Research: Toxic Gamers Are Alienating Your Core Demographic: The Business Case for Community Management


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Seems like Microsoft needs to fire all vocal Xbox fans.

Blog post:

Full read:

  • fire
Reactions: PropellerEar


Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
britney spears GIF


11 Jul 2023
You're not even allowed to purchase a game and speak your view on it anymore. You're "alienating" the revenue streams. Expect to be managed forever by executives who have the power to limit what you think/say to ensure their bottom line looks healthy.


14 Jul 2022
The "toxic" gamer rears its head yet again. Maybe this is related to that report:

I can see that there are people out there who can turn others away from a game due to their behavior. That does happen, but this focus on toxic gamers often results in actually scapegoating gamers while businesses refuse to look at their own shitty practices for reasons why they are losing money.


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
I feel bad for people that enjoy Xbox genuinely and actually play games and for those that think with their own head.
Being a PS fan I want Xbox to be great and healthy, not only because of great games that they could make, but for competitions sake too.
But the way their management goes about it, does not sit right with me at all.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Just sounds like more censorship. Been playing games online for what 20 years and still never seen much “toxic” behavior. Maybe Twitter… but then… that’s Twitter
  • brain
Reactions: Bryank75

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
You're not even allowed to purchase a game and speak your view on it anymore. You're "alienating" the revenue streams. Expect to be managed forever by executives who have the power to limit what you think/say to ensure their bottom line looks healthy.

Tell me you haven't read the study without telling me that. This is not about people purchasing a game and speaking their view on it, but rather about how the community around that game is absolute ass (or can be).

  • 6 out of 10 of players reported that they had decided to not spend money in agame because of how other players treated them in that community
    6 out of 10 reported that they had quit a session/match or quit playing a game permanently because they were subjected to harassment and hate within that gaming community
  • 7 out of 10 players reported that they have avoided playing certain games because of the reputation of that games community
  • Male players were more likely than female players to take action against hate and harassment in terms of reducing spending and engagement
  • Younger players (under 18) were more likely than older players (over 18) to take action against hate and harassment in terms of reducing spending and engagement, suggesting that the newest generation of players are less tolerant of “toxic gamer cultures”

This data presents a strong business case against the assumption that toxic game players are games’ core demographic, and the data demonstrates a negative link between toxic gaming communities and the bottom line. Players are less willing to spend money and engage in gaming spaces where hate and harassment are evident, with the newest generation of players being less tolerant of “toxic gamer cultures”.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Just sounds like more censorship. Been playing games online for what 20 years and still never seen much “toxic” behavior. Maybe Twitter… but then… that’s Twitter

If censorship is what you call suppressing hate speech, for example, which is still prevalent in may online shooters, then bring it.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
You're not even allowed to purchase a game and speak your view on it anymore. You're "alienating" the revenue streams. Expect to be managed forever by executives who have the power to limit what you think/say to ensure their bottom line looks healthy.

Social credit score bullshit to that determines what games you’re allowed to play. They will be monitoring your online behavior as well. At some point you’ll just be banned in-game for political opinions outside of it. It’s garbage but it’s coming…. Bungie is gonna start doing this shit. Instead of addressing player feedback and monitoring the uptick discourse they’ll just blame players instead. You won’t be able to criticize these games to some degree at risk of being blacklisted for saying a dev team sucks.

343 is an amateur shitshow. Oh i offended their HACK dev team? Oh so sorry. Ban me for the obvious truths.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Social credit score bullshit to that determines what games you’re allowed to play. They will be monitoring your online behavior as well. At some point you’ll just be banned in-game for political opinions outside of it.

Holy mother of appeal to fear.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
But.... Xbox execs are FOLLOWING these assholes.

Exactly. Xbox is the only brand (in gaming) I can think of that actively encourages and empowers a toxic community. Not only they follow and endorse certain visible assholes, they also have a program that rewards people for what are essentially toxic behaviours.