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21 Jun 2022
Well go on, share some places where Herman or Ryan have said there will not be any day and date PC releases in the future.
Some examples with quick Google searches:

"And to maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC. In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance. WE DON'T HAVE PLANS FOR DAY AND DATE [PC RELEASES], AND WE REMAIN 100% COMMITED TO DEDICATED HARDWARE."

"As Hulst looks into the future, he still sees Sony’s exclusives as a big part of it, so don’t expect core franchises to jump ship to Xbox Series X/S. However, there is a chance for SOME titles TO APPEAR ON PC SOMETIME LATER, like we saw with Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone. “The one exception to the rule, that was MLB The Show; I think what people have to realize is that it’s actually [MLB Advanced Media] that’s the publisher on Xbox, so it’s not us,” he explains. “I honestly can’t see us doing that with one of the platform-defining experiences that we're making at PlayStation Studios.
"Hulst says that while PlayStation games have had great success on PC, THE CONSOLE VERSIONS STILL ARE THE PRIORITY AND GAMES WILL HIT THERE FIRST. “Typically, there have been about two years between the release on our platform and the PC platform,” he says. “But you can rely on us to continue to create platform-defining exclusive content for PlayStation – that's part of the reason why we exist. It’s really important for us to squeeze the maximum out of the platform, to build showcases for the platform, and really let the audience see what these great features are contributing to the overall experience.”

Hulst: "I think it shows there’s an appetite from gamers outside the PlayStation ecosystem to experience the amazing portfolio of games that PlayStation fans have enjoyed FOR YEARS. " (note: PC ports get released years after the original release of these games) " But I want to emphasize that PlayStation will remain the best place to play our PlayStation Studios titles AT LAUNCH. But we do value PC gamers, and we’ll continue to look at the right times to launch each game. Bend Studio just released the PC version of Days Gone on May 18. So that’s about two years after the PS4 release."..."Releasing games on PC will not come ever at the expense of building an exciting lineup of great console games."

Hulst: "Nixxes will be a strong asset for everyone across PlayStation Studios, helping our teams focus on their most important goal, which is to create unique PlayStation content at the best possible quality.” (Note: Their main teams will focus on making games for PS, then later other people like Nixxes will port some of them to PC)

Ryan: "As you can see (through announcements like the one above), we plan to grow our game development capabilities even further and develop more exclusive titles for PlayStation owners to enjoy, and we're looking forward to doing that in the coming years. We are also happy with our efforts to bring our IP to PC, even though it is still in its early stages, and look forward to working with Nixxes to help with that." (note: they plan to increase the amount of PS exclusives they develop, not to decrease it by releasing them on PC day one. Their gamedevs won't make multiplatform games, they'll make them for PS and later people like Nixxes will port them to PC. Notice he also separates development of new games from PC porting as two different things/projects/business)

Ryan: "Particularly from the latter half of the PS4 cycle our studios made some wonderful, great games. There’s an opportunity to expose those great games to a wider audience and recognise the economics of game development, which are not always straightforward. The cost of making games goes up with each cycle, as the calibre of the IP has improved. Also, our ease of making it available to non-console owners has grown. So it’s a fairly straightforward decision for us to make." (note: he talks about bringing old games to a wider audience, not to release future games day one on PC)

Ryan: (no PS+PC / PS5+PC / PS4+PS5+PC releases listed in the graph)

There are more, like when they bought Bungie specifying that they will go multiplatform including PC and rival consoles with Bungie games but not with PS Studios, who will continue doing the same they do (to focus on making brand new games on PS, in the future to make mobile games too, and also porting to PC games originally released on PS years before).

Now show me a single one with them mentioning that PS Studios plan to release any future game on PC day one.
No one debunked you, because everyone was dunking on you. They're two different things.

I only see there a couple rude and toxic fanboys like you and Guilty_AI attacking me for the only reason that you don't like the factual data I provided, as usual insulting and trolling those who are not in your side of fanboy wars, while not being able to provide a decent and polite debate without attacking the other people and instead providing data and facts to back your views.

