Sony's profit growth will be driven by Playstation | The segment invests in M&A and strategic partnerships


22 Jul 2023
Why bother with these people? GOWR sold 200k on PC and at this rate it will struggle REAL bad to reach 1 million sales. 12+ months.

They sell more than 3 millions PS5s every quarter. The real growth is there.

They can miss on those pitiful sales. "Lose out" lmao 🤣
That's 10mil revenue nearly all profit, not bad.
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mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024

I was actually surprised by a report showing them having a decent market share in Asia having 16.8 percent of the market compared to Sony's 39.7. These are like US type numbers. They're probably doing better in Asia (Japan excluded) than they are doing in Europe.

I just can't imagine those gains will sustained through Wukong and Ghost of Yotei. They didn't even have Genshin Impact, which launches in November. I'm assuming the Palworld really helped them mroe than I anticipated. Series S must be very helpful in general.


8 May 2023
It's bad business. When Sony turn around and want people to buy a PS6, PS6 handheld, PSVR3 or something, people will point to little-supported hardware that stalled-out. They will point-to the various price raises; the fact they can buy a game cheaper just normally as a matter of course on Steam (never mind a sale also usually being active, or not having to pay an online paywall on Steam).

Sony making all the stupid bum-ass decisions now, that will lead them to have actual issues later-on. Monetarily. Not just loud actual PS fans eating bans and being told they're concern-trolling, or being condensed to one thread so other members don't get their feelings hurt.

Sega didn't die because the DreamCast sucked, it died because they eroded customer confidence/loyalty over the course of the CD/32/Saturn life cycles.

The thing is, Sony has no competition in their segment thanks to Xbox dropping the ball for more than a decade. Spencer was right in one thing: people built their digital libraries on the 8th generation, PS5 is selling well, let's say it ends up selling 90M units worst case scenario...

You will have 90M folks with 2 generations of software built in in their respective ecosystems. Do you think they can change platforms so easily?

This can't be compared to Sega. Back then, every generation was a hard reset so switching costs were next to none.


Active member
21 Apr 2023
Well then those chuckle-fucks should miss out. Why should they get access to Sony's games without Sony's machine?
Sony also misses out on their money. You or I could care less about that, but Totoki %100 does care.

Nintendo will eat them, if Sony doesn't get their act together.
The same forces that made it hard for Sony and Xbox to grow without PC ports are also affecting Nintendo, they're dealing with it in different ways is all. They will also get affected by the rising costs of gamedev too, they're just a bit behind that curve is all.

The idea that a mass marketshare transition will occur like it's 2006 or 2013 is completely wrong nowadays (Xbox was very clearly betting on this idea btw). Digital libraries, backcompat, and the escalating cost of chips are gonna keep everyone where they already are for the most part.

It's why I think it's clear that they'll launch a handheld and a PC launcher.

They layperson thinks these things have to take over on day one, but the reality is that it's about sustained growth and profitability.
People don't understand that even %3-5 of any given gaming market is still a ton of cash and you can still make money if your costs are balanced.

For perspective, %3-5 is generally considered "easy" to get in most large markets of any kind.

Sony will %100 aim to get a PC storefront and handheld going because they want to be everywhere, there will be naysayers but they will power on regardless.
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Active member
8 Mar 2024
PC launcher.

What is it with you and a Sony PC launcher. There's no sign of it coming.

The same thing will happen to all the other launchers, Sony will release a PC launcher, see that barely anyone buys games on it, then they will continue releasing games on Steam again.

Even Ubisoft just recently announced they are coming back to Steam with day 1 games.
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21 Jun 2022
I don't see anything new in this report. Pretty much the same info they shared in the recent fiscal year report, plus in previous similar reports of the recent months or years. Nothing new or rare.

Oh no they said the forbidden term "DEI" 😱🫣

On a serious note, it's crazy the company is so dependent on PlayStation yet they continue to treat the department like a thorn in their side.
I'm the first one against "DEI" (not against real diversity, equality, inclusivity, but instea against what they do with the discrimination, censorship and propaganda), but what appears in this document is basically just the usual posing all corporations always include to appeal investors regarding things like DEI, pushing to go carbon neutral, 2030 agenda points, etc. more than real, important steps related to these things.

Nothing new or rare.
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27 Jun 2023
It's why I think it's clear that they'll launch a handheld and a PC launcher.

The layperson thinks these things have to take over on day one, but the reality is that it's about sustained growth and profitability.
That handheld is good as dead if there gonna release games on PC.

