Sony Explains the Advantage of Having a PS5 Over PC


Deleted member 223

They need to buy CDPR and From soft and make more and more fully exclusive to PS consoles. Taking away meaningful games is the path towards further growth.

Teams like IOI and Remedy are good targets too.

There are relatively few companies making very high end games for console and PC, taking away a few from PC makes a huge difference.
Specifically CDPR and From would hurt PC gaming a lot and streaming culture / twitch.
Streaming culture and and money-making streaming need a more comprehensive approach than that, but yes you gotta start with the content war, easiest to cross out - ever constant. If you can't even do that then may as well wave the white flag already.

Money-making streaming and streaming culture however also require a PlayStation OS rethinking and re-opening. You can't go against PC, with a fully fledged OS backed by Microsoft and NOT evolve here in some form of fashion. Whatever the investment here, which will be painful for PlayStation profitability, will still pale in comparison to making a fully fledged OS and the expense MS incurs. MS does pose many challenges as a competitor, and they continue to evolve. PC is the next competitive frontier for consoles and premium gaming - no two ways about it. You can't run from it or co-op it etc etc. You gotta fight it head on.

Goal should be clear - the PlayStation platform (aka its consoles) should be the number #1 go-to platform for video game streaming and making money out of video game streaming - or streaming in general but you pitch it with a gaming taste being PlayStation and all. Lets call the venture the "Creators Hub".

First you gotta do your research - hardest point is to get a good picture of the market off the ground, then define the market properly, specially money-making streaming and create the parameters for which to judge the venture. That data collection and market research process will obviously get you the info on how to structure this hub and give you an idea of how many streaming services and platforms you have to support - and you gotta be extremely inclusive with the options. Then you have to get down to the streamer level and do your market research there, just as equally as important and understand the process of video game streaming from a pro streamer's perspective - the software they use for videos, camera set up, responding to chat, writing messages and engaging with the chat etc, checking their earnings, or the sites they off-load their users in order to monetize etc etc etc. You gotta make the Creator's Hub a home for pro-streamers just as good if not better than what PC offers - the functionality all there is the box - and that is a big ass undertaking. The OS team alone dedicated to this will probably be even bigger than the one they currently have for the current OS.

Bottomline the PlayStation OS needs badly a Creators Hub for this very purpose and it will be a complex undertaking. Since Sony and PlayStation are already behind big time - you gotta offer a better, more streamlined solution to get the pro-streamers and streamers in general to switch. And it will also require a lot maintenance to keep it up to date and to follow the trends. It should also be flexible for podcasts creation, even if non-gaming related - just the nature of the beast. Keyboard and mouse support will also be required and key. The creators hub should be in anything but name a PC station for creating videos and streaming content using the PS5 as the vehicle and computing device.

That is the undertaking before them. They can either shy away from it and run away like it's not there and BS themselves to sleep that it ain't a problem (to which they'll pay dearly later on as the market evolves and PC monopolizes this without them - it's already a problem) or tackle the painful thing with purpose, enthusiasm and the seriousness required. And Yes it will cost a lot of money and there is no guarantee that after all this undertaking it will all play out like you planned, even with the best of your efforts. It's an investment, forced upon Sony/PlayStation by the market and the distinct strengths of the competing devices PlayStation consoles compete against. The nature of business.

Sony can find many synergies with their investments in E-Sports to push the creators hub marketing wise, and to get attach rate, and not do the dumb thing MS did to buy a streaming service and pay pro-streamers immense money - which naturally all backfired in a massive loss.

The game and business is evolving at a very fast rate. You need quick reactions and great future-forward thinking leadership. I think this is one of the biggest elephants in the room where console platforms are lagging behind big time, and the current options are barely serviceable and proper. Hence it's clear that current leadership in this regard has failed to move the needle here, and you need fresh blood, with fresh juices and the right approach for this. A new gen of PlayStation leadership is needed cause clearly the boomers are failing.

But if you can't even keep your content differentiation game any longer.... well.... I think it's us that perhaps need to let go, cause they already have waived the white flag and the end point is clear - as sad as it's.
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11 Aug 2022
Yeah, those 300k sales of last of us on PC gave Sony billions and billions. I'm sure it covers the constant babying that version needs.
I never said it's making billions and billions. It doesn't need to be. The switch was made and every Sony studio has spent money reworking their game engines to support porting to the PC. The babying isn't the PC's fault. It's the developers fault.

And it's impressive that not announcing part 2 for PC doesn't ring any bells.
Huh? Are you implying that TLOU2 won't be ported for the PC?

You said it was being ported back in 2020 or 2021, and yet it's the one that doesn't get immediately announced.
I've said Sony was porting their games from the very beginning. It would be foolish of you to even think Sony has now decided to backtrack their decision and stop porting to the PC.