ReviewGate: Bethesda and Microsoft are micromanaging Starfield's review MetaScore - in the open!

Is Microsoft/Betheda micro-managing the META-SCORE of Starfield?

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21 Jun 2022
Lol they have put alot of effort into controlling the effects of reviews in the last few years.

Ive been saying for awhile they had a discord for shills, was told I have to show evidence but it ended up being true...

Same as Ive been saying since 2020 they have also actively gone after reviewers and trying to manuplate review scores. Bad reviews, FUD and momentum killing for there competition. The shills have been on it.
Look at the FUD threads/topics on other forums and other social media before a PS exclusive is released and compare it this month‘ MS exclusive….


4 Jul 2022
never even heard of axios.

And why wouldn’t MS send out a review copy to windows central? Are you claiming Sony only provides review copies to independent sites?

Is Gamespot, ign, and game informer MS shills? 🤣
You are the shill, and a very médiocre and predictable one


10 Jan 2023
He is absolutely right


Well-known member
12 Apr 2023
There's something I noticed for at least the last decade, all the Xbox centric sites almost always rate Microsoft games higher than everyone else.

Like you can go look at metacritic for pretty much any MS game and see the top 10 - 20 highest reviews will be from Xbox sites.

No one ever really mentions it but its very noticeablecable if you just go look at them on metacritic.

I always wanted to figure out what the scores would be without those scores but it would yake forever to do.

I know Playstation and Nintendo have their dedicated sites too but its no where near as egregious and obvious as Xbox sites


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
There's something I noticed for at least the last decade, all the Xbox centric sites almost always rate Microsoft games higher than everyone else.

Like you can go look at metacritic for pretty much any MS game and see the top 10 - 20 highest reviews will be from Xbox sites.

No one ever really mentions it but its very noticeablecable if you just go look at them on metacritic.

I always wanted to figure out what the scores would be without those scores but it would yake forever to do.

I know Playstation and Nintendo have their dedicated sites too but its no where near as egregious and obvious as Xbox sites
The worst part about it is then they do the classic Xbox fanboy projection and accuse other people of the very thing they're guilty of. Like the "Sony exclusives get 5 points on metacritic because of media bias" when it's actually the opposite, Sony exclusives get judged harsher because they're held to a higher standard and Xbox games get pity points/paid shills upping the score


29 Jun 2023
No vote from xbotz idiot defender systemshock whatever, and one xbotz shill who got banned earlier got tricked because he didn't use his damn eyes to read description before casting votes 😂.


20 Jun 2022
Going by the activity on twitter and all these reviewer's saying they wrote massive reviews and recorded huge videos, I can almost guarantee that that's part of the "review contract".

I'm also updating my metacritic prediction to 94.


22 Jun 2022
Going by the activity on twitter and all these reviewer's saying they wrote massive reviews and recorded huge videos, I can almost guarantee that that's part of the "review contract".

I'm also updating my metacritic prediction to 94.


They aren’t even hiding it.

So obvious it will get huge scores.


20 Jun 2022

They aren’t even hiding it.

So obvious it will get huge scores.

From what the videos showed so far
  • Graphics are not current-gen, they're somewhere between last gen and current gen.
  • NPCs look dumb as rocks, they are very robotic. They're at least 2 generations behind, since NPCs in something like GTAV or RDR1 behave more realistically
  • There is a limit on how many cells you can land on a planet before the first one is deleted. This is not what was promised
  • Loading screens galore because their engine is shit
  • Interactive NPCs with very much scripted conversations that sometimes overlap the current voice file
  • Seems almost bug free compared to the usual Bethesda standards, and I'm sure this will be spun as a massive positive
Judging by the videos alone, there's no way in hell this game can be a 9/10 even if its story is spectacular. But maybe I just have massive standards. I'll be playing it soon anyway and will leave my impressions in the forum.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Anybody who thinks this shit is normal and not some part of the review contract needs to have their brain donated to science

Maybe it's just the sales pitch of that guy. I've written huge TLDRs here on inconsequential topics. I think if I were really passionate about writting reviews I would definitely get up there on some games. I don't think Starfield deserves that however, thus I lean on agreeing with you.

