Playstation should port their Exclusives to Xbox Series consoles


27 Jun 2023
Nintendo already is the only one with actual exclusive games.
PlayStation porting there games to PC & Nintendo show there confidence in PlayStation. Where Nintendo has a complete lockdown on there ip and it’s exclusive games on its own platform it shows 3rd party Nintendo ability to have strong profits & growth without any other platform.

Imagine being Square & seeing PS release Horizon one of the key franchise ok PS, PC & Nintendo lmao Square is questioning itself why tf would we lock our games to your platform when you yourself don’t believe in exclusivity on 1 platform & is releasing games on multiple platform. Yuh Square saw that & completely drop all exclusive deals. I think the only way Sony gets a deal for a FF, DQ, KH from Square is if it’s not a mainline game & instead Sony gets a deal to use Square ip to make a spin off game but Sony doesn’t have a internal AA studio that knows how to make JRPS (which is something Sony should’ve acquired already, a sole studio to work on license ip thats internal & makes it exclusive) supposed Sony can make a deal for spin off & have one of there publisher studio to work on the game but most likely the publisher will want a external studio in this case to work on it instead of Square own studio.

Sony doesn’t believe in making there platform defacto so why would 3rd party especially big 3rd party do deals for there major franchise. There long term direction is so foggy the only explanation people say by default is that Sony is going 3rd party (which you can say they already are lol) even there leaders like Hulst etc aren’t trust worthy & directionless it’s very similar to Xbox

Like Jim/Hulst green lit a Twisted Metal live service (which I wouldn’t mind) but like really twisted metal? How about MAG 2, SOCOM, Warhawk would have better chance as live service. Same for London studio they green lit a live service new ip it’s like why make new ip especially live service when you got 3 for sure bangers that could be revive & popular in this era. Or at the very least say London Studio we gonna give you one chance to recoup & have you working on something meaningful make me a new Get Away London edition it’s gonna be GTA meets London dark, mature, violent rated M singleplayer maybe it can have a 4 player online coop


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
This site, really...
With Jim Ryan gone, the man who halved SIE profit margin to increase market share in Asia, North America and kill Xbox, Kenichiro Yoshida and Hiroki Totoki are plotting to loot SIE future and retire rich:

Kenichiro Yoshida (Sony Chairman and CEO)

Hiroki Totoki (Sony President and CFO, SIE chairman)
It doesn't work that way. There are severe legal consequences for this.

A CEO can't simply show up, do whatever he wants to get rich and leave. Companies wouldn't even exist if people were allowed to do that.


8 May 2023
With Jim Ryan gone, the man who halved SIE profit margin to increase market share in Asia, North America and kill Xbox, Kenichiro Yoshida and Hiroki Totoki are plotting to loot SIE future and retire rich:

Kenichiro Yoshida (Sony Chairman and CEO)

“If you look at the game industry as a whole, the console market is not a major market, rather it’s a niche market if you will"

Hiroki Totoki (Sony President and CFO, SIE chairman)
"Our stance on share buybacks and dividends remains largely unchanged, in that we stil believe shareholder return need to be addressed properly"

"We aim to increase consolidated operating income during this Mid-Range Plan, primarily in G&NS and I&SS, and achieve an average annual growth rate of 10% or more"

"We will be able to steadily increase profits from the PS platform going forward"

"We are planning to achieve a new record high in profits in FY26 (G&NS)"

"We expect lower hardware sales to drive profits in FY24"

"We will sell consoles without substantial discounts"

"Strong titles that achieve growth on PS5, PC and other platforms will widen our margins"

"FY23 will be the peak in acquisition-related expenses. These expenses will decline around 20% in FY2024"

"We intend to work to achieve a new record profit during the PS5 generation"

"Incremental Free Cash Flow is expected to be used primarily for shareholdersʼ return"

"With regard to shareholder returns, we plan to place emphasis on the total payout ratio, which we expect to gradually increase throughout the
period of the 5th Mid-Range Plan, aiming for approximately 40% in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2027"

"To this end, we set aside 250 billion yen for share buybacks for this fiscal year, which exceeds the amount we acquired in the previous fiscal year"

"Regarding dividends, our policy is to continue to increase dividends steadily while accelerating the pace of dividend increases"
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8 May 2023
These are the same people that were wishing for the end of exclusivity and saying that every game should be on every platform, and now that it happened they complain 😂😂😂



8 May 2023
Ahh, I see Mutahar is on the take a well. Pathetic shill.
He's not a shill, just an idiot. He attacks all of the consoles and even PC sometimes. But he was one of the people cheering on PC ports of ps 1st party games and then attacked it for not having exclusives. Same with Gene and others. Sony listened to all these big influencers that hate them instead of the fans.


27 Jun 2023
With Jim Ryan gone, the man who halved SIE profit margin to increase market share in Asia, North America and kill Xbox, Kenichiro Yoshida and Hiroki Totoki are plotting to loot SIE future and retire rich:

Kenichiro Yoshida (Sony Chairman and CEO)

Hiroki Totoki (Sony President and CFO, SIE chairman)
Some of those statements are dumb. Like console market being “niche” console market made like 50+ billion in revenue. More money made than any other entertainment business. He might be speaking about the reach but gaming & hardware business is different then movies/anime where it’s solely about producing & publishing with really only theaters, streaming subscription & dvd blue ray to reach consumer.

