Sony reverses position & will no longer require PSN account linking for Helldivers 2. Must take the right lessons from this fiasco.

Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022
The smartest thing Sony could do is grant a free cosmetic to those that link to a PSN account. Removing PSN at the start needed to be done to save the initial install base. Delaying Helldivers 2 as the devs should have pre-paid for servers to take a ridiculously large installbase that may not come is devoid of logic. The sales wasn't anticipated in its wildest dreams.


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
I read a comment that said:

" A sony published game that is attracting the opposite audience than it wants, an audience that doesn't like to get pissed on "

It made me feel very weird, Sony who constantly releases amazing games, gives its studios all the time, budget & help that they want (most importantly dont rush them).

Who don't release huge graphically intense games at 30 fps, they all run really well on release, they even help their external publishing deals with everything from Bloodborne to Stellar Blade.

They even give away a very nice DLC for free, for the anniversary of the franchise.

- - -

I just don't get it & now we will see even more people opposing them. It is unfortunate how they come to this conclusion.


8 May 2023
Not really they still have incredible marketshare, and even with MS absorbing both activision and bethesda they still make considerably more revenue. (theres noway sony should not be able to figure out how to turn as much revenue as they make into more profits.. this falls squarely on bad mangement in that regard)

PC supposedly has 1billion gamers, yet most games that see a standard release across xbox playstation pc etc. dont achieve large lifetime sales. Why is it that if PC fanbase is so big that games like dragons dogma 2 launch with 2.5million sells? Yet i am suppose to believe that they are carrying the market?

Sonys problem is they got carried away with how bloated their games got cost wise (we all know this by now) which led to those bad margins recently. People are using this as a reason as to why they should support PC more when in fact, they need to do the opposite. IF sony want to see better margins like they have in the past, they need to be alot more efficient than they have been and do a much better job at allocating budgets to these projects, everything doesnt need to cost 200million to make, they need to dial it back, as you can still make very good triple A or smaller experiences without all the overhead, and when they do that tamper expectations accordingly. every game cant be a 10-20mil bomb seller, and having games that sell alot less shouldnt be an indicator of a flop either, these games all still server a purpose, games like ICO/shadow of collusus/concrete genie (for example) may not sell globs but draw in a different demograph into your ecosystem which u can then in turn sell other things, And triple A can still be done it just needs to as i said earlier be more efficient, but thats where astout management comes into play. Trying to 'grow' by simply being available 'everywhere' is the lazy route - and comes with a cost.

No you can't. Modern Sony fanbase was educated (by them) into wanting nothing but games with the best production values. AA like games from the competition were used as ammo for the console war (recore, state of decay, sea of thieves, grounded)

Ico bombed in a spectacular fashion back in the day. Picture now.

Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
What a rollercoaster.

They never listened to the backlash over game and PSN price increases though.

Double standards?
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Summer Nightmares

Well-known member
12 Jan 2023
What a rollercoaster.

They never listened to the backlash over game and PSN price increases though.

Double standards?

One the downsides of walled gardens I guess. People are not going to review bomb on Playstation and if you want a refund they are the ones who decide (and Sony basically have a no refund policy). On Steam everything depends on Valve and they decided to give refunds to people who played over 80 hours.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
What a rollercoaster.

They never listened to the backlash over game and PSN price increases though.

Double standards?
the backlash wasn't big enough.

this backlash was costing Sony money through refund requests and also the threat of losing their future growth vector.

if ya'll had been more organized back then, maybe Sony would have done things differently. You can blame Microsoft for making it a console industry standard.


8 May 2023
Maybe we should learn frpm PC player and boycott Sony charging for online.
There's nothing to learn from this situation, why don't PC clowns apply that same vitriol to Nvidia for overpriced GPUs? Or against devs for the countless buggy ports that they've come to accept? Or you know, the 1000 other games that also require linking a 3rd party account? 🤔

And paid online was normalized by Xbox idiots, the same Xbox idiots that are now larping as PC gamers and acting like they're above it all.

