Playstation should port their Exclusives to Xbox Series consoles

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022

Here are several compelling reasons why this move could be beneficial for Sony.

Increased Revenue Streams

Exclusive titles limit potential revenue to one platform. By porting their games to Xbox, Sony can open up new revenue streams. The additional sales from Xbox users could be substantial, especially for high-quality titles with strong appeal. This financial boost could support further development and innovation within PlayStation Studios.

Leveraging Cross-Platform Play

The trend towards cross-platform play is growing, with many gamers seeking the ability to play with friends regardless of the console they own. By porting games to Xbox, Sony can embrace this trend and enhance the multiplayer experience for their titles. This can lead to increased player engagement.

Showcasing Superior Quality

Sony's PlayStation Studios is renowned for producing some of the best games in the industry. By bringing these titles to Xbox, Sony can demonstrate the high quality of their games to a new audience, potentially converting Xbox players into future PlayStation customers. This strategy can serve as a powerful marketing tool, showcasing what PlayStation has to offer.


Reducing Risk with Diversification

Relying heavily on a single platform can be risky in a volatile market. By diversifying their game distribution to include Xbox, Sony can mitigate some of this risk. Should there be fluctuations in the console market, having games available on multiple platforms ensures a more stable revenue stream and reduces dependency on any one console's success.

Mitigating Cannibalization of Console Sales Through Staggered Releases

By keeping their "tent-pole" titles exclusive to PlayStation for an initial period, Sony can maintain the allure and prestige of their own platform, ensuring that die-hard fans and early adopters still have a compelling reason to purchase a PlayStation console. Additionally, by ensuring that there's enough of a gap between the original release and subsequent port, there is no risk to their console sales; in fact, they may attract more players to buy their consoles as new fans are drawn in by the initial exclusivity and later follow-up releases on other platforms.



21 Jun 2022
Parody thread already done 🤭

Thread 'Sony should port all their PS4 games to the next Nintendo consoles'

Following the same logic of the excellent Sony PC port strategy, that according to many users here has not had any negative effect on their console sales, the Switch 2 will be one of the greatest opportunities for Sony to expand their market as a publisher in their entire history, making their games available on the go to a potentially 150m+ users.

TLoU, Uncharted, Spider-man, God of War, Horizon, Bloodborne, GoT, SoTC, Gran Tursimo, Death Stranding, there is no excuse left not to port all these games to the Switch 2. One could even argue that not doing so would be illegal due to their fiduciary duties as well as anti-consumer and discriminatory for specifically depriving Nintendo owners from their rights to play these games.

Since the Switch 2 will have an SSD they could probably manage to squeeze many ports of PS5 games as well like Helldivers 2, Returnal, Demon's Souls and R&C Rift Apart.

Phil Spencer and MS were ahead of the curve.
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Active member
29 May 2024
No. It's like putting a terminal patient on life support. Delaying the inevitable.

Love this cry for more games though! Pure desperation to save a dying brand. Just let it die a peaceful death. Phil done fucked up.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
They would probably also make a better job at leveraging the Xbox hardware.

But I think they should make sure to get a Gamepass deal, as we know that Xbox gamers don't buy games.
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
you are very deluded xbox fanboy
Love this cry for more games though! Pure desperation to save a dying brand. Just let it die a peaceful death. Phil done fucked up.

It's a parody of some of some of our forum members that think PC ports don cannibalise console sales


Active member
7 Feb 2024
These platform wars are grating as fuck. I miss the days where the main topics of gaming forums were new games, retro games, Japanese gaming magazine scans and gaming hardware.
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Lord Mittens
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Despite the thread being a parody completely honest, I'd genuinely love to see the same three or four brain-dead posters argue against it.
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8 May 2023
Despite the thread being a parody completely honest, I'd genuinely love to see the same three or four brain-dead posters argue against it.
I agree with you.

These are old games, they've already got all the sales they could on PlayStation/PC. Porting them to Xbox is free and easy money and will open it up to new audiences. The more people that get to experience these masterpieces, the better! And the profits can be used to fund new games. People who want a PS5 will still buy a PS5, this won't affect sales at all.

Hell, maybe Sony can even work out some GamePass deals like they did with MLB 😂


Active member
29 May 2024
There is 1 reason this shouldn't happen joke topic or not: Identity

What defines PS/ XBOX/ PC as a platform when all games are available on all platforms?
The logo on the hardware only?

Nah let companies keep their identity. Albeit shitty or not.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
How to professionally deal the final death blow to a console brand. Number one & most awarded guide of the century.
Certified professional.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
If PS is releasing games on PC, they might aswell release on Xbox and Switch too lol.
Switch players probably buy alot more games then Steam users in average.

So wheres the logic in keeping it away from Xbox and Nintendo but porting to PC if money is the goal?

If Sony is retarded enough to port to PC they might aswell port to everywhere right
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25 Mar 2023
They should port their games to the Switch 2 and also put them on gamepass. This is what half of this forum or more want to support.

They should raise the price of games on PlayStation too so people can show their support for the brand.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Kokoloko