The whole point that makes a handheld so good in Nintendo case is having your exclusive first party games on the go.

But unlike Nintendo because PS games are on PC they can be played on Valves on console (handheld) that not only has PS games it has Valve/Steam first party games that aren’t & will never go to PS. Deadlock will never go to PS & Valve/Steam platform/storefront & ecosystem triumph PS because of this. Not to mention the default PC exclusive.

If PS creates a separate handheld w a traditional console the handheld will fail & the traditional console will further get diminish. If PS only makes a handheld like Nintendo Switch PS will have to compete w Nintendo, Valve/Steam & PC/PC handheld hell you might be able to play PS games on a Xbox handheld of its more PC which is highly likely.

PS is gonna have trouble selling new hardware to the degree they used to do in the PS4 gen & other competitor like Nintendo. If it wasn’t for Switch not having power & Xbox shitting the bed bringing no real competition due to Xbox games being mid the PS5 gen solely rides from it almost being default rn & riding off the end of the PS4 gen. The transition between PS5 & PS6 won’t be like PS4 & PS5 where gamers didn’t knew to what extent PS would releases there first party games but rn everyone whether it’s PS, Xbox, Nintendo & PC/Steam gamers they can just wait & get PS games under 1 roof & that’s PC/Steam so you just need PC/Steam & Nintendo to get everything in gaming.


27 Jun 2023
they should, cause currently the only thing they're doing with these PC ports is devaluing their console and giving less reasons for people to purchase a playstation handheld, their own studios are promoting Steam Deck, it's disgusting
Bruh. Naughty dog promoting Steamdeck on TLOU day when 99% of the TLOU & Naughty Dog fans are on PS is disgusting lol talk about tone deaf. Naughty Dog a PS studios & PS promoting Valve/Steam own console while PS gamers/PS console gets nothing. There wasn’t even a free PS4 or PS5 TLOU theme that’s all I have to know to see PS is going day n date & ultimately Valve/Steam won the console war, by literally doing nothing & watching competitors implode there hardware, storefront & platform companies like Xbox & PS have minimize themselves in business forcing themselves to be 3rd party while Valve/Steam continues to see growth & profit solely driven by 3rd party. Valve/Steam getting free money & growth from 3rd party bolstering the Valve/Steam platform, hardware & storefront. The money maker in this gaming business is having a default/defacto storefront something Valve/Steam already has & Nintendo continues to bolster & strengthen.



27 Jun 2023
I have a piece in the works that will tackle this question.

Short answer: Everyone who is addressable in the market has largely chosen where they game. You can either reach them where they are, or you will lose out on a software sale.
This is not true since Valve/Steam is seeing growth from solely being the default/defacto place to play in gaming & this is partly from all PC games releasing on Steam giving Valve/Steam by default exclusive games that aren’t on Epic or consoles.

Lethal Company, Rust, DayZ, PUBG, AmongUs, Counter Strike, Deadlock etc are all Steam exclusive & where exclusive for 3-5 years if not longer & in some cases permanently. The only publisher to really compete w Valve/Steam in PC are Riot since there games are exclusively & permanently exclusive on the Riot launcher & they continue to see growth & profits. It’s not a secret that growth & profits comes from actually producing games & in the cases of storefronts having permanent exclusive that bends the knees of other competitors till they submit ie ABK games on Steam, EA games on Steam etc etc


27 Jun 2023
No! I knew it that Hermen Hulst was a bad omen. He will truly destroy the brand PlayStation. This imbecile will drag PlayStation into the Abyss. Sony does better get rid of Hermen Hulst, unless they want to face the same fate as Xbox. If PlayStation dies, so does Sony.
This is their bread and butter.

Bruh why does PS looks like Ubisoft little cousin? With how PS has been run & there future prospects PS looks to be a Ubisoft/Xbox type of brand. Just a short sighted & not well vision of the future leadership in both PS & Sony. Kinda hope Fairgames is another bomb like Concord & Marathon becomes another disaster like Destiny 2 release both Bungie & PS/Sony wouldn’t be able to recover the PR disaster from that. Herman leadership would be filled w so much toxicity it will be impossible to have any trust from a PS consumer & in general gamers viewpoint they would be boiling themselves like a frog in a boiling pot from all this bs & poor decision but hey atleast they’ll learn like Xbox it will just cost Sony/PS a couple hundreds of million if not a billion or so from making mistakes. I would say w Valve/Steam having there own platform & Nintendo Switch 2 having more 3rd party cause of there console having higher power unlike the PS3 gen PS won’t be able to recover PS gamer trust within its platform & storefront, kinda the same issues Xbox has w gamers not wanting to investing or trust Xbox due to the possible fate


27 Jun 2023
And why does that bother you? Do you own stocks?
Would you like it if you bought a house & after you bought a house the landlords licensed your house & let others in to your house?

