Sega posted a net loss of 6.6 billion yen in the past FY (April 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024)


19 Dec 2023
80M USD recorded loss in discontinued game content plus whatever it did cost them to restructure, yeah that makes sense.

For those wondering where almost all that recorded losses comes from...
Most of it comes from the GaaS shooter Hyenas that Creative Assembly had been working for many years on that was cancelled seemingly right before the finish line.

This won't get 1/4 of the traction SE got with FF16 supposed low sales.

That's because nobody cares about SEGA, lmao.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
I believe an initiative to regain interest in some dormant IPs has been enacted.

Can’t say that’s officially why SEGA is developing these games, but it should have the same result. People will buy games from these franchises if you make them. Similar to Konami, SEGA has a lot of gold they do nothing with.


6 Jun 2024
They've been multiplatform for a good long while, that's not the problem.
The boneheaded move was betting on the least popular platform (by far) and sign marketing deals with it for pretty much every game, while alienating the costumers that kept their business profitable up until then.

Fuck SEGA for getting in bed in MS.
Basically this, I used to buy all collector's editions of Yakuza and Persona among other atlus games, but since Sega decided to release Yakuza 7 only for Series x/s I didn't take it in the best way.
The version for PS5 took more than 1 year, when I thought about buying it just look for a used copy. If Sega doesn't want my money, good for me, I have bought P3 reload, P5 tactics, SMT V: Vengeance and unicorn overlord all used copies. so this news makes me laugh a lot


27 Feb 2024
I stopped buying Sega games after warhammer 3, Don't care much about their games now too as they push that loser Ichiban and PEDOsona games. You people are still bothering with buying used copies I just completely stopped buying whatever they are peddling.


28 Jul 2023
Guess those Game pass checks weren't enough. Lol. That's what happened when they put their shit on there and people will stop buying and will develop an expectation of waiting. Those are the recipes of killing you game sales. Stop marketing your big franchises on the install base that is obsolete especially if you're a Japanese publisher cause that base has never gravitated toward your games.