Current OP is 1,213 words.


20 Jun 2022
They will use the excuse "bethesdas biggest game ever" to overlook the flaws.

Absolutely. The pre-review cycle has been:
  • Biggest scope game of all time [which is a lie, as demonstrated by all the leaks we got so far]
  • 25 years in the making
  • This is much bigger than NMS and any similarities are a coincidence [this one by astroturfers, not official party line]
  • Any low scores are obvious bribes by Sony, this is the GOTG [another one by astroturfers, to distract from MS' selective key handing]
  • I wrote a text / recorded a video that's super long / the longest ever by me
It's so fucking obvious what's happening.

Maybe it's just the sales pitch of that guy. I've written huge TLDRs here on inconsequential topics. I think if I were really passionate about writting reviews I would definitely get up there on some games. I don't think Starfield deserves that however, thus I lean on agreeing with you.

You need to expand the text @KnittedKnight , there's multiple tweets with all but the same content.


14 Feb 2023
Honestly whether this game is good or bad bears no credibility on MS’ management. They basically acquired a finished product. I’ll still be playing, jankiness and all. But not once will I think Xbox had anything to do with the creation of this game.
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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
What do people here think is the real world MC score, not subjected to inflation by gifts and shilling for MS?

I’d say 78


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
You need to expand the text @KnittedKnight , there's multiple tweets with all but the same content.
You mean the link tweets? They're all tweets by individuals working for the outlets in question commenting on the fact that they too haven't gotten the codes (at least at the time the tweets took place). That's the confirmation and source. Not all come in the form of an article.
24 Jun 2022
So it seems the game is going to land at an 86/87 MC and OC for both Xbox consoles and PC (currently 87 MC, but could drop to an 86 MC). There's a good bulk of reviews, actually, at least on the OC side. It's usually much easier to bring a score average down than up once you have 30 - 40+ reviews already accounted for.

Overall, Starfield seems like it'll be a fun, adventurous space-based open-world WRPG with quality content and features, but it's no GOTG-tier heavyweight, and probably won't win many GOTY awards. But the real question is, does it genuinely represent a positive shift for Xbox 1P content going forward? We'll have to wait for longer-term fanbase reception and sales/revenue numbers before being able to answer that question.

I would like to think it is representative of such a shift; at the same time a lot of the reviews out there could be obfuscating things similar to the high praise Halo Infinite got ~ 2 years ago, hence why it's best to wait a bit before seeing the bigger picture. Microsoft doesn't have many (if any) big heavyweight 1P titles that reach mass appeal and are strongly associated with Microsoft/Xbox rather than being seen as multiplatform IP (such as the case with Minecraft); Starfield could be the beginning of seeing that shift into something more favorable, so let's see how things go.
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22 Jun 2022
So it seems the game is going to land at an 86/87 MC and OC for both Xbox consoles and PC (currently 87 MC, but could drop to an 86 MC). There's a good bulk of reviews, actually, at least on the OC side. It's usually much easier to bring a score average down than up once you have 30 - 40+ reviews already accounted for.

Overall, Starfield seems like it'll be a fun, adventurous space-based open-world WRPG with quality content and features, but it's no GOTG-tier heavyweight, and probably won't win many GOTY awards. But the real question is, does it genuinely represent a positive shift for Xbox 1P content going forward? We'll have to wait for longer-term fanbase reception and sales/revenue numbers before being able to answer that question.

I would like to think it is representative of such a shift; at the same time a lot of the reviews out there could be obfuscating things similar to the high praise Halo Infinite got ~ 2 years ago, hence why it's best to wait a bit before seeing the bigger picture. Microsoft doesn't have many (if any) big heavyweight 1P titles that reach mass appeal and are strongly associated with Microsoft/Xbox rather than being seen as multiplatform IP (such as the case with Minecraft); Starfield could be the beginning of seeing that shift into something more favorable, so let's see how things go.

That’s exactly the case here.

If this was a third party game it would be treated harsher.

The moment I saw Paris and Stevivor give it 8 I knew it’s no GOTG.