Sony President, CFO & COO Hiroki Totoki: "We will discuss and show our 3rd mid-range plan at the end of FY23, regarding acquisitions and mergers."


21 Jun 2022
They haven’t bought anyone this fiscal year?
For the current FY Sony had a remaining budget of $140-150M for acquisitions, investmestments and stock repurchses.

And so far during this FY SIE bought Firewalk, Audeze and iSize. I assume there won't be much left.

Sony also mentioned months ago that due to market condittions decided to continue with the (big) acquisiions for the mid to long term and want to evaluate them and their timing more carefully.

Sony also mentioned monhs ago that plan to sell up to 80% of their banks division and use that cash for acquisitions mostly for their enterainmen branches (which includes gaming) but that this process will take up to 2-3 years (matching the mid to long term mentioned before).

So if they really said that will spend 20% less next FY, means they plan to have a budget of around $110-120M next FY (for the whole Sony, not only SIE, and including also investments and stock repurchases). In March 2024 ends their 3 years mid term plan/budget, so they'll announce their plan for the next 3 years when announcing the fiscal report of the current FY.
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16 Jul 2023
For the current FY Sony had a remaining budget of $140-150M for acquisitions, investmestments and stock repurchses.

And so far during this FY SIE bought Firewalk, Audeze and iSize. I assume there won't be much left.

Sony also mentioned months ago that due to market condittions decided to continue with the (big) acquisiions for the mid to long term and want to evaluate them and their timing more carefully.

Sony also mentioned monhs ago that plan to sell up to 80% of their banks division and use that cash for acquisitions mostly for their enterainmen branches (which includes gaming) but that this process will take up to 2-3 years (matching the mid to long term mentioned before).
Thought Firewalk was last year. My bad


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022

Embracer fire sale purchases. Eidos + Gunfire.

I’d also put Io interactive and Remedy on the list but I believe one of the big Chinese pubs have their money in both.

Sony now the developer of Xbox exclusive Perfect Dark reboot.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022

Embracer fire sale purchases. Eidos + Gunfire.

I’d also put Io interactive and Remedy on the list but I believe one of the big Chinese pubs have their money in both.

Sony now the developer of Xbox exclusive Perfect Dark reboot.

Great picks.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I've lost all faith in current Sony leadership

They have been very very weak at the most important things, the customer-facing business and fan engagement.

It's all been managed on a negative basis..... controlling costs, maximizing profits and offering less to console customers to save money or just out of a lack of interest in offering more.

The response to Microsofts acquisitions has been lackluster, for me it has been monumentally disappointing to see how they think Firesprite or Haven could be good enough when they have derailed the main AAA studios with this GAAS trash...

Every time I look on Twitter, Sony employees are doing some event...but it's industry people only, some private gathering of industry people but there are no events for fans.... and the events they have had were disappointing (and I am being kind using that word)

The only thing saving them is the momentum from the last leaders and the studios talent and output, which (as I said) they have already negatively impacted.

Absolutely toothless leadership.


9 Dec 2022

Embracer fire sale purchases. Eidos + Gunfire.

I’d also put Io interactive and Remedy on the list but I believe one of the big Chinese pubs have their money in both.

Sony now the developer of Xbox exclusive Perfect Dark reboot.
From embracer Eidos and gunfire are my top pics but if everything is up on offer dark horse comics for tv + movies maybe farm out some of the ip for games to none ps studios. Lotr rights if it’s like cheap but that might be tied up in a deal with Amazon.
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21 Jun 2022

I'm watching the Q&A and as usual Mochizuki is lying.

Sony didn't say that they will decrease a 20% their M&A budget. They said that the acquisition related costs for acquisitions made in previous years (Bungie and a number of them more) peaked in FY23 and in FY24 will be 20% less:

(00:45:40) Acquisition related costs -not only Bungie, but also a number of others- peaked in FY23 (current FY) and will decrease a 20% for FY24 on a USD basis. (please notice he's talking why profits were impacted and why will improve next fiscal year, and he's talking about acquisition related costs of acquisitions made in previous years)
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
From embracer Eidos and gunfire are my top pics but if everything is up on offer dark horse comics for tv + movies maybe farm out some of the ip for games to none ps studios. Lotr rights if it’s like cheap but that might be tied up in a deal with Amazon.

