Popular Sequels that You Hated?


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21 Jun 2022
That's FF XII for me. It's not only that I didn't enjoy it; I asked myself WTF is this shit for 10 hours straight before I gave up.
Yeah i liked it but people who say FF16 is th3 worst and not FF....
Neither was FF12 and FF15. and FF13 wasnt good either
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21 Jun 2022
I didn't like the most recent Batman movie. I thought it sucked, but most people thought it was good.
I loved it lol. Just didnt have a big ending. Never watching batman trailer again, ruined some of the best parts
Felt like Gotham compared to recent movies


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21 Jun 2022

Mario Galaxy 1-2. There not exactly sequels to Sunshine but I hated them, even though they are great games.

Resident Evil 4 too. I think its a great game, enjoyed it to some extent but it made me hate it once I realised where is the Resident Evil I knew and loved

Dark Souls 2.... felt like Miyazaki left his cousin in charge


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Playing as Abby was good but the character came across as too forced trying to get the player to relate to her and like her character. Playing with dogs and whatever other crap. Which Asian dude? The one that dated Dina or the one that was the side kick to Abby for a time?

I love Uncharted 2 as it's my second best game in the series. I personally prefer Lost Legacy because it has everything the previous four games has in one game with far better pacing. And I like Chloe as a character and her voice actor. Hehe. I do agree that Uncharted 4 was definitely boring most of the time.
The little Asian dude with the Bow.

Check out this video, it's from Robin Gaming, like one of the biggest naughty dog fans out there, well used to be, not sure anymore Around the 13:21 mark, you can see some of the comments he tweeted about, I have put it in spoilers as i don't want this thread to derail into some sort of ideology debate.

Anyway, after seeing those tweets from that kid, I found it really hard to like him in the game, if not impossible; I can't stand racist people, no matter which who or what colour they are throwing insults at.



Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
That is one reason for sure.🐟(y)

The truth is they turned it into a run-and-gun game with an awful half-arsed clothing RPG gear section.

The art in the game was excellent, but the rest of it was trash. The DLC was decent, though, it felt like they were trying to get back to the excellence of the two previous games.
Dude, BS2 was hot garbage.

Edit: For me its Civ V. They had a guy with RTS experience in charge and he made the game feel small, like you were maybe playing in one province instead of the whole world. The game really cut back on the art quality too and added day one micro transactions. Total trash. Thankfully VI fixed a lot of the problems.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Dude, BS2 was hot garbage.
Not as good as the first one but 500 light years better than the third one.

If you liked the third one, you have no soul.

Animated GIF

wrong type of soul but good enough :)
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12 Jan 2024
I loved both. Gameplay/combat wise, TLOU2 was amazing.
Uncharted 4 ---> Uncharted 1&3 for me

I agree that combat/gameplay, visuals and audio in TLOUP2 was superb. No argument there. I enjoyed the big set piece in Uncharted 4 but that was pretty much it. Looked great, sounded great and played great but like TLOUP2, story, characters just didn't do it for me. I have Uncharted ranked as #1 Lost Legacy, #2 Uncharted 2, #3 Uncharted 3, #4 Uncharted 4 and #5 Uncharted.

The little Asian dude with the Bow.

Check out this video, it's from Robin Gaming, like one of the biggest naughty dog fans out there, well used to be, not sure anymore Around the 13:21 mark, you can see some of the comments he tweeted about, I have put it in spoilers as i don't want this thread to derail into some sort of ideology debate.

Anyway, after seeing those tweets from that kid, I found it really hard to like him in the game, if not impossible; I can't stand racist people, no matter which who or what colour they are throwing insults at.

I did watch that video years ago and I agreed with Robin on pretty much everything he said from what I remember. And I just watched the part you mentioned and that's very hypocritical because Ian is a transgender so you would think that he wouldn't feel that way considering how some people may feel about transgenders.
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11 Jul 2023
recently.... probably LAD 7. I meant like they got one combat system that is fun and they switched it for turn based. And that shit is not even good.
I really liked it. The core of LAD already had a lot of similarities to rpgs, so doesn't feel like such a bad change. And thankfully Infinite Wealth fixes most of the flaws in the combat as well.
That's FF XII for me. It's not only that I didn't enjoy it; I asked myself WTF is this shit for 10 hours straight before I gave up.
What was the issue? The combat system? It's a better version of ATB if that's the case.

For me that it was probably Skyrim that caught me the most. I also didn't enjoy the Jedi Survivor sequel as much though it is maybe a better, though arguably more cramped, game.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
I don't think I really hated a sequel but there were a few that I really disliked.

FFXII basically killed my love for the series and it never went back to what it was. Never have we gotten a game like FF VI-IX again, with an open world and a ship to explore, not to mention they messed about with gameplay, trying to find something new.

MGSV was the most disappointing game I ever played. Story was just horrible.

TLOU2 was a serious disappointment story wise. Again, the story. Pacing, character development, the lack of subtlety when dealing with various themes.

RE4 killed the series for me. Great action game but a horrible RE one. Set the series in a shit path.


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Dragon Age Inquisition.

Here I go from my favorite videogame series ever, when I get to a point where there's some base building activities that make me wait real time as if it was a pay-2-win mobile game.
And then I start noticing how they turned Cassandra - the only female romanceable companion for straight male characters - into an ugly man-with-boobs.
And then I go on the gay mage's side campaign (an otherwise really cool companion, probably an inspiration to Astarion) and it's all about how much he suffers because his daddy doesn't accept his sexuality.
And then I'm talking to the horned guy with an eyepatch and I have to go through a shoehorned conversation about him wanting to fuck guys and girls. Okaaay...
And then Im talking to one of the guys in his crew who decides to tell me he's trans and horned guy with eye patch is so great because he accepted a trans person in his team.

At this point I say fuck this shit, turned off the game and didn't pick it ever since.
I had paid for a videogame about dragons and sorcery that would further the story and world building of the 2 first games, not mandatory courses on alphabet people with poor gameplay.

Dragon Age used to be my favorite franchise after Origins, and now I couldn't care less about this new wolf-something title coming out whenever they get tired of development-helling it. It's probably going to be 10x more unhinged in the DEI stuff than Inquisition and at this point they know they have a dud in their hands.

Thank god for Baldur's Gate 3.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Mercenaries 2
Dragon Age 2
Diablo 3

Uncharted 4 - Great game mechanically but the Story was a huge retcon of Uncharted 3 and stripped the series of some its agency and classic uniqueness.

Far Cry 6
Borderlands 3


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
Dark Souls 3, IDC what anyone says. It was too easy.

DS2 is still the dark souls game I have played the absolute most of and I am not ashamed to say it.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Don’t have strong feelings about too many. Halo 2 campaign sucked and PvP/xbl launch saved it. Couldn’t even get thru the first 45 mins of TLOU2’s epic cringe but I’m not a fan to begin with so that doesn’t count. MGS2 and 4 also suck, etc… ( to be fair I love V but 3 is the greatest and one of my fav games ever.)

Tears of the Kingdom? That’s more like disappointment. Copy and paste job and still no dungeons.
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8 May 2023
Only thing that really comes to mind is Life is Strange 2, the first game was so amazing but this "sequel" was just bleh...
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8 May 2023
In retrospective it can also be RE4. I have never seen a single title had such an impact on an entire genre. It just sent Survival Horror to the purgatory. I don't think is a bad game at all though.

I just hate what it meant for the genre and the entire games industry going forward. Also I am not a fan of OTS cameras, they are only barely adequate for shooting, at the expense of mobility. I can't understand how its even being used in games with melee combat as their main mechanic... such as the new god of war games.
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