Playstation accounted for roughly 40% of physical games sold in the US in 2023. Xbox less than 10%. Nintendo more than Half.

Lord Mittens

Community Cat
1 Jul 2022
Yeah Xbox isn't even in a position anymore to be considered competition.
Maybe don't spend so much money trying to poach the market to remain relevant and spend it on games that might have helped saved your brand. Fucking idiots.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Xbox best market. :LOL:

Since Xbox is quitting Sony will be able to capture a good chunk of those less than 10%.
It's all between Sony and Nintendo now. Sony needs to convince casuals to go PS over Nintendo.

So, hopefully they will forget the bad habits they learned from MS sooner rather than later.


22 Jun 2022
It's all between Sony and Nintendo now. Sony needs to convince casuals to go PS over Nintendo.

So, hopefully they will forget the bad habits they learned from MS sooner rather than later.

Agree about the casual audience.

Sony needs revive their old IPs like Ape Escape, Sly, Jak etc.

Also these games tend to be lower budget so lower risk.

Get third party developers to make these games initially.


28 Jun 2022
Agree about the casual audience.

Sony needs revive their old IPs like Ape Escape, Sly, Jak etc.

Also these games tend to be lower budget so lower risk.

Get third party developers to make these games initially.
Nintendo has their hard core fans and that isn't going to change. As mentioned before there are two Nintendo fans..

1) the ones that just want a Nintendo console and won't buy another no matter what bcus they want Smash, Zelda, Mario, etc.

2) The ones that buy Switch or Nintendo as complimentary to their main console like PS5. A great percentage of Switch owners own a PS5 I've posted data before backing that up

There is rarely a person tht chooses a Nintendo console over a Playstation they usually have both or won't look at another due to brand loyalty. Going after Nintendos market won't change much. Now handheld market is a diff story but thts difficult.
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