Propaganda pushed by Microsoft intensifies as industry so-called "figures of authority" regurgitate Phil Spencer's takes


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
The NPD guy is paid by Microsoft now?

He probably has a couple of consoles in a cupboard too.

It's crazy to watch this entire thing morph right before our eyes; it's like "The Thing" recreating itself.


Well-known member
30 Dec 2023
It won’t work unless the goal here is to soothe the pain of some Xbox users or to help Xbox content creators incoming narrative marathon.

They think the whole crossplay narrative worked but the they weren’t the ones who made it happen, it were third parties.

Third parties don’t give a shit what these people think about exclusives. Sony and Nintendo don’t give a shit. Their user bases don’t give a shit.

Pretty special coming from a guy who just a year ago or so was saying MS buying ABK was good for the industry because it would increase competition 😂

Get fucked


14 Jul 2022
Getting great games, made from the ground up on hardware I own has definitely benefited me. I realize he thinks he's passing on some great wisdom, but it just comes across as exactly what he states: a "hot take". Meaningless and only designed to get a reaction. And, of course, to subtly support Xbox's change of direction.


26 Feb 2023
Getting great games, made from the ground up on hardware I own has definitely benefited me. I realize he thinks he's passing on some great wisdom, but it just comes across as exactly what he states: a "hot take". Meaningless and only designed to get a reaction. And, of course, to subtly support Xbox's change of direction.

Sony won't bat an eye on what Spencer said.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
The guy is not paid by MS - folks need to drop that dummie talking point.

Just a suit that knows which ass to sniff. The worst... cause the ones that get paid are transactional.

With Microsoft and Xbox cratering, it's only Nintendo/Sony, Japanese corps, in charge of the console industry. American giants want those customers in their platforms, whether that be PC, or the cloud. Whatever it takes to transition those 260 million consumers to those other platforms will always be pushed hard, many billions of reasons why.

It's just the way the game works, specially in corporate America. If it wasn't Microsoft stinking it up, it would have been another American giant. It's a behavioral malaise of American corporate culture, and along with it all periphery industry (journalism etc). Dirty competition, in a way, mirrors American politics in some ways.
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Active member
13 Feb 2023
The reality is shareholders and investors are putting big pressure on the heads of the xbox division. They are unhappy with the sales numbers so demanding the games go to as many platforms as possible.


Active member
13 Feb 2023
Reality: Xbox has been failing spectacularly for more than a decade.

Media: Everyone should replicate what MS is doing!!

They have a great engineering team series x had dolby atmos and amd freesync at the system level day one out of the box and they had a massive back catalogue of 60fps support games running on the console from the off was a terrific start for them. Then came the terrible work flow infrastructure of xbox running its internal dev studios the series x should be doing a lot better than it is.
24 Jun 2022
It was inevitable.

Not even one week passed since Phil Spencer voiced his hypocritical take on Helldivers 2 exclusivity. Helldivers is a Sony owned IP, created with their funding - an important distinction from the numerous IPs MS has purchased, but not helped create.

In a public display of lack of integrity, Matt Piscatella, an industry analyst representing Circana (formerly known as the NPD), has decided to favor the multi-trillion dollar corporation throught Twitter/X.

Yeah I saw that tweet, and thankfully the vast majority of replies were disagreeing with him and pointing out the flaws in his arguments.

I posted some replies to him as well, and called out the fact that he's still championing a form of exclusivity. In his case, it's feature exclusivity, and I don't think he actually realizes it or realized it at the time he made the tweet.

I also asked: if us customers are being asked to give up the concept of game exclusivity, why don't the corporations give up the concept of IP/tech/patent ownership exclusivity? I mean "exclusives are bad", right? So why can't Sony, Apple, Google, Tencent, Samsung etc. all equally own the patents and such to Windows and its kernel like Microsoft does? "When we all play, we all win", right? That's what Phil Spencer likes to say.

Except you see, you won't see industry figureheads or anyone in the industry push that because while it'd be equivalent to what they're asking us to give up, the investors, shareholders and other money people know that if companies were to do that, the capitalist market as it exists would collapse. And these people LOVE that market, because that's how they get rich.

So don't ever let these companies fool you. When you see these kind of pushes for "no exclusivity" or "pro-consumerism", it's usually because a specific company is trying to use pseudo-progressive lingo and concepts to hide behind when their real motives are purely for market gain driven by capitalism. They just want to "compete" in underhanded ways appealing to softer sentiments devoid of all logic & reason, that are usually dishonest, and gain control & market over competitors.

That's the real reason we see these types of sentiments pop up, and I can't help it that WRT gaming, it's always the same very specific platform holder who keeps wanting to push them 🤔...
24 Jun 2022
It's utterly transparent that these talking points are being spewed at the behest of MS because they only ever target Sony's exclusives.

There's no hatred towards Nintendo not releasing games on Xbox. No hatred of Half-life Alyx or counterstrike 2 not being on xbox or PSVR2. No constant articles talking about how The Industry (TM) would be saved if only League of Legends or Dota 2 made their way to console.

It's jealousy and bitterness. And these people need to just deal with it.

100%. But until they do, we just have to keep doing our part and debunking their flimsy, fake, thinly-veiled FUD campaigns targeted at a very specific competitor in the market.

It gets easier and easier the more they keep doing it because the pattern in what they're doing (and how) becomes clearer.


21 Jun 2022
Yeah, this talk of 'exclusivity being bad' is pretty ignorant and dumb, if not lip service for their paycheck.

Platform holders want exclusivity to attract people to their platform.

Counter Strike 2 is only available on Steam.

Tears of the Kingdom is only available on Switch.

Heck, even third parties know the value of exclusivity, with GTA6 releasing exclusively on high performance consoles and not on PC day one.

You'd think an "analyst" would be able to make sense of it.

If he means this doesn't benefit the "players", well I guess it's sheer pure coincidence that the best games this industry produces have some form of exclusivity lol


8 Jan 2023

The same people complaining about exclusivity were cheering for MS to buy up every major publisher with the goal of having a massive stable of exclusives to whack Playstation with and get revenge on behalf of their fanboys.

They're not actually against exclusives, they would just rather Xbox be the ones to have all of them.
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