Sony Explains the Advantage of Having a PS5 Over PC


10 Jan 2023
Sony Interactive Entertainment executive Hideaki Nishino has offered his thoughts on the PS5 vs PC debate in a new interview. When asked about the general shift towards mobile and PC gaming, Nishino highlighted the convenience of owning a console

PS5 vs PC: Sony says console is more convenient
During an interview with Nikkei Asia, Nishino was asked about the advantage of having a dedicated gaming device like the PS5 as opposed to multipurpose systems like PC and mobiles. In response, he said that building a PC takes time and costs a pretty penny, whereas anyone can enjoy playing a game out of the box on a console.
“If you want to play PC games with the same GPU [graphics processing unit] performance and so forth as the PS5, you have to spend money and time to build your own PC,” Nishino said. “While doing so can be rewarding, a dedicated console allows any player to enjoy games of the same technical level right out of the box.”
Nishino added that Sony has the advantage of turning its franchises into movies and TV shows in order to draw more players into the PlayStation ecosystem. He went on to highlight The Last of Us as an example, revealing that the franchise saw a spike in game sales due to the HBO TV series.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
They won't because they need and want the PC money plus also other non-PS money (movies, tv shows and mobile games using their SIE IPs) from countries where consoles are a tiny market compared to PC or mobile.

What money? The pennies they get from Steam and Epic?

It really isn't a very smart decision to cede massive territories in developing nations to PC, letting them become entrenched instead of trying to build a large consumer base there by making channels for people to purchase consoles mroe easily and gain massive sales of all types of software and mtx etc.

Instead you're saying giving it all away to steam is a better idea? How is that good in the longterm? It's a disaster.


21 Jun 2022
What money? The pennies they get from Steam and Epic?

It really isn't a very smart decision to cede massive territories in developing nations to PC, letting them become entrenched instead of trying to build a large consumer base there by making channels for people to purchase consoles mroe easily and gain massive sales of all types of software and mtx etc.

Instead you're saying giving it all away to steam is a better idea? How is that good in the longterm? It's a disaster.
The hundreds of millions they make there, with +50% YoY during this H1.

Partly thanks to this strategy -combined with extra dedicated marketing, partnership with local gamedev teams etc.- in these strategic developing nations (Asia outside Japan and LATAM) PS5 sold way faster than PS4 launch aligned. Don't remember if the difference in console units in this region was +50% or +100% vs PS4.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
The hundreds of millions they make there, with +50% YoY during this H1.

Partly thanks to this strategy -combined with extra dedicated marketing, partnership with local gamedev teams etc.- in these strategic developing nations (Asia outside Japan and LATAM) PS5 sold way faster than PS4 launch aligned. Don't remember if the difference in console units in this region was +50% or +100% vs PS4.

But how does it benefit PlayStation to cede massive territories to PC, allowing people to be locked into PC and their libraries on Steam?

They have left themselves little to no reason for people in those territories to buy a PS5 and possibly eroded many reasons for past customers to continue on PlayStation apart from their existing digital library.

So they're happy with a couple hundred million instead of a few billion more.... doesn't compute to me.

The question itself is a clue to the risk Sony is subject to by not taking PC as a full on competitor.


8 May 2023
They won't because they need and want the PC money plus also other non-PS money (movies, tv shows and mobile games using their SIE IPs) from countries where consoles are a tiny market compared to PC or mobile.
they need pc money? they make scraps from ports lol. All of your biggest and best games just to make a measly 100-200 million a year and devaluing your hardware long term? Spider-Man made more in 1 day than every pc port combined did from 2019-2022. Ragnarok made more in 3 months than PC ports will make in the next 10 years. PS store brings in 500 million a week. But yeah they "need" PC 😐

Deleted member 223

Lmao. It has come to this. The dominant console market leader and the defacto leader in premium gaming having to fend off the framing of an ascendant PC market that is somehow billed to kill consoles, and as a big threat - cause that is the strategic aim of all the corps that eye gaming outside console platforms, whether directly or indirectly. More or less to seek to kill, diminish, or make consoles insignificant - the dirty consoles that get in the way of them and the gaming consumer - then remake all of it in their image. MS will get the last laugh with the current trajectory - and no, Xbox hardware success is neither required nor mandatory, more like a bonus.

I guess in a sense this type of thing should be welcomed, if anything to shake these idiots a bit, see if their immune response is still kicking. Slap them a little...

Btw this serves Sony right and if they continue to be absolute idiots then the grave will be awaiting them. Sony will just be another publisher of the many, eating from someone else's platform and weak as Sony Pictures is....a fucking hole that has had to be bailed out several times over, with PlayStation money in fact. Hec look no further than SEGA, insignificant to gaming today, signing partnerships for scraps to shore up the operation and gain some attention.

But there is more ....

