Sony won't be at Gamescom


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Hes trashing them for no reason other than his own doing. They’ve got a shit ton coming that is unannounced. Before the showcase people couldn’t stop sucking Sonys dick on how much better than Xbox they are. And now Xbox all of a sudden is gonna smack Sony in the ground. It’s tiring seeing how these small online places keep thinking this is how everyone is. We are so irrelevant on here it’s insane. I hate doom and gloomers. If can’t stand them sorry

Resistance to change is fine. Concerns about that is also fine.

If things were actually going disastrous for Sony tho… then the discourse would have more weight. Otherwise, I’m quite impressed how Sony has navigated this gen so far.

Let’s just ignore the record sales of everything. It’s deserved. Ragnarok to me lit the rocket… to the moon and beyond for ps5.


25 Mar 2023
There are two options:
- Sony is hiding their amazing pipeline of internal single player games for the next few years. (some of you seem to believe that)
- Sony doesn't have an amazing pipeline of internal single player games for the next few years. (sane people know this is the truth)

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
It's not a narrative? They have nothing to show since they have nothing in their current pipeline outside of Helldivers and Spiderman 2.

NOTHING at all?

Do me a favor and shut up if you don’t know what you’re talking about. A simple research will show how much bullshit that narrative is.


25 Mar 2023
NOTHING at all?

Do me a favor and shut up if you don’t know what you’re talking about. A simple research will show how much bullshit that narrative is.
Please tell us what else they have from their internal studios that isn't GaaS?

You better also be cheering Xbox acquisition of Bethesda and ABK if you are going to use all the third-party exclusives Sony bought to show how well Sony is doing.


25 Mar 2023
I think some people want games announced even if they are years away from release.
I think some poeple know that games get announced years away from release and if Sony ain't announcing those games it means they aren't coming any time soon.

I bet you were saying the same thing years ago and you didn't expect Spider-man 2 to be the only internal game Sony released in 2023 for the PS5 (not counting VR and DLCs).

I also bet you made fun of Xbox in the years when they had nothing to release (justifiably so), now it's time to hold Sony to the same standard.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Please tell us what else they have from their internal studios that isn't GaaS?

You better also be cheering Xbox acquisition of Bethesda and ABK if you are going to use all the third-party exclusives Sony bought to show how well Sony is doing.

All these online games are new additions to their studio lineup. And most of them startup.

Are you under the impression that Bend, SuckerPunch, Santa Monica, Guerilla, are making nothing?

Should they announce games 4 years in advance like Everwild, Fable and Perfect Dark while not even having working concepts on the games yet?


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
NOTHING at all?

Do me a favor and shut up if you don’t know what you’re talking about. A simple research will show how much bullshit that narrative is.
We know they have games in the oven, they aren't ready to show them..what's in their pipeline currently is Helldivers 2 and Spiderman. As if they are gonna have a blowout of upcoming games at GamesCon, get real.


25 Mar 2023
All these online games are new additions to their studio lineup. And most of them startup.

Are you under the impression that Bend, SuckerPunch, Santa Monica, Guerilla, are making nothing?

Should they announce concept trailers 4 years in advance like Everwild?
All these online games are going to fucking suck, you can write it down.

Are you under the impression that Bend, SuckerPunch, Santa Monica and Guerrilla games are going to release any time soon?

The theory that Sony had nothing to announce because they were shortening the window between announcement and release doesn't work anymore after we've seen what they had for 2023 and 2024. The long awaited Showcase where Sony would reveal their hand turned out to be one of the worse game showcases of all time.

Sony studios are likely now stuck on long dev cycles like most other publisher but unlike MS Sony didn't make up for it by making tons of acquisitions and increasing in size. Sony went all in on GaaS instead.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Please tell us what else they have from their internal studios that isn't GaaS?

You better also be cheering Xbox acquisition of Bethesda and ABK if you are going to use all the third-party exclusives Sony bought to show how well Sony is doing.

I’m not giving you a list war to satiate your false criticisms of PlayStation. Even if I did you would still find reasons for why those games don’t count.

And did you really just compare 3rd party exclusives to fucking MS buying Activision????? You’ve gone full Xbot.
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25 Mar 2023
I’m not giving you a list war to satiate your false criticisms of PlayStation.
Because you don't have it. There is Spider-man 2 and GaaS games and nothing else announced from their internal studios.

And did you really just compare 3rd party exclusives to fucking MS buying Activision????? You’ve gone full Xbot.
If you think I threat Sony unfailing you should see how I threat MS. I'm just a lot more consistent than you guys apparently and I hold both to the same standard (a standard Sony was able to live up to for more than 10 years).


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
I’m not giving you a list war to satiate your false criticisms of PlayStation. Even if I did you would still find reasons for why those games don’t count.

And did you really just compare 3rd party exclusives to fucking MS buying Activision????? You’ve gone full Xbot.

MS buying companies that are fully invested in gaas as their main business on PlayStation consoles.

It’s hilarious…

Do nothing Sony. Make another gravity rush for 100k players to buy.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Helldiver 2 maybe, another GaaS (but the least offensive of them all at least).
Helldivers 2 will be awesome and I'm def looking forward to it. Unfortunately they will send it out to die. But, yes. It's just that game and Spiderman 2.

These guys are acting so weird in here as if I'm not speaking the truth.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
We know they have games in the oven, they aren't ready to show them..what's in their pipeline currently is Helldivers 2 and Spiderman. As if they are gonna have a blowout of upcoming games at GamesCon, get real.

So you agree Sony has games in development they haven’t announced yet. Then stop complaining.

“Current pipeline” is not restricted to this year. Why are you using that terminology and you don’t even know what it means.

You all sound like the typical green rat that like to be overly picky with PlayStation and certain games don’t count. For whatever reason.


25 Mar 2023
Helldivers 2 will be awesome and I'm def looking forward to it. Unfortunately they will send it out to die. But, yes. It's just that game and Spiderman 2.

These guys are acting so weird in here as if I'm not speaking the truth.
They are fanatics and see any criticism of what PlayStation/Jimbo/Hermen as some sort of Xbot false narrative. As if the world was only made by either Xbox fanatics or Sony fantatics.

I like Sony for the games they make so once they start signaling they are going all in on GaaS and stop announcing the games I like I'm not going to pretend I'm not seeing it.

That's why despite the fact that I pretty much hate Xbox I hope they have a great show Sunday. I want PlayStation fans facing reality as soon as possible.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Because you don't have it. There is Spider-man 2 and GaaS games and nothing else announced from their internal studios.

If you think I threat Sony unfailing you should see how I threat MS. I'm just a lot more consistent than you guys apparently and I hold both to the same standard (a standard Sony was able to live up to for more than 10 years).

I have nothing to prove to you. Believe me.

Sell your PlayStation. Problem solved.
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25 Mar 2023
Sell your PlayStation. Problem solved.
John Candy No GIF by Laff
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