The Doom & Gloom posting is out of control


8 May 2023
This is for example pure gloating.

Well she is right with her claim that they lost Atlus and Falcom as exclusive partners, but today's news doesn't say that Square will stop doing exclusive deals with Sony. All these Nintendo and PC fanboys are jumping on the Doom train.

this is a dumb post, Nintendo has had more square enix exclusives than Sony for a long time.

It's just that no one cares about Nintendo, they can do whatever they want and never get hit with non stop FUD campaigns like PS does.


25 Mar 2023
It's telling that many of the people cheering on Sony's moves and constantly defending them don't even own a PlayStation, like @Systemshock2023 and @Exicide
Then when the current direction proves to be completely misguided, people will claim that they saw it coming just like people act now like they were not the ones praising Phil Spencer all along, saying he was pro-consumer, that Gamepass was profitable, that the Series S was a genius move, etc.

I call it right now, Sony is taking the PlayStation audience for granted and completely losing focus and getting involved in very stupid shit like ports of their single players games to PC without even bothering with proper DRM. They are willingly exposing themselves to huge new risks without having much to gain from it.

Every big company would kill to own PlayStation and be in the same position Sony is right now (Epic, MS, Google, Amazon, etc), but Sony doesn't seem to see the value in that at all.


10 Jan 2023
High key getting tired of you guys proclaiming the end of consoles. it looks like early 2010s here except the big boogieman is PC instead of mobile.

Sony/Nintendo/Steam are going to be the big three from here forward. That's the only change you'll honestly see.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Exicide


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Most of the Doom & Gloom posts/threads are actually only coming from one single user with a very focused agenda.

Or the talks about Sony wanting to scorch devastating $26B in their Pictures divisions over the money maker PlayStation No 1. I do side with everyone who is utterly disappointed, because I also did lose somewhat my confidence in Sony.

Paramount brings a bunch of IPs to which Sony can claim exclusivity in videogames:

- Top Gun
- Mission Impossible
- Transformers
- Jack Ryan
- GI Joe
- Star Trek
- A Quiet Place


10 Jan 2023
It’s just the Xbox losers have now migrated over there and are trying to dominate that space now
The annoying part to me is that they hate Sony essentially because they have exclusives, but then for some reason they turn a blind eye to Nintendo. For some reason it's totally fine when they get third party exclusives. But Sony does it, the outrage is crazy.


16 Jul 2023
The annoying part to me is that they hate Sony essentially because they have exclusives, but then for some reason they turn a blind eye to Nintendo. For some reason it's totally fine when the get third party exclusives. But Sony does it, the outrage is crazy.

This is why I can’t stand this PC initiative it’s fuelled by a media campaign to destroy exclusives on PlayStation but for Nintendo and Xbox it’s perfectly acceptable


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Most of the Doom & Gloom posts/threads are actually only coming from one single user with a very focused agenda.

Paramount brings a bunch of IPs to which Sony can claim exclusivity in videogames:

- Top Gun
- Mission Impossible
- Transformers
- Jack Ryan
- GI Joe
- Star Trek
- A Quiet Place
- Top Gun is owned by Tom Cruise.
- Mission Impossible makes no sense if Tom Cruise retires
-TMNT is a cool IP but nothing that would move anyone
- Transformers is a Hasbro property
- Star Trek is dead


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
The showcase can't come soon enough because the news around Sony lately have been pretty rotten.
Let's hope Sony understands how important this showcase will be going forward. Last year showcase in May was when everything fell apart for them and sales started slowing too after that disastrous showcase.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
This is why I can’t stand this PC initiative it’s fuelled by a media campaign to destroy exclusives on PlayStation but for Nintendo and Xbox it’s perfectly acceptable
And the blame falls on incompetent, out of touch leadership on Sony's end. But I still think that CEO who almost threw PlayStation to the wolves by attempting to make that deal with Microsoft for Azure is behind everything going wrong this generation.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
Looking down the road on future releases/later-ports, weather they go to Nintendo Switch 2, Rog Ally 2, or Steam Deck 2, these devices have "portability, plus". Nintendo will have portability, plus their own exclusives, plus more 3P. Steam is portability plus the entire Steam store, Rog/Win-based handhelds is portability plus XB, PC storefronts, emulation, mods and fixes.

Other than making it portable and opening up more of the PS history with a revamped BC push/anime&media topup-sub/digital purchased content library account setup, I'm not sure how Sony are supposed to offer a more attractive product than offering XB/PS/PC games, emu/fan-made games and fixes. The genie is out of the bottle a little now, isn't it?


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
I do agree that this is all cause of the out of touch leadership. Jim Ryan really dragged Sony down. I assure you if the next CEO is again a western salesman like Eric Empel, then it’s over with PlayStation for sure. Someone like Shuhei Yoshida or Kiichiro Urata is needed to turn around things.
24 Jun 2022
Paramount brings a bunch of IPs to which Sony can claim exclusivity in videogames:

- Top Gun
- Mission Impossible
- Transformers
- Jack Ryan
- GI Joe
- Star Trek
- A Quiet Place

Sony Pictures already has IP which could do that, yet SIE have done nothing with them.

Also, none of these would make for a good JRPG. Well, maybe Transformers, but that's it.