I don't see Valve folding into a pretzel to release say Counterstrike Global 2 on consoles or Half Life Alyx on PSVR. When we all play we all win right? Talk about absolute suckers... for pennies on the dollar.

Meanwhile Bethesda and ABK go under strict MS control, ensuring PC support forever, as well as even privileged focus. You think Xbox slowly dying is finally the end of the troubles? I got news for you. Now that Xbox is slowly dying it's all about PC. Funny how that works.... could have told you about 20 years ago. And Xbox isn't even truly dead yet... talk about a coup.

The bat signal on for the shoe shinner and right on cue...

I hear Forbidden West in Spring 2024 too lol.

"But investor pressure" "OMG what I'm going to do?".....Try self suicide? "Yes!!! How do I do it?" Release on PC. Slow poison, guaranteed, no trace.

I remember like yesterday all the same bullshit when the swine and vultures where circling over Nintendo due to the Wii U failure. I remember all the "press" articles, the directed questions at Nintendo execs etc citing "investor pressure", "investor pressure mounting" - your typical agenda and hit job bullshit that is a hallmark of the "biz press". Of course when you define what this "investor" pressure is, well its really fucking simple. This pressure seeks for Nintendo to fold to PC and Mobile and and become a multi-platform publisher, which by "happenstance "of this world will have obviously a negative effect on the success and viability of a console platform by watering down its differentiation. The weaker differentiated the product - the easier it's to compete against it by cooperate stakeholders of other competing platforms - say those on PC and mobile. You can picture them: "Finally one down!!" "Finally we got one where we want both!" "Now if we just push Nintendo a little in this direction - fate sealed!" - or so they thought!

Then we get the ABK leaks that explain how Microsoft (Phil Pinocchio Spencer - mr. pro consumer, and can't do no wrong industry icon) looks forward to talking with inside assets on the board of Nintendo to get a push for multi-platform support. "If we can just get Nintendo to see there is a future outside the hardware" - obviously wrapped in his typical corporate bullshit double speak that translates to multi-platform support......... cause remember, and to quote him again "Yes, but we can't say that!".

Corporate espionage and sabotage at the highest level... and nobody bats an eye! Least of all a fucking court, whose Judge has - in all coincidences of this world - a son working for Microsoft. "But what about the press?" We don't have a press dummy, least of all in gaming.

Same shit redux. Except it appears it's working with the market leader - the strongest of all. The irony.

Btw the disconnect from this Sony suit and his golden goose product couldn't be any more clear. That was a pathetic sell job. I think I may have to start hedging if people like this are in charge of the boat.

Like the fact that on the eve of the celebration of a market Sony leads - premium gaming - there is that tasteless little knife as a reminder - "We're coming for you" "Celebrate while you still can cause the stench of weakness is all over". The ruin the mood breakers.
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
They won't because they need and want the PC money plus also other non-PS money (movies, tv shows and mobile games using their SIE IPs) from countries where consoles are a tiny market compared to PC or mobile.

Mobile is 95% of the market, PC has Max 100 million users while mobile has billions
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21 Jun 2022
Mobile is 95% of the market, PC has Max 100 million users while mobile has billions
As of August, Steam has 120M monthly active users. Meaning, there are more Steam users who weren't active that month. And there are way more PC users in non Steam platforms like the ones from Riot, Epic or Tencent/Asian ones, normally ignored by western reports. The PC market is way bigger than 120M users.

I'm doing a market research at work right now,, these are some numbers regarding amount of users:

And these are some numbers regarding revenue:




they need pc money? they make scraps from ports lol. All of your biggest and best games just to make a measly 100-200 million a year and devaluing your hardware long term? Spider-Man made more in 1 day than every pc port combined did from 2019-2022. Ragnarok made more in 3 months than PC ports will make in the next 10 years. PS store brings in 500 million a week. But yeah they "need" PC 😐
Yes, they need to make extra money both in PS and outside of it. Because their big AAA games this generation are having budgets of half a billion each when combining development and marketing budgets and someone has to pay them specially the ones who may tank or get cancelled.

Even if their first party sales highly improved in the recent years and game prices incresed a bit, the budgets increase every generation and way more than sales or game pricing. And the same time, the revenue from game sales is being replaced by add-ons (mostly from GaaS). Which means the AAA have to find extra revenue sources, invest more in GaaS and in extra platforms, which for Sony mean investing more in GaaS and in revenue from outside PS (PC, mobile, tv shows, movies, even rival consoles via Bungie and MLB).
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Deleted member 223

Posting stuff like that should amount to trolling as a weak appeal to authority play to intimidate idiots with, which works on posters that suddenly back down when confronted with a shiny thing... like orcs to light.

