The Doom & Gloom posting is out of control


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
Most of the Doom & Gloom posts/threads are actually only coming from one single user with a very focused agenda.

Paramount brings a bunch of IPs to which Sony can claim exclusivity in videogames:

- Top Gun
- Mission Impossible
- Transformers
- Jack Ryan
- GI Joe
- Star Trek
- A Quiet Place

Rather than Paramount & SE, I sorta want to see them go WBD & WB/NRS games.

Buying all of WBD lock, stock and barrell, would net certain Film and TV show airing/streaming rights, for Sony to either sell off to highest bidder or fill our their BraviaCore (Sony Pictures Core now, I guess) service.

It'd get them the multiple game studios with manpower they sorely need, and game contact rights already in WBD ownership like Batman/LEGO/HP/DCU/Mortal Kombat etc.
  • they're_right_you_know
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25 Mar 2023
Sony Pictures already has IP which could do that, yet SIE have done nothing with them.

Also, none of these would make for a good JRPG. Well, maybe Transformers, but that's it.
They are also a bunch of mid IPs for gaming, nothing that stand really stands out. It's not like they own Batman or Harry Potter.

Sony can't even handle making proper use of all the established IPs they already own. They'll likely go over 10 years without a proper new Uncharted game, despite Uncharated 4 selling around 20m units.
24 Jun 2022
They are also a bunch of mid IPs for gaming, nothing that stand really stands out. It's not like they own Batman or Harry Potter.

Sony can't even handle making proper use of all the established IPs they already own. They'll likely go over 10 years without a proper new Uncharted game, despite Uncharated 4 selling around 20m units.

Right? You'd think they would have done a new Uncharted before TLOU Remake or TLOU2 Remastered. At this point they have milked TLOU and any new installment before 2027 will probably feel too soon.

As for Sony Pictures IP fit for gaming...Sony literally own the Starship Troopers rights. Helldivers is basically Starship Troopers without the license. Starship Troopers would at least make a perfect single-player space sci-fi action/adventure survival-horror game with some RPG mechanics in there. Instead it's likely SIE won't even work with Arrowhead in the future for Helldivers given the fiasco that happened between them over this Steam crap.

They probably could've given London Studio the Bad Boys IP (or even Breaking Bad IP in agreement with AMC) and use their Getaway knowledge to do something there instead of just closing them down altogether. Right now I'd say current SIE as of 2023-2024 is reminding me a lot of 2014-2015 Xbox. The only differences are:

-No botched launch like Xbox One's
-No pricey pack-in contributing to a botched launch like Kinect v2

...and, that's about it. PS5's had some big 3P exclusives; XBO had some big 3P exclusives its first few years, too. Kinect v2 basically became a paperweight; PSVR2 is basically a paperweight now commercially. MS 1P slowed down a ton; SIE's 1P have basically slowed down a good lot in output now, too. Xbox was still getting a string of bad PR and optics; the amount of bad PR and optics for PlayStation the past couple of years has grown significantly. Xbox was already showing signs of prioritizing a shift to PC almost in lieu of their console; PlayStation has been doing the same since especially 2023 and certainly now (they've released more 1P internal games on PC this year so far than they have to PlayStation 5).

Way too many similarities now to ignore. If it weren't for the ABK circus show in 2022 and 2023, I would've probably both noticed even earlier signs sooner and started talking about them earlier than I did.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
I'm really optimistic. The Ps5 has allowed me to have absolutely incredible experiences, there have been plenty of SIE published games this year that I haven't even completed yet. + tons of high quality third party games.

So I except for the weird decisions delisting the PC ports, which are really weird especially the ghost of Tushima one because the entire single player experience doesn't require PSN account.

But I'm optimistic, & I believe in the future of consoles, especially PlayStation. Square Enix is its own company and I'm a very big fan of their games, if they see a future in multiplatform I don't care as long as games release on PS.

I'm hopeful.


25 Mar 2023
Right? You'd think they would have done a new Uncharted before TLOU Remake or TLOU2 Remastered. At this point they have milked TLOU and any new installment before 2027 will probably feel too soon.

As for Sony Pictures IP fit for gaming...Sony literally own the Starship Troopers rights. Helldivers is basically Starship Troopers without the license. Starship Troopers would at least make a perfect single-player space sci-fi action/adventure survival-horror game with some RPG mechanics in there. Instead it's likely SIE won't even work with Arrowhead in the future for Helldivers given the fiasco that happened between them over this Steam crap.

They probably could've given London Studio the Bad Boys IP (or even Breaking Bad IP in agreement with AMC) and use their Getaway knowledge to do something there instead of just closing them down altogether. Right now I'd say current SIE as of 2023-2024 is reminding me a lot of 2014-2015 Xbox. The only differences are:

-No botched launch like Xbox One's
-No pricey pack-in contributing to a botched launch like Kinect v2

...and, that's about it. PS5's had some big 3P exclusives; XBO had some big 3P exclusives its first few years, too. Kinect v2 basically became a paperweight; PSVR2 is basically a paperweight now commercially. MS 1P slowed down a ton; SIE's 1P have basically slowed down a good lot in output now, too. Xbox was still getting a string of bad PR and optics; the amount of bad PR and optics for PlayStation the past couple of years has grown significantly. Xbox was already showing signs of prioritizing a shift to PC almost in lieu of their console; PlayStation has been doing the same since especially 2023 and certainly now (they've released more 1P internal games on PC this year so far than they have to PlayStation 5).

Way too many similarities now to ignore. If it weren't for the ABK circus show in 2022 and 2023, I would've probably both noticed even earlