So they had no choice to buy Bethesda, and now Activision lol. Being for sale doesn't suddenly make industry consolidation better btw.When you only have 5 studios going into 2018 and then 13 including The Initiative going into 2020, I don't see buying Bethesda as being worse at all. First, they were for sale regardless of who likes that or not. Second, Microsoft direction and strategy is subscription based and it makes no sense to keep paying for licensed content when you acquire IP's and thus, have ownership of the content that you're putting on your subscription service. Third, while those games are locked to the Xbox eco-system, you still have more ways to play those games if you so choose. It's simply not on your preferred platform.
I don't see Microsoft saying that they're in the market for more acquisitions as a bad thing because first, it should be expected because how does anyone ever expect them to grow their platform and eco-system? Or did people think they could accomplish that with only 5 studios pre-2018?
Second, of course, im in favor of more acquisitions because as a consumer/gamer, it's better for me because I wouldn't have to buy those games anymore. While I buy games day one, im not stupid. I prefer to pay $10 for a monthly rental because why wouldn't I? Microsoft making profits and whatnot is their problem. Not mine. I don't sit on the board. lol
As for Cloud Streaming, it's probably 20 years away give or take but you can't get it where you want it to be if you don't start it to begin with. This aspect is for the future, not now. And too many people believe that this is around the corner when it's not.
The reason they were in that situation was entirely of their own doing. They could have easily got out of it without buying huge publishers - working with, starting up, and buying their own development teams. Regardless, consolidation is not excusable because of previous mismanagement.
"More ways to play" - most of the timed exclusives Sony has are available on PC. So the extra way is x-Cloud which we know is shit, regardless of having a fast broadband connection. Spencer and his goons love to play up this dog and pony show, but a shit option isn't something to put on an checklist of any worth.
So many MS fanboys can't see the bigger picture and can't see beyond their subscription service library (in the real world nothing good good is given to you on the cheap without a sting). I wonder if they will bring that same energy when MS starts jacking up prices left, right, centre and it suddenly dawns on them that they would be paying significantly more on GamePass than they ever did buying a large library of games. Newsflash: That $10 isn't going stay $10 for long. And MS owning a plethora of large publishers is terrible for the industry.