A proper mod would have banned (or minimum to have warned) you both for these posts to keep the forums clean of that.

The mod didn't close the thread with a "duplicate" or "already discussing elsewhere" message, it's a gif mocking the absurdity of the topic lol.
He told me via PM that the reason to close the thread was that "It could have been done in one of the many other threads we have on the same topic. Pick one."

And I did it, posted it later in a related thread.
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Deleted member 13

@Yurinka - I don't understand your defensiveness. The PC will get the best 1st party exclusives from Sony. That's what matters right? Spiderman, Horizon, God of War, TLOU, Uncharted, R&C, etc..

This "years" gap is annoying as you are misrepresenting when they decided to even port games to the PC. You also make it seem like the game loses it's luster when it's released to the PC and that's ridiculous. Spiderman and God of War are every bit as epic now on the PC as it was on the PS. Especially since there are enhancements made to the games to make them look and perform even better.

Deleted member 51

@Yurinka - I don't understand your defensiveness. The PC will get the best 1st party exclusives from Sony. That's what matters right? Spiderman, Horizon, God of War, TLOU, Uncharted, R&C, etc..

This "years" gap is annoying as you are misrepresenting when they decided to even port games to the PC. You also make it seem like the game loses it's luster when it's released to the PC and that's ridiculous. Spiderman and God of War are every bit as epic now on the PC as it was on the PS. Especially since there are enhancements made to the games to make them look and perform even better.
Well you do have some idiots calling these supposed "masterpieces", SCRAPS. And it happens as soon they come to PC. It's like the games suddenly sucks ass as soon as the announcement. Very strange behavior indeed.

Wish some of the warriors could just be happy that other people get to play the games in which they hold in such high regard. That way we can really judge them for ourselves if they really are good, or just scraps that should be left in the garbage.

Deleted member 13

Well you do have some idiots calling these supposed "masterpieces", SCRAPS. And it happens as soon they come to PC. It's like the games suddenly sucks ass as soon as the announcement. Very strange behavior indeed.
Yea, I don't get this. They are complete and utter mind-blowing games when released on the PS but as soon as they come to the PC or are announced coming to PC, the game is suddenly not important anymore. So it's only meaningful during the timeframe that it can only be played on the PS. After that, it's no longer viable.

Wish some of the warriors could just be happy that other people get to play the games in which they hold in such high regard. That way we can really judge them for ourselves if they really are good, or just scraps that should be left in the garbage.
Exactly. These games are complete classics and I'm able to see them in their best iteration and it's exciting to me at least. Just being able to play them in native 4k is already a huge upgrade as I can see all the details without going into photomode for bullshots.


21 Jun 2022
@Yurinka - I don't understand your defensiveness. The PC will get the best 1st party exclusives from Sony. That's what matters right? Spiderman, Horizon, God of War, TLOU, Uncharted, R&C, etc..

This "years" gap is annoying as you are misrepresenting when they decided to even port games to the PC. You also make it seem like the game loses it's luster when it's released to the PC and that's ridiculous. Spiderman and God of War are every bit as epic now on the PC as it was on the PS. Especially since there are enhancements made to the games to make them look and perform even better.
I don't care if Sony releases big or small, new or old games on PC. Or if they choose not to do it. I only highlight what Sony did and said, and mention that it doesn't make sense to build a narrative about day one games on PC when all what they did and said multitple times (some examples above) regarding their PC plans never included day one games on PC and specifically directly or indirectly they explained that their plan isn't day one PC port. It makes turns crazy to see people who doesn't accept their statements and actions and think that they are lying and have another secret conspiracy plan or something like that.

My personal opinion is that their current strategy will work them very well:

Their main focus is to grow all their internal teams and acquire new ones to have to increase their amount of 1st party PS exclusives, plus in addition to this to spend more than ever in 2nd and 3rd party exclusives chosing the titles very well. With the goal of (according to Ryan) making sure PS5 will end getting more exclusives than any previous console.

