Sony president Hiroki Totoki officially begins his role as interim CEO of PlayStation. What are your expectations?

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
I'm with you on most of this, but the GaaS pivot and positioning of Bungie has been an abject failure.

We do seem to be in the minority on here as far as the merits of late PC game ports go though. A few very loud voices here hate them in any capacity with every fiber of their being, no matter how late they are.

When did Sony buy Audeze though?

As someone mentioned Helldivers has been a massive success. Bungie has yet to release a new game yet. How anyone would just it as a failure is pretty obtuse.

The anti-PC standpoint comes down to tribalism, it's not about logic.

Sony bought Audeze late last year, but they've been working with them for some time.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
As someone mentioned Helldivers has been a massive success. Bungie has yet to release a new game yet. How anyone would just it as a failure is pretty obtuse.

The anti-PC standpoint comes down to tribalism, it's not about logic.

Sony bought Audeze late last year, but they've been working with them for some time.

Bungie has released two expansions and 8 seasons stacked with content since the Sony purchase. Unlike most Sony owned studios they’re actually releasing products. Witch Queen year was their best engagement ever and Lightfall their biggest launch ever (even while being mid). Destiny launches break a million concurrent across all platforms. Bungie’s issues are spending and delaying both their major product launches close to year (two years for final shape considering this entire year is legitimately filler). A new game LOLs.


Active member
21 Apr 2023
This gen in particular kinda proves that the idea of Sony entirely cannibalizing it's audience with pc ports is nonsensical.

Is there cannibalization? Yes, but it's been far less than most envisioned, mainly because the prospective PC gamer has to accept a massive upfront cost compared to the console gamer, and has to settle for a potentially vastly worse user experience.

Nintendo might be taking a more purist stance, but that means that they're putting all their chips on the Switch 2, which i think will face not insignificant headwinds.
24 Jun 2022
Where are the PC game sales for Microsoft games to suggest a shift from Xbox console gaming to PC gaming?

Most of Sea of Thieve's sales, just as an example, have come from Steam and Windows Store, not Xbox.

Forza Horizon 5 did pretty well in sales, most of them from Steam.

Also watching the current MLID podcast ATM, but he and a developer bring up the fact that at GDC multiple devs were speaking about Xbox sales of multiplats being "practically dead" compared to other consoles like PS, or even platforms like PC/Steam. And I'm sure some industry analysts have suggested by now that Xbox software sales overall have declined heavily for 1P and 3P titles compared to other platforms.

Who said PC gamers spend more? If you look at the price history of Spider-Man on PC, you'll see that it has never been under 35.99 USD in the US, but it's been significantly cheaper in other regions. That's what PC gaming is. It's a discount parade, particularly across regions.

And yet this is the platform some people are begging Sony to prioritize for growth going forward. Point out this contradiction to them, not me. I already know tons of people on PC buy games at heavy discounts and the only stuff they're willing to buy at full price are CPUs & GPUs.

That being said, a game can generate millions of dollars relatively easily due to the userbase. If you sell 2 million copies at 5 dollars a piece, it's 10 million in revenue. You're looking at at least 7 million in net. PC games have a very long life, but for some reason people are determined to compare them directly to console sales that generally sell closest to launch.

The console can generate the same type of long-tail sales or, generally, even better, that goes for both B2P sales and revenue. The numbers you give aren't worth jeopardizing potential console sales & revenue for, because they're simply too low.

And that's what I'm really talking about here: how many of these are lateral sales, versus being new customers? I could ask the same for Helldivers 2 in fact, but being a GAAS/live-service title it's exempt from this topic on my end because I'm focused on non-GAAS titles (and by non-GAAS, I mean games primarily developed as non-GAAS experiences, even if they get some form of MP at launch, or get some MP/live-service mode later on in their lifecycle).

Which port costs 30+ million dollars?

We'd probably need more to leak from the Insomniac hack to know, but we know some ports either at present or down the line could reach that amount because, again, why have an arbitrary cutoff at $30 million if you never plan to have ports cost that amount?

We know their costs (aprox. a couple million per port, not 30M) and their revenues, so we know their (aprox.) profits. That's a fact. We also see in the graph they have a huge yearly growth.

The ports whose costs were leaked may not cost $30 million, but they have internally forecasted ports at some point in the future costing that much, hence $30 million was settled for the cutoff amount. How are you not putting this together?

As for the revenue growth on PC, most of that for FY '22 was from Destiny 2, an acquired asset. The PC ports for SIE games that FY were a smaller contribution to that growth.

In several cases cases we have even the exact cost of the PC ports (around 2M) and their revenue during a few early months or years, and have an insane ROI. That's another fact.

Plus the interim CEO stated it, and that they plan to double down in PC to improve their profitability. They wouldn't do if PC would be an unprofitable market. That's another fact.

So all the related facts we have tell us they are very profitable, have a great ROI which is way higher than with new games.

There isn't any fact that shows them as "decently profitable" or "not very profitable".

This is all still just your personal take on the data provided. I could just as easily say your concept of "very profitable" is only relative to the absolute amounts the PC games are bringing in.

When you compare those to the sales and revenue performances on console, they're not impressive. Sony's problem going forward is risking a drop in sales and revenue from the console side of those software sales (both for 1P and also 3P games), and not seeing enough growth on the PC side of both metrics to offset that drop AND have the expected growth they'd want on PC if the console side didn't see a drop.

Under that pressure, the PC revenue (and specifically, profits) figures simply can't hold up and do all of that heavy lifting.

The data you say "discredits me" (not me, but the leaked slide posted above) was another one found later and apparently made later, I may be wrong but I think it was from shortly after HFW was included in PS+, shown in a table with estimates in a document that was about making estimates on the impact of including a game in PS+, particularly making projections about what HFW was going to have.

A document I assume that thanks to this document about estimates they tought it wasn't a good idea to include Ratched in PS+ as quick as HFW did and instead prefered to wait some time more.

This is quite a reach, I must say.

As far as we know, no PC por costed 30M. The Sony PC ports budgets we know are somewhere around 1.5M and 3.5M aprox, around 2M.

In the table posted above we saw the cost of the Spider-Man Remaster did cost $39M. The remaster, not the PC port. And this is with Insomniac doing it, who with their prestige and in Californa have much higher salaries than an European porting studio.

Again, there is a reason why Jim Ryan specified that any port costing $30 million or more required a more strenuous review: because they are expecting future ports to come up to that cost or higher.

And Spiderman Remastered was in large part made in order to justify a port of 2018 to PC, so you can count it essentially as a port, in a sense.


21 Jun 2022
The console can generate the same type of long-tail sales or, generally, even better, that goes for both B2P sales and revenue. The numbers you give aren't worth jeopardizing potential console sales & revenue for, because they're simply too low.

And that's what I'm really talking about here: how many of these are lateral sales, versus being new customers? I could ask the same for Helldivers 2 in fact, but being a GAAS/live-service title it's exempt from this topic on my end because I'm focused on non-GAAS titles (and by non-GAAS, I mean games primarily developed as non-GAAS experiences, even if they get some form of MP at launch, or get some MP/live-service mode later on in their lifecycle).

Sony's problem going forward is risking a drop in sales and revenue from the console side of those software sales (both for 1P and also 3P games), and not seeing enough growth on the PC side of both metrics to offset that drop AND have the expected growth they'd want on PC if the console side didn't see a drop.

Since they started the PC ports strategy their console userbase increased (to PS history record levels), didn't decrease. In fact, we know that around half of PS5 sales are to new users.l

So the evidence we have may lead think instead of damaging the console, the PC ports are generating new fans and a portion of them may be buying PS consoles.

We'd probably need more to leak from the Insomniac hack to know, but we know some ports either at present or down the line could reach that amount because, again, why have an arbitrary cutoff at $30 million if you never plan to have ports cost that amount?
The ports whose costs were leaked may not cost $30 million, but they have internally forecasted ports at some point in the future costing that much, hence $30 million was settled for the cutoff amount. How are you not putting this together?
Again, there is a reason why Jim Ryan specified that any port costing $30 million or more required a more strenuous review: because they are expecting future ports to come up to that cost or higher.

There is absolutely no PC port that costed 30M. And there is nothing in the leaks saying this, at least posted in internet.

The original source for this is a highly tribalistic Iconera user who often lies and says half truths to spread FUD about Sony.

In that case claimed that a Jim Ryan said in a mail that any ports with a budget of under $30M only needed a mail to get greenlighted without proving any receipt, so may be a totally made up claim. Even in such claim didn't mention that there were ports who costed 30M or more.

I posted instead the budget of several PC ports that were included in the leaks, and were around 2M: from around 1.5M o 3.5M aprox. And also the $39M budget of Spider-Man Remastered.

I want to see receipts of that supposed Jim Ryan mail mentioning the 30M but nobody found it. And very likely the reason is that never existed.

As for the revenue growth on PC, most of that for FY '22 was from Destiny 2, an acquired asset. The PC ports for SIE games that FY were a smaller contribution to that growth.
Yes, part -not all- of the growth that year was due to adding Destiny 2. And the rest of the years also are growing and there aren't Destiny 2 added. They added ports of old PC games and this one Helldivers 2.

This is all still just your personal take on the data provided. I could just as easily say your concept of "very profitable" is only relative to the absolute amounts the PC games are bringing in.
Something that requires a 2M budget and generates over $50M in profit (case of several ports, not all), so more than x25 ROI is a very profitable investment in any industry. It's basically free money.

When you compare those to the sales and revenue performances on console, they're not impressive.
Under that pressure, the PC revenue (and specifically, profits) figures simply can't hold up and do all of that heavy lifting.

The revenue isn't impressive. What is impressive is the ROI, growth and profitability. Meaning, this year pretty likely will already generate around half a billion or even more in PC. Way more than half a billion when adding rival consoles. Most of it profit.

This means that if they keep porting and releaseing GaaS in PC will continue growing, and soon will generate over a billion in pofits per year from there. Which itself will be very impressive. And needed, because without PC Sony won't be able to make profitable AAA games releasing only in console, specially SP not-GaaS ones with the sales of Bloodborne, Days Gone or lower because budgets are going too high.

And Spiderman Remastered was in large part made in order to justify a port of 2018 to PC, so you can count it essentially as a port, in a sense.
Well, it was technically a PS5 Remaster to be bundled with Morales and made Morales more appealing and milk PS5 users a bit more. But maybe -or maybe not, we don't know it but I think is likely- was also made with the idea since the start of porting it later to PC.
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28 Jun 2022
I expect him to breeze along until the real CEO is picked. Not much of an impact.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
Most of Sea of Thieve's sales, just as an example, have come from Steam and Windows Store, not Xbox.

Forza Horizon 5 did pretty well in sales, most of them from Steam.

Forza Horizon did very well on Xbox and was consistently one of the top playing games on Xbox the bigger problem that you're ignoring is GamePass which directly impact sales of Xbox games on the Xbox console. Forza Horizon 5 was not a huge seller on PC either. Certainly not representative of the lost userbase that Xbox is experiencing.

Also watching the current MLID podcast ATM, but he and a developer bring up the fact that at GDC multiple devs were speaking about Xbox sales of multiplats being "practically dead" compared to other consoles like PS, or even platforms like PC/Steam. And I'm sure some industry analysts have suggested by now that Xbox software sales overall have declined heavily for 1P and 3P titles compared to other platforms.

Again, this is because of GamePass which you're purposefully ignoring.

And yet this is the platform some people are begging Sony to prioritize for growth going forward. Point out this contradiction to them, not me. I already know tons of people on PC buy games at heavy discounts and the only stuff they're willing to buy at full price are CPUs & GPUs.

Who is saying that Sony should "prioritize" PC? They bought a company who handles their PC Ports, if they were prioritizing PC all of their games would be jointly developed for PC by the first party studios and release Day 1 on PC.

We'd probably need more to leak from the Insomniac hack to know, but we know some ports either at present or down the line could reach that amount because, again, why have an arbitrary cutoff at $30 million if you never plan to have ports cost that amount?

The ports whose costs were leaked may not cost $30 million, but they have internally forecasted ports at some point in the future costing that much, hence $30 million was settled for the cutoff amount. How are you not putting this together?

You often read something and run with it without understanding the context. You did the same thing in declaring that the PSVR2 would be streaming.

Nothing in that e-mail suggests that any PC ports are anywhere close to 30 million dollars, rather that the expenditure doesn't need to formally go through procurement if it is under 30 million dollars. When I would buy things for my company, we had the same type of approval systems in place for purchases depending on expense. Some departments hit the requirement where it needed CEO approval within our systems and sometimes even going over a dollar required an e-mail approval from a C level on hiring someone. You don't understand Sony's financial approval system enough to even begin to suggest any ports come close to that number.

Any if you understand budgets for games, you'd realize how unlikely that would become.

As for the revenue growth on PC, most of that for FY '22 was from Destiny 2, an acquired asset. The PC ports for SIE games that FY were a smaller contribution to that growth.

This is all still just your personal take on the data provided. I could just as easily say your concept of "very profitable" is only relative to the absolute amounts the PC games are bringing in.

When you compare those to the sales and revenue performances on console, they're not impressive. Sony's problem going forward is risking a drop in sales and revenue from the console side of those software sales (both for 1P and also 3P games), and not seeing enough growth on the PC side of both metrics to offset that drop AND have the expected growth they'd want on PC if the console side didn't see a drop.

Under that pressure, the PC revenue (and specifically, profits) figures simply can't hold up and do all of that heavy lifting.

This is quite a reach, I must say.

So your real argument is that people who want these first party games that make up a small percentage of the overall PlayStation userbase on any given title, will jump to PC, but not buy the same games that they loved so much that they bought a console for. You're right that's quite a reach.

Again, there is a reason why Jim Ryan specified that any port costing $30 million or more required a more strenuous review: because they are expecting future ports to come up to that cost or higher.

And Spiderman Remastered was in large part made in order to justify a port of 2018 to PC, so you can count it essentially as a port, in a sense.

See above.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
This gen in particular kinda proves that the idea of Sony entirely cannibalizing it's audience with pc ports is nonsensical.

Is there cannibalization? Yes, but it's been far less than most envisioned, mainly because the prospective PC gamer has to accept a massive upfront cost compared to the console gamer, and has to settle for a potentially vastly worse user experience.

Nintendo might be taking a more purist stance, but that means that they're putting all their chips on the Switch 2, which i think will face not insignificant headwinds.

There is no more evidence of cannibalization than there is of PC gamers jumping to console to play sequels of games that have just recently been released on PS5.

The numbers we have don't reflect either.


28 Jan 2023
I don't care what people think about this guy
But I'm glad playstation is under japanese management again


28 Jun 2022
I don't care what people think about this guy
But I'm glad playstation is under japanese management again
Meh if he's going to be another blind money hat exec than nah but I do want them to go back to those Kaz Hirai days
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