PS is a platform, storefront & ecosystem & when Sony/PS sells that to a consumer they are allowed to say they disagree w the direction they take that diminish or puts there investment in harms way. Idk it’s a pretty simple ideology lol

It’s both time & money being threatened ultimately as any consumer would do if that’s ever threatened enough they’ll move to a much safer platform, storefront & ecosystem to invest & spend time on.
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27 Jun 2023
That's 10mil revenue nearly all profit, not bad.
10 mil in profit with 100+ million in harm, damages & diminishment on there own hardware, sales/mtx, subscription & first party 100% lol.

Think about the 1 sell there getting on PC (each PC port is diminishing to a point there not even cracking 300+ million on PC on there ten pole franchises) & loosing that 1 PC gamer to 5 PS gamers & the upside not to also notify that the potential PC, Xbox & Nintendo gamer that would buy a PS game on PS hardware but now have the option to buy it on PC (which they likely already own or could just buy a Steamdeck for $400/same price as a PS console)

At this point PC port are selling less then 1% of the sales there doing on the PS console. GOW ragnarok will sell 20+ million on PS console & if your lucky GOW ragnarok PC port will crack 300K copies if your really pushing it maybe 500K max unless the game goes on sale for like $10/$20 then maybe 1 million but all that’s doing is devaluing PS games & the GOW franchise

When people talk about the PC port they act as if it solely profits without mention the negatives because PS is a platform holder like Xbox. The logic many uses would make more sense if PS didn’t have hardware like Ubisoft, EA or Hoyoverse & even in those cases Hoyoverse & Riot who are game publishers releases there games exclusively on there own launcher (with albeit a few caveats)


8 May 2023
Would you like it if you bought a house & after you bought a house the landlords licensed your house & let others in to your house?

PS is a platform, storefront & ecosystem & when Sony/PS sells that to a consumer they are allowed to say they disagree w the direction they take that diminish or puts there investment in harms way. Idk it’s a pretty simple ideology lol

It’s both time & money being threatened ultimately as any consumer would do if that’s ever threatened enough they’ll move to a much safer platform, storefront & ecosystem to invest & spend time on.

That comparison makes no sense at all.

Why do console gamers always refer to the money they SPENT within an ecosystem as an investment? The only way to invest in Sony and Playstation indirectly is buying stocks.

Why is their """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""investment""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" put in harms way? You bought the game and had fun or not. You still have said games in your account or physically. There is not much else to it. Whats the harm exactly as long as you are able to download your purchased games from PSN/XBL or other ecosystem.

To me its more about feelings/tribalism than anything else. Numbers will be used to rationalize but its more about feelings.


Active member
21 Apr 2023
This is not true since Valve/Steam is seeing growth from solely being the default/defacto place to play in gaming & this is partly from all PC games releasing on Steam giving Valve/Steam by default exclusive games that aren’t on Epic or consoles.

Lethal Company, Rust, DayZ, PUBG, AmongUs, Counter Strike, Deadlock etc are all Steam exclusive & where exclusive for 3-5 years if not longer & in some cases permanently. The only publisher to really compete w Valve/Steam in PC are Riot since there games are exclusively & permanently exclusive on the Riot launcher & they continue to see growth & profits. It’s not a secret that growth & profits comes from actually producing games & in the cases of storefronts having permanent exclusive that bends the knees of other competitors till they submit ie ABK games on Steam, EA games on Steam etc etc
I have had a Steam account for over a decade now, and never played any of these games you list nor do I have any interest in them.

Exclusives are not the sole thing that brings one to the platform. Valve has no need to drive console purchases, so they don't think of exclusives in this sense, it's a way to extract more money from their users is all.

Also Epic Games is probably Valve's biggest competitor: They have Fortnite, Fall Guys, Rocket League, all Mihoyo games as "exclusives" to their storefront, and they also compete with Steam for 3rd party spend ala Xbox and PS.

Also overall PC spend has been declining, that definitely affects Valve more than most other launchers.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Yeah, invest more in DEI. Worked out well for several other companies. It's like Sony's a few years behind trends and when they get to it, everyone moved on.
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