And as secondary support business to grow their revenue and profitability to add extra finantial stability to be more secure in case some super expensive AAA game tanks while providing cash for more acquisition and growth, while at the same time they grow their IPs and reach new fans: they release their next gen iteration of their game subs, VR platform and also expand in additional areas like FPS genre, MP/GaaS, PC, mobile and movies+tv shows.

Regarding PC they release a small portion of their PS games in PC, titles that were originally released on PS 2-10 years before the PC port, after it has been heavily discounted and included on their game sub, so any PS player remotely interested on it already got it before it goes to PC. So it doesn't affect the PS gamers because if you want to play the all the Sony games you'll need a PS console and if you want to play them day one too. The PC is port way cheaper to make compared to a brand new game and sell millions of copies at practically full price, meaning they are very profitable (with the $300M they plan to earn from PC this year alone they could fund a AAA game).

PC ports also help them reach and monetize players who never will buy a PS: people who live in countries where they don't buy consoles, or PC players who don't have any console or have a non PS console. That increases their fanbase, and a tiny portion of them (but still many people) will end buying a PS to play the Sony games day one or to be able the dozens of PS exclusive games that aren't and never will be available on PC.

Because they plan to release a few PC ports of old games per year, and that as I shown in the mentioned pixelcounted image, they plan to increase their amount of PC ports of previous games but also the amount of brand new games for PS, which will continue being a bigger number of yearly releases.


Meaning that over time the amount of games available only in PS won't decrease, but instead will grow over time. So in the future even if there will be more games on PC, there will be more PS only games on console to justify the console purchase. I think it's a well thought strategy that will help them continue being supersuccessful and will help them continue growing both in console and elsewhere.

And well, I loved games like Days Gone, GoW, U4, Spider-Man or TLOU many years ago so I'm happy to see more people will be able to enjoy them too. Specially if this generates a lot of money that will be reinvested on getting sequels from these games and cool new IPs from the teams that made them.

I think their PC strategy could damage their console (so basically their entire gaming business) if they would release all their games on PC and day one, or very quick after their original release (I don't count remasters or remakes) because for many people it would mean they wouldn't need to buy the console. This is benefitial for MS because they have Windows and many PC non-gaming stuff as their core business, but not for Sony because their core busines is the PS console and specifically the revenue generated by the PSN store.
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2 Jul 2022
@Yurinka - I don't understand your defensiveness. The PC will get the best 1st party exclusives from Sony. That's what matters right? Spiderman, Horizon, God of War, TLOU, Uncharted, R&C, etc..

This "years" gap is annoying as you are misrepresenting when they decided to even port games to the PC. You also make it seem like the game loses it's luster when it's released to the PC and that's ridiculous. Spiderman and God of War are every bit as epic now on the PC as it was on the PS. Especially since there are enhancements made to the games to make them look and perform even better.
Yes, that’s what ultimately matters in my POV. Sony keeps winning either way.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Well you do have some idiots calling these supposed "masterpieces", SCRAPS. And it happens as soon they come to PC. It's like the games suddenly sucks ass as soon as the announcement. Very strange behavior indeed.

Wish some of the warriors could just be happy that other people get to play the games in which they hold in such high regard. That way we can really judge them for ourselves if they really are good, or just scraps that should be left in the garbage.
I am happy that sony games go to Pc, it means more people get to play amazing games and its more funding that goes to sony to make more of these amazing games.

A total Win Win in my book.

rocky balboa win GIF by Rocky

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
I remember when the PS3 port of Oblivion came out back in the day, and people who were excited to play it were met with comments of the ilk of "meh, played that last year", "old news" or "LOL you're getting scraps after everyone else".

And now, in all likelihood quite a few of those people like to misrepresent such arguments about PC ports of games that were first released on PS consoles years ago. "Scraps" refers to the novelty being gone, nothing more. Suggesting it to mean anything else, like that the game lost its qualities is very disingenuous.

And late ports usually bring extra content or improved visuals, of course. It better be the ultimate version of those games now, a lot of people already played them years ago, probably on cheaper hardware. And I say only with probability because let's be clear here, the vast majority of PC gamers can't afford the hardware needed to play these games in native 4K either.

