The Astrobot port begging has already begun

24 Jun 2022
As a gamer that wants to play games and while I have been an Xbox and PlayStation fan since the beginning, I have never been more hyped for Xbox simply due to their roadmap of games which for this generation alone will by far surpass every game Microsoft gave me in the last three generations combined and that's after going back and playing through all the old Halo games for the first time ever. I just counted every Microsoft published game from Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One that I played and completed. The total is 18 games. 6 games on average for each generation.

I have already completed 7 games from Microsoft this generation. Add in COD BO 6 and Indiana Jones for the rest of 2024 and in four years, I have already gotten half of what I had in the previous 19 years combined. For 2025, im expecting to get Avowed, Fable, Towerborne, South of Midnight and Doom: The Dark Ages. That's increases the total to 14 games in what would be five years. And this doesn't include any unannounced games such as COD 2025.

So you have both:

1-Only played the classic Halo games recently and therefore miss the context of their impacts at the time of their release, and

2-Continue to count games from acquired 3P publishers as if they were Microsoft's in a way where the games simply wouldn't exist if MS didn't own them

...okay then :/

Obviously, I can only speak for myself but in no way, shape or form am I giving all those games up just so I can brag about having a few exclusive games a year that may or may not even be of any interest to me.

A game being multiplat doesn't suddenly increase its chances of being interesting to you, either. Neither does the amount of games; playing games shouldn't feel like filling quotas.

While I have zero interest in PC gaming now, never say never. If I have to make changes and adapt in order to play the games that I want to play, I will do so because at the end of teh day, I want to play the games and im not going to place limitations or restrictions on myself which would prevent me for some odd reason or another from playing the games that I want to play.

Cool, as it should be. But what does this have to do with the topic at hand? The thread is predicated on the premise there are people who AREN'T doing what you would do, therein port-begging for a game to come to their platform, rather than just get the platform the game is on.

And, we've been discussing the ramifications of that mentality, plus the consequences of platform holders placating it just to pursue nonsense like non-existent "infinite growth" or fake talking points of exclusives being "anti-consumer" or anticompetitive. What you just said here only shows your personal POV and I can agree with that POV as I share a similar one...

...but I'm also talking about the larger market here, and the industry. It's not just about what you or I may want or care for.

Microsoft is going to release their next generation console in Fall 2026. I'm expecting it to be a pretty good leap tech wise and be all digital. I'm day one especially if Gears of War: E-Day and Perfect Dark are launch titles or release within a few months of the console launching. I do believe that they will do pretty well as long as they have their games ready because they won't be going head to head with Sony and even with the Pro, their tech will be behind. Granted, they could jump out in front in 2028 but even if they do, im not expecting it to be massive difference because third party publishers will want the consoles to be pretty much very similar across the board.

See, now you're showing me something else: you still want the good 'ol 360 days and think the next Xbox will be a return to that. It won't be. You can't see the writing on the wall because by your own admission, your heart still bleeds green.

The next Gears and Perfect Dark will be Day 1 on the next Xbox, PS5/PS5 Pro, Windows Store and Steam, because the next Xbox will very likely be a more PC-like device in terms of form factor/options and business model (even if it's still running Xbox OS). Microsoft aren't going to reverse course on their multiplatform strategy after having so many very public and upfront showings (and words from people much higher up in the company like Satya Nadella & Amy Hood) of games going to PlayStation & Nintendo platforms.

Why would they limit the sales potential of Gears E-Day and Perfect Dark especially? Why, when the only major value proposition in terms of hardware abilities that Xbox could bring to the market, are in being more PC-like? Why would Microsoft pursue a business model for next-gen Xbox hardware mirroring or doubling-down on the current one, which has seen sales tank globally while losing money on hardware, when they as a gaming division want to increase their profit margins substantially?

If you think an Xbox handheld that mainly serves as a Game Pass machine is going to be the magic bullet while retaining that and some home system on the traditional business model, you're also mistaken on that front too. B2P brings bigger potential for profit margins (and certainly revenue) in a realistic fashion than subscription, and Game Pass is specifically a subscription service; Microsoft's chief goal is to increase their margins and market share as a publisher, so how does a new Xbox handheld focused on a subscription fit into that? It doesn't.

So the only real option for that handheld is to be more feature-comparable to a Steam Deck, meaning more PC-like, and if the handheld's going to do that, the "console" might as well, too, just to maintain synergy.

In general, gamers and consumers love new tech and hardware. Barring any major issues like a red ring of death scenario, I don't actually see their next console doing worse than Xbox Series because first, they finally have the studios and most importantly of all, the games. Now you could argue that some perhaps even all of them would be on PlayStation 5/Pro day one or a few months later and while some may say, I will just play it on PS5, the new tech and hardware may push the games to a higher level which in all honesty, it should because the tech is simply superior to what was released in 2020, and then decide that they want to play the games on better hardware.

How did this work out for the Xbox Series? Oh wait, it didn't.

Sorry buddy, but simply having "new tech & hardware" isn't a big enough draw anymore, especially when the jumps gen-to-gen are getting smaller & smaller. Meanwhile the baseline of what's "good enough" for most players is already starting to be met with this generation's hardware, so where does the idea new hardware gives Xbox a value proposition all on its own come from?

What you think can happen, only happens with having exclusive games. So then we're right back to the question of: how does making Gears E-Day or Perfect Dark exclusive to the next Xbox benefit the goals of Microsoft Gaming & higher-ups like Satya Nadella and Amy Hood, in growing Microsoft's margins in software? It doesn't.

You're creating dead-ends for Xbox with your fantasies here.

Now, if people look at it that way and then see Game Pass, well, if someone is interested in let's say 5 games and those 5 games are $70 each on PlayStation 5 (even though I do believe games will increase to $80 next generation), that's already $350 which could be put towards the console and the reason why a lot of people will go this route is because you DON'T have to buy their games. You can use that money to buy the hardware and then play them via Game Pass which would still be far cheaper than buying the games that you want to buy.

Along side that will be the Xbox Portable. I do believe that Microsoft is working on an Xbox handheld. I would go all out with that if I was Microsoft. Bigger, bulkier, more power consumption but spec wise, pretty much identical to Xbox next gen console. You can play the games on that Portable via digital OR streaming. It doesn't have to be Native 4K, 120FPS/Ray Tracing, etc. 1440p/60FPS/HDR with an OLED screen for a good price would definitely sell in my opinion especially in regions like Japan, China, etc. where console gaming is basically non-existent.

Don't think I need to say anything to debunk the ideas on display here, since I've already done that plenty enough above.

Needless to say, your ideas here are fueled by hopium that ignores market realities or even the existence of alternatives already in the market who can serve the same needs but better, and don't have the brand name damage to them Xbox does.

I believe that the portable would (and should) simply replace the console in those certain regions where mobile/portables/handhelds are king.


Third party publishers aren't going anywhere because they all still make a lot of money on Xbox.

Let's go ask Capcom about that, as just one of many examples to the contrary.

Even if it's 3rd behind PC and PlayStation, it's still a lot of money and more money when compared to if it doesn't exist.

Again, let's ask Capcom about that. Or Square-Enix. Or Game Science. Or MiHoYo. Or a number of other 3P.

Not to mention the fact that people bash Microsoft because they lose out on certain games but realistically, unless it's massive major third party game like a fucking GTA or some shit which isn't going to happen whatsoever, there's no reason for Microsoft to quit console gaming.

Honestly we don't know if GTA6 will be Day 1 on Xbox if the Series S presents optimization challenges and Microsoft requires that be supported Day 1.

In fact I'm curious if Series S is part of the reason GTA6 is releasing so...late? R* putting the trailer out two years from release doesn't make a lot of sense when looking at trends in the rest of the market. If it was done to stop leaks, they could've handled the leakers BTS and just saved the trailer until later. I doubt investors were pressuring them to put out a trailer two years from launch.

So is it possible they may've intended for an early 2025 or even late 2024 launch, but delayed it to Fall 2025 because of Series S? Why don't journalists investigate this type of thing (talking about you, Paul Tassi)? I wouldn't say it's a non-zero possibility. Then again, it may also have been delayed to ready a Switch 2 version for a Day 1 launch or get a Switch 2 version going that doesn't release too long after the PS & Xbox ones.

Just a thought...

So instead of accepting what Microsoft now is which isn't going to change, I should stop supporting them, buying and playing games on Xbox just because it comes across as me being defeated? LOL.

I don't own Microsoft. I don't run the company. What exactly am I being defeated of? Come on man.

We both know what "it" is but until you're ready to outright say it, you'll keep pretending it's confusing.

I mean, you've already shown a bit of what "it" is in other parts of your reply here, but I'll leave it to you to pinpoint the what.

To be perfectly honest, Microsoft lost. It's over. Done. Finished. Whatever you want to call it. I'm NOT going to sacrifice all of the games that they have that I want to play as well as sacrifice Game Pass, Ubisoft+, 6 refunds a year, free cloud saves, backwards compatibility, ability to use my favorite controller of all time in Xbox One and several other positives that Sony doesn't give me at all. Subtract Sony's exclusives and they literally have nothing of any value or importance or relevance to me at all. There's NOTHING there that benefits me as a gamer and as a consumer.

Now if only the vast majority of the customer market had the tastes and priorities in gaming as you seem to, maybe Xbox as a console would be in a healthy place. Those darn majority of customers!!

If anything, I realize that people are so desperate to be part of the "winning team or winning side" that without it, they obviously have nothing. And this applies to both fan bases. Remember teh comparison I used earlier to being a sports fan. Win or lose, doing things that I like or dislike sin't going to stop or prevent me from being a fan of my team because at that point, if you stop being a fan for whatever reason, then in reality, you were never a fan to begin with.