Nintendo made 12 billion in revenue & nearly 6 billion was profit that’s roughly 50% of there revenue is profit. How can Nintendo hit this goal if you see how many games Nintendo make they publish roughly 5-10 Nintendo games per year & these are Nintendo own ip. Nintendo since really the beginning has been doubling down on there ip they have solely work on there ip & build them up to become powerhouse. They also focus on quality AA games with the strong & exclusive Nintendo brand to charge premium this allowed Nintendo to have high profits on there games. Nintendo games are low risk & take very little time to make (fun gameplay AA games>bloated AAA)

Nintendo seeks other methods then porting games to direct competitors or allowing themself to have no control over there ip. What just happen to Sony w Lego Horizon will never happen for Nintendo we seen those Fortnite emails. Not only Nintendo want exclusive cosmetic they want it only viewable by Nintendo players 💀 I respect it because that’s how platform should be & for Nintendo cutthroat attitude there fanbase blindly buy & support whatever ofc it’s quality but it’s simple produce quality double down on your hardcore that made you & they’ll brute force strong arm you to profits & endless growth hell they’ll do you marketing for you by being invested in the platform, brand & franchises they own.


26 Feb 2023
What just happen to Sony w Lego Horizon will never happen for Nintendo we seen those Fortnite emails. Not only Nintendo want exclusive cosmetic they want it only viewable by Nintendo players 💀 I respect it because that’s how platform should be & for Nintendo cutthroat attitude there fanbase

So, you are saying Nintendo has a power?

Sure. Epic showed middle finger to Nintendo. You know, business, two sides are negotiating, not one


3 Jun 2023
Sony not gonna gain shit from Xbox and Xbox players , this is all wishy-washy and ridiculous... don't ever bring this up cause it's not realistic, acting like Xbox is a healthy platform is way ridiculous, Revenue "yes" and through streaming games or PS plus which ain't gonna happen cause Xbox is still a console maker, those things Ure suggesting are from ur own fantasy world.. I don't know which age u come from but all u mentioned like Sony multiplayers are all Cross-play with PC and it's already increasing engagement meaning ur point on that is outdated and u talk about new audiences which Sony is already getting on PC and Nintendo...did u copy this from Google's 2015 search results?

Here are several compelling reasons why this move could be beneficial for Sony.

Increased Revenue Streams

Exclusive titles limit potential revenue to one platform. By porting their games to Xbox, Sony can open up new revenue streams. The additional sales from Xbox users could be substantial, especially for high-quality titles with strong appeal. This financial boost could support further development and innovation within PlayStation Studios.

Leveraging Cross-Platform Play

The trend towards cross-platform play is growing, with many gamers seeking the ability to play with friends regardless of the console they own. By porting games to Xbox, Sony can embrace this trend and enhance the multiplayer experience for their titles. This can lead to increased player engagement.

Showcasing Superior Quality

Sony's PlayStation Studios is renowned for producing some of the best games in the industry. By bringing these titles to Xbox, Sony can demonstrate the high quality of their games to a new audience, potentially converting Xbox players into future PlayStation customers. This strategy can serve as a powerful marketing tool, showcasing what PlayStation has to offer.


Reducing Risk with Diversification

Relying heavily on a single platform can be risky in a volatile market. By diversifying their game distribution to include Xbox, Sony can mitigate some of this risk. Should there be fluctuations in the console market, having games available on multiple platforms ensures a more stable revenue stream and reduces dependency on any one console's success.

Mitigating Cannibalization of Console Sales Through Staggered Releases

By keeping their "tent-pole" titles exclusive to PlayStation for an initial period, Sony can maintain the allure and prestige of their own platform, ensuring that die-hard fans and early adopters still have a compelling reason to purchase a PlayStation console. Additionally, by ensuring that there's enough of a gap between the original release and subsequent port, there is no risk to their console sales; in fact, they may attract more players to buy their consoles as new fans are drawn in by the initial exclusivity and later follow-up releases on other platforms.



17 May 2024

Here are several compelling reasons why this move could be beneficial for Sony.

Increased Revenue Streams

Exclusive titles limit potential revenue to one platform. By porting their games to Xbox, Sony can open up new revenue streams. The additional sales from Xbox users could be substantial, especially for high-quality titles with strong appeal. This financial boost could support further development and innovation within PlayStation Studios.

Leveraging Cross-Platform Play

The trend towards cross-platform play is growing, with many gamers seeking the ability to play with friends regardless of the console they own. By porting games to Xbox, Sony can embrace this trend and enhance the multiplayer experience for their titles. This can lead to increased player engagement.

Showcasing Superior Quality

Sony's PlayStation Studios is renowned for producing some of the best games in the industry. By bringing these titles to Xbox, Sony can demonstrate the high quality of their games to a new audience, potentially converting Xbox players into future PlayStation customers. This strategy can serve as a powerful marketing tool, showcasing what PlayStation has to offer.


Reducing Risk with Diversification

Relying heavily on a single platform can be risky in a volatile market. By diversifying their game distribution to include Xbox, Sony can mitigate some of this risk. Should there be fluctuations in the console market, having games available on multiple platforms ensures a more stable revenue stream and reduces dependency on any one console's success.

Mitigating Cannibalization of Console Sales Through Staggered Releases

By keeping their "tent-pole" titles exclusive to PlayStation for an initial period, Sony can maintain the allure and prestige of their own platform, ensuring that die-hard fans and early adopters still have a compelling reason to purchase a PlayStation console. Additionally, by ensuring that there's enough of a gap between the original release and subsequent port, there is no risk to their console sales; in fact, they may attract more players to buy their consoles as new fans are drawn in by the initial exclusivity and later follow-up releases on other platforms.

This but unironically, except for the timed exclusivity part which is cringe


3 Jun 2023
While I was unaware of that thread (gonna read it now) you just prove how low effort your posts are.

Playstation should port their Exclusives to Xbox Series consoles =/= Sony should port all their PS4 games to the next Nintendo consoles.