.
Selling at 200$ loss is out of the question, let's put it like that
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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
Me either, thy annoy me more than anything and are just trying to make educated guesses.

Now, that is one of my favorite things when new-gen hardware is approaching. We can speculate and let our imaginations lose or try to be cautious about our predictions. In 2019, who would have thought we were about to get RT and an SSD with an innovative I/O subsystem on the PS5!


28 Jun 2022
Now, that is one of my favorite things when new-gen hardware is approaching. We can speculate and let our imaginations lose or try to be cautious about our predictions. In 2019, who would have thought we were about to get RT and an SSD with an innovative I/O subsystem on the PS5!
Definitely and the thing is wildly enough some of those crazy speculations come true and your like "WTF they were right" Love new gen speculation threads.
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26 Jun 2022
This is kind of useless at this point... I mean leak something meaningful about 1 year or a few months before release.


26 Jun 2022
Highest possible specs in regards to what? To an assigned budget? they surely do like they did with PS3 (obviously they went overboard and pulled back from tht philosophy) and 4. Of course they look for an equilibrium but thy aim to get the best thy can considering budget constraints and obviously trying to recoup profits as soon as possible.
The "best they can" is always assuming within budget, timeline, availability and whatever other restrictions they have.

Either way, if all we have coming next are the switch 2 and ps5 pro all they will need is a slight overclock of the machine and it will become the most powerful console ever!

I think that at this point they should update their consoles every few years and attach games to a minimum target (anything that has a switch or switch 2 version should still release on the base ps4, even in 2030).


8 Jan 2023

Sony is planning to make the PlayStation 6 the most powerful console of its generation and, as such, is not afraid to take as much time as needed to achieve this goal.

A new video shared by RedGaming Tech this week provides some updates not only on Sony's next-generation system but also on the PlayStation 5 Pro. While Sony has yet to announce its mid-generation refresh system, it seems more and more likely the console is indeed releasing, as third-party studios started receiving dev kits recently. While this isn't a confirmation that the system is coming 100%, as hardware is canceled all the time, the fact that dev kits are getting shipped out suggests that Sony is going through with its PlayStation 5 upgrade, which should be released later this year.

As for the PlayStation 6, the system has been in the works for around one year, and its specs, like CPU and RAM, haven't been finalized yet. Sony is talking with development studios as of now to tweak the system, which is almost assuredly going to be powered by AMD technology, as AMD is the only vendor Sony is considering, according to RedGaming Tech. This is somewhat new, as Sony was talking with multiple vendors, including NVIDIA, for the PlayStation 5, before settling on AMD.

While the system specifications have yet to be decided, Sony is set on making the PlayStation 6 the most powerful console of its generation and is thus ready to take things slowly, as the console's release window is said to be 2028. How this goal will be achieved remains unknown, but it is being said the Japanese company is tripling down on ray tracing and path tracing, the latter not universally supported due to its massive performance costs, machine learning and AI, especially in regards to NPCs' interactions to offer innovative and advanced gaming experiences.

Will we finally be playing in native 4K and 60fps?
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