If you don't know the sourcing of the data and nor can directly confirm its origination or the type of data being used (form, name, type of disclose etc, in specificity), specially regarding markets with numerous private company participants that don't publicly share data to avoid proper scrutiny amongst other things..... if you don't know exact dates, ranges etc, what is included and what is being left out........If you don't know all of that and broken down to single little pieces in order to be able to double check the veracity of the data in FULL.... and I can go on and on....... you literally are running blind and on faith of some outfit whose principal business is to close a sale on packaged data (doesn't matter if it's garbage or not), on a pretty graph or otherwise. And just because said business is in the data business doesn't mean it's proper or good data. Just like not all plumbers are good plumbers, not all mechanics are good mechanics, not all data outfits are good data outfits - no matter the marketing banners that they display on their page or the sales pitch when they solicit your business.

You run that necessary checklist, not exclusive to just those parameters, but many more I won't bother thinking off right now for each little scribble and you'll find that the poster in question can't do that for any, except appeal to authority (that you must believe the data because it came from x outfit) or scram like in that other thread.

Also any time you deal with estimates as a basis for plug-in data mixed with hard data, estimates in general as the sole basis. and/or an over abundance of the famous *** disclaimer symbol, methodologies unknown, or veracity of which can't be verified but you're expected to co-op such as end-consumer...... when you're into that territory, if you have an ounce of brain you should know that you're into deep BS - inaccuracy galore with tolerances for error all out of wack.

One thing is to talk about directly disclosed financials like with Sony's - hard data, another thing is to fake it with data agglomeration run by intermediaries which is prepackaged, packaged and sold. Sometimes you're dealing with data that has bounced two outfits or more - that is, one data outfit selling to another, which in turn sells it to another after some spin, and a few color changes on the graphs, instead of a pie chart perhaps a bar chart.

Been finding it a useful litmus test for IQ any poster that engages this intellectually dishonest troll and argues on the basis of that data. You have to be low IQ to fall for such a ploy - straight from the arguing online folder.

Imagine reading a Phd dissertation full of wikipedia links as its sources. Not much further here.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Yes, they need to make extra money both in PS and outside of it. Because their big AAA games this generation are having budgets of half a billion each when combining development and marketing budgets and someone has to pay them specially the ones who may tank or get cancelled.

Source? Because the budgets we've heard had not surpassed 200M, and didn't specify marketing as an additional cost.


21 Jun 2022
But how does it benefit PlayStation to cede massive territories to PC, allowing people to be locked into PC and their libraries on Steam?

They have left themselves little to no reason for people in those territories to buy a PS5 and possibly eroded many reasons for past customers to continue on PlayStation apart from their existing digital library.

So they're happy with a couple hundred million instead of a few billion more.... doesn't compute to me.

The question itself is a clue to the risk Sony is subject to by not taking PC as a full on competitor.
You replying to Jim's son


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
As of August, Steam has 120M monthly active users. Meaning, there are more Steam users who weren't active that month. And there are way more PC users in non Steam platforms like the ones from Riot, Epic or Tencent/Asian ones, normally ignored by western reports. The PC market is way bigger than 120M users.

I'm doing a market research at work right now,, these are some numbers regarding amount of users:

And these are some numbers regarding revenue:




Yes, they need to make extra money both in PS and outside of it. Because their big AAA games this generation are having budgets of half a billion each when combining development and marketing budgets and someone has to pay them specially the ones who may tank or get cancelled.

Even if their first party sales highly improved in the recent years and game prices incresed a bit, the budgets increase every generation and way more than sales or game pricing. And the same time, the revenue from game sales is being replaced by add-ons (mostly from GaaS). Which means the AAA have to find extra revenue sources, invest more in GaaS and in extra platforms, which for Sony mean investing more in GaaS and in revenue from outside PS (PC, mobile, tv shows, movies, even rival consoles via Bungie and MLB).
Okay...and that doesn't mean that they are not a competitor or that they can hard PlayStation.... whether that is in the here and now or in the future with growth aspirations in various growing markets.

Instead of fighting for more customers and providing differentiation, it seems like you and PlayStation (if they embrace this strategy further) are just content to be a smaller player, that they don't actually want to compete at a higher level or provide more to their customers.... that is deeply disturbing and if anyone is arguing for it, it reeks of corporate interests ahead of customer and overall market interests and health.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
I was hoping this was them trying to prep PC players for a future where they'll stop giving them ports. But, it seems this is Sony just trying to justify their idiotic decision because they surely have seen the negative relations to it online.

Oh well.. Horizon Forbidden West should be interesting... Sales wise.
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8 May 2023
He is right. Lower cost of entry, ease of use, good enough graphics for the money and getting the games earlier. That's more than enough for lots of people judging by PS5 sales.

There's nothing Sony can do to lure certain markets to their consoles so that's what the DELAYED PC ports are for. Can't believe it's been more than 3 and a half years since HZD PC was announced and we are still discussing the same.