My dream picks for acquisition are those I mentioned; CDPR, Eidos, Gunfire, IO and Remedy for games dev and tech. If we’re including film and tv into the equation…. TOHO.

From Software is a top pick for mostly anyone but I don’t see it happening. Wouldn’t mind if it did happen tho.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023

Embracer fire sale purchases. Eidos + Gunfire.

I’d also put Io interactive and Remedy on the list but I believe one of the big Chinese pubs have their money in both.

Sony now the developer of Xbox exclusive Perfect Dark reboot.
Microsoft definitely has their eyes on IO... Sony would be smart to get them or try to get some type of deal going with both them and Remedy.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022

Embracer fire sale purchases. Eidos + Gunfire.

I’d also put Io interactive and Remedy on the list but I believe one of the big Chinese pubs have their money in both.

Sony now the developer of Xbox exclusive Perfect Dark reboot.
IoI would be bought by MS if anyone


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I'm watching the Q&A and as usual Mochizuki is lying.

Sony didn't say that they will decrease a 20% their M&A budget. They said that the acquisition related costs for previous years (Bungie and a number of them more) peaked in FY23 and in FY24 will be 20% less:

(00:45:40) Acquisition related costs -not only Bungie, but also a number of others- peaked in FY23 (current FY) and will decrease a 20% for FY24 on a USD basis. (please notice he's talking why profits were impacted and why will improve next fiscal year, and he's talking about acquisition related costs of acquisitions made in previous years)
How does this dude keep getting away with putting out fake news?


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
For Sony, just to continue my journey on this subject, here are my thoughts now, which have evolved over time:

S-E continues to look like a smart move, though increasingly less so over time. Three of their big plusses were supposed to be the western studios and IP, which fit well with Playstation, the traditional big 2 JRPGs and the live service games. Now the western studios are just plain gone, the bigger of the two JRPG franchises just had a PS-backed "underperformance" (and Forspoken too...) and even the GaaS, gatcha and MMO shit took a beating this year. So yeah, its a lot less an amazing target than it was a little over a year ago.

New target: The good parts of Sega. Sega is, and has for many years, been poorly run and their current "Super Game" strategy, to me, sounds like a pre-destined train-wreck. Maybe even a big enough one to cause bankruptcy/sale of assets. Specifically, Sony should go after RGG Studio. This is the good part of Sega, RGG/Yakuza fits, to me, what you think of when you think of Playstation titles in the early 2000s -the golden era- and they really crank titles out too. Atlas would also be another good pick up, for anyone. As to the rest of Sega, Sonic team can go to any JP publisher, the arcade stuff to Capcom/Namco/Konami and the European stuff to anyone who wants to sell PC GaaS titles.

Also possible: The usual grab bag of "good" independent large western studios. CDPR, IO, Gearbox, cast-offs from Epic, possibly just to be absorbed into the existing Insomniac NC team. I think that Amazon and, if neccissary, MS would out-compete them for the CD/E unit if that goes up for sale.

And thowing some small names out there: What about Linden Labs, Cyan Worlds, Jake Solomon's yet-to-be launched studio, Starbreeze Studios (Payday, currently owned by Embracer,) Good Feel (Yarn/Wool games with Nintendo,) Sumo Digital Newcastle (VR team, at least commission a game from them) or Kamiya's upcoming new studio?

And just to be clear here, I'm not saying all of that. You get 1, at most maybe 2.
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21 Jun 2022
Like many people I lost faith and I feel like it's too late. Sony are totally nonchalant.

All the big targets people want...MS would be interested too. The industry really seem to prefer MS so if they had to choose between both I see them all siding with Microsoft.