Of course those games are the same and are still loved by many, I have never read any comments online from anyone that used to love GoW that they suddenly started shitting on it just because it got ported to PC. Quite the contrary, they are eaguer to tell friends to try it on PC. Only spiteful fanboys of competing brands try to review bomb those games on Steam.

The vast majority of PC gamers are waiting to upgrade their gfx card, a Steam sale or both of course. They don't care about anything other than a recommendation from a friend that happened to play that game already.

Finally, that "let us be the ones to judge if it's really good" talk is extremely elitist, childish and petty. The collective millions of people who played the game and like or dislike it for whatever subjective reason are the ones who judged, they weren't waiting for your approval. Get over youselves LOL

Deleted member 51

I am happy that sony games go to Pc, it means more people get to play amazing games and its more funding that goes to sony to make more of these amazing games.

A total Win Win in my book.

rocky balboa win GIF by Rocky
Good fish!



22 Jul 2022
Some examples with quick Google searches:

All of these articles are 1 to 2 years old, before their renewed push to PC gaming and Nixxess acquisition.

Statements like "nixxess will help build playstation content" does not exclude PC content, nixxess is a PC porting house.


Nothing lijke the highlighted portion is anywhere in the article.


He told me via PM that the reason to close the thread was that "It could have been done in one of the many other threads we have on the same topic. Pick one."

And I did it, posted it later in a related thread.

Animated GIF

I am happy that sony games go to Pc, it means more people get to play amazing games and its more funding that goes to sony to make more of these amazing games.

A total Win Win in my book.

rocky balboa win GIF by Rocky

kanye west GIF
  • fire
Reactions: Deleted member 51


21 Jun 2022
All of these articles are 1 to 2 years old, before their renewed push to PC gaming and Nixxess acquisition.
These articles are where they were explain their renewed push to PC porting and Nixxes acquisition because because they are from when they announced Horizon, Days Gone, GoW PC ports or the Nixxes acquisition, and graph is from when a few months ago listed their plans for the FY that ends in 2023 and 2026 where they don't plan to release any game day one on PC.

Meanwhile, I am still waiting to see any quote from Ryan or Hulst where they mention that plan to release their games day one on PC instead of being limited to port a few games per year, games originally released on PS years before. Guess what, you can post it because they never said that.

Statements like "nixxess will help build playstation content" does not exclude PC content, nixxess is a PC porting house.


Nothing lijke the highlighted portion is anywhere in the article.
This is why I included Jim Ryan's quote between quotes and I added a note at the end mentioning it was a note.

Regarding Nixxes I remember there was other additional quote I don't remember if from Ryan or Hulst shortly after the related acquisition, where they specified more clearly that Nixxes role was going to be port games to PC, not to work in new games.
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Knack Ambassador
21 Jun 2022

Evidence has been discovered that Sony could be planning to introduce PlayStation Network integration to its PC games.

Since its release on PC last week, fans have been digging through the game files of PlayStation’s latest port, Marvel’s Spider-Man, and discovered references to PlayStation Network integration within its code.

According to the game files – which have been viewed by VGC – Sony could be planning to allow PC players to link their PlayStation Network accounts to specific games and offer in-game bonuses as a reward for doing so.

While neither Marvel’s Spider-Man nor any other PlayStation Studios PC game currently allows connectivity with PSN accounts, Spider-Man’s files contain multiple references to “PSNAccountLinked” and “PSNLinkingEntitlements”.

Furthermore, references in Spider-Man’s files to “LevelCapExtras” in relation to “PSN Linking bonuses” appears to suggest that developer Insomniac was either experimenting or planning to give players extra skill points for linking their accounts.

Before this discovery, PlayStation launched a new section on its site specifically about PlayStation Games for PC last week.

One of the questions within the site’s FAQ asked if a PSN account was needed to play PlayStation games on PC, with Sony responding: “No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC.”

These recent findings could indicate that PlayStation Network Integration could indeed arrive in the future, but as an optional feature for players who choose to integrate with the service.
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