This isn't something you need to be telling me, as I've already come to realize it. However, being a fan also doesn't mean rolling over and just accepting any old thing your favorite team (if we're sticking with the sports analogy) does.

You can and should voice your dissenting opinion, but at the same time, tolerate what decisions that team end up making. You mistake my criticisms and critiques about SIE as if demands for what they must do or else I no longer support their output. You are mistaken. I have my idea on what approaches are best for a platform holder like SIE, and I can only hope some people there feel largely similar, implementing their own versions of those ideas/approaches into practice.

The people who just begrudgingly accept any old thing a company is doing (especially hiding behind the "but the shareholders!" excuse), or contort their own core beliefs to support corporate talking points, are the ones who bring little to the discussion or worst yet, become a detriment to the discussion. Now you specifically, I'd say you're on the whole maybe somewhere between having genuine opinions you voice, and repeating corporate talking points. However at least I feel we can have a discussion, because while you're repeating a ton of these talking points, you at least think they've been shaped by your own actual opinions. IMO, those talking points have coopted your own opinions and twisted them, which is preventing you from seeing inconsistencies and fallacies in some of your logic.

Still though, that's a lot better than some of these other people out there, especially in the media, who have no sense of being a gamer whatsoever, and have no personal opinions of which to speak of. They just talk a lot about what they feel is relevant, don't play many or any games, don't have any appreciation for gaming as an art form or its history, and are mouthpieces for corporate agendas and talking points without any sense of shame. A lot of them tend to be among influencers and the media (including people who feel you don't need to play games to talk about games or gaming!), but there's also a lot of them in the hobby itself as well. And unfortunately (from my POV) for Microsoft, most of them are on their side of the fence, since they conditioned it through through years of astroturfing and using people like Phil Spencer to form a cult of personality.

But I won't pretend there hasn't been a growing number of them within the PlayStation community, or Steam, or even Nintendo. It's just notably less present among them I feel than with the Xbox community. Ideally it'd be nice if that type of stuff went away, but it probably won't, so now we just weed through it as best we can.


12 Jan 2024
But I won't pretend there hasn't been a growing number of them within the PlayStation community, or Steam, or even Nintendo. It's just notably less present among them I feel than with the Xbox community. Ideally it'd be nice if that type of stuff went away, but it probably won't, so now we just weed through it as best we can.'s been a while so I forgot what it's like to get into a discussion with you bud. lol

All im going to say is this - you can believe whatever you want but I look at both companies and I know their focus is simply MONEY. Five years ago, no one here thought that Sony would ever go to PC and yet, here we are. The biggest issue PlayStation fanboys/extremists have is that they don't want anyone else to play Sony's games unless it's the way that they're playing them and that's slowly but surely coming to an end because you've already seen it over the last five years. Just a matter of time.

Day one on PC isn't going to kill Sony's PlayStation console at all. At worst, they'll lose a few million people but those people will still buy their games on PC and if they have their own store front down the line which would include their games being day one because otherwise, it would be dead on arrival. As for Xbox, they died in 2013 when they tried to impose limitations and restrictions. I know because I switched from Xbox 360 to PlayStation 4. Sony didn't do anything to convince me to jump back to them as they simply did the opposite. It was Microsoft fucking up that made the choice for me.

In general, both companies have their own direction and will do whatever it is that they want to do. As long as they have consoles, I will buy and play games on them. I'm long past the days of "console only" and nothing else. I truly don't care about what either company does. I only care about ONE thing. Are Microsoft and Sony releasing great games that I want to play? The answer for both is a definite yes. I have no complaints from either game wise.

In the end, it's all a wait and see but let's be honest about one thing - BOTH PlayStation and Xbox fans have been wrong again and again and the last five years is proof of this which shows that like I have said, both companies are going to do what they want to do and they don't care who likes it or not. Stay, leave, quit gaming, whatever. Neither company cares what anyone does because they know they both have a massive user install base that at the end of the day, truly don't give a shit about any of this. They just want to sit down, relax and play the games.

So I will just give up this argument and debate for the time being. If/when either company does what I believe will happen or you believe will happen, then we'll discuss it at that time. Right now, I'll take the L as the kids say and go back to playing Astro Bot which by the way is something every PlayStation 5 owner should be doing right now because my goodness, it is just pure happiness and joy!!! 😂
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31 Aug 2024

So many salty Sony fanboys in this thread


8 May 2023

So many salty Sony fanboys in this thread

That meme is old, please update. I was going to suggest Bloodborne but... in a few months it won't be necessary.

I don't care about day one releases TBH. Those games are new to me and that's all that matters. Game selection is pretty predictable. You can expect TLOU2 and spiderman 2 next year among others... Until Dawn is a nice curve ball. Those kind of games are more interesting to me.
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8 May 2023
Seems a bit too early to define that the game has underperformed right? It just got out. Is it due to preorders?