But you don’t appoint someone from Sony Japan and especially not the CFO, if you would plan on a western leadership again for PlayStation. So this is my conclusion the next will be a Japanese CEO for SIE. Sony executives made their resolve and are exhausted of western guys driving the company in the wrong direction. This time a Japanese leader with Urata will strengthen PlayStation back to their roots. Many of the GaaS projects getting cancelled is the first step of the new PlayStation order. Also you heard it here first: With Kiichiro Urata becoming new PlayStation CEO, Sony will reallocate their HQ back to Tokyo. Current HQ will be renamed in SIE of America. This also means the return of region based decisions, which is e.g. working very well for Nintendo. The turn back to Japan as PlayStation HQ won’t happen overnight, it will be a long-term investment. Bookmark this tweet and remember my words. It was me who said half a year before that Jim Ryan’s job standing on the line with the outcome of ABK. And I have been not telling stories so far.