Y'all are mistaken, PC gamers didn't get any win, Sony just took a big fat L and made another incredibly stupid business decision. Which is par for the course for them these days.

I read a comment that said:

" A sony published game that is attracting the opposite audience than it wants, an audience that doesn't like to get pissed on "

It made me feel very weird, Sony who constantly releases amazing games, gives its studios all the time, budget & help that they want (most importantly dont rush them).

Who don't release huge graphically intense games at 30 fps, they all run really well on release, they even help their external publishing deals with everything from Bloodborne to Stellar Blade.

They even give away a very nice DLC for free, for the anniversary of the franchise.

- - -

I just don't get it & now we will see even more people opposing them. It is unfortunate how they come to this conclusion.
The only time Sony "pissed on" consumers was when they raised PS Plus prices. Beyond that, most PS fans have been happy for the most part, getting GOTY worthy games almost every year. PC players get pissed on just as much, if not more, than everyone else in gaming.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Modern Sony fanbase was educated (by them) into wanting nothing but games with the best production values.

As it should. Lower budget doesn't necessarily mean lower values. It could be a shorter game or a "DLC-like" expansion reusing same or similar high quality assets (e.g. First Light, The Lost Legacy, Miles Morales).

ICO was successful enough to warrant a "sequel", which resulted in the best game ever created.
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15 Apr 2024
Maybe we should learn frpm PC player and boycott Sony charging for online.
Yeah, that's the lesson to be learned here.

Not: "PC gamers are whiny babies."... those whiny babies just made Sony stop in their tracks.

You can also make them stop stealing your money for online services.
  • they're_right_you_know
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14 Jul 2022
Hopefully this starts the pushback against multiple Sign ins. Unfortunately, I think the industry shills have been deployed to attack the wrong areas, making it look like PC gamers are attacking Helldivers 1, when in reality it's a paid distraction to kill the movement before the push back aims at other companies and their sign ins.

I would like to see that push back happen. I don't care who is doing it at this point. Having to create separate accounts simply to play a purchased game is ridiculous. I get that it can provide some benefits in certain cases, but it should always be optional. I first ran into this way back on the PS3 where I had to make an Origin account to play Dead Space 3. I made the account because I had promised to coop the game with a friend. Since then, I have never made an account again or bought a game from EA.


8 May 2023
I've been doing it for a while, but they are still releasing games on PC 😕

Because this site never left the 90s school playground genesis vs SNES console war mentality.

What pisses you guys the most is other people getting to play your games. Instead of focusing on PS Plus price gouging, online fees, Naughty dog doing jack shit, the closure of Japan studios, evolution studios and more.

I did a poll back in the day and PC ports is what you hate the most by a country mile. You chose the stupidest hill to die on. Sony won't stop chasing new markets.
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Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
What pisses you guys the most is other people getting to play your games.
And this is where you are 100% wrong.

1) They are not MY games
2) I'm pissed because there is a NOTICEABLE drop in quality and quantity of their games output.
What changed? Cross-gen and PC support. I was and am pissed at both, but the former was deemed to end.

I'm also pissed at the GaaS push, because it's not the kind of games I like and we have seen where that has led to.
  • they're_right_you_know
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15 Apr 2024
And this is where you are 100% wrong.

1) They are not MY games
2) I'm pissed because there is a NOTICEABLE drop in quality and quantity of their games output.
What changed? Cross-gen and PC support. I was and am pissed at both, but the former was deemed to end.

I'm also pissed at the GaaS push, because it's not the kind of games I like and we have seen where that has led to.
In the context of this website, not you, in particular, Arvfab. Systemshock is 100% correct. I wish I could pin his latest message in fact.

Those Sony fellas here are mad for all the wrong reasons. I have suggested like 5 times so far that instead of hating on us Steam people, focus that energy on Sony. What happened with AH2 today is a bright-as-sun example that user reviews, 'whining' and telling them to fuck off works.

I don't work at Sony, I clearly don't know what they think. But if you strip it all of the labels, it's a company that is going to other markets to make money because it cannot sustain itself as is. They are not porting their games to PC out of their goodwill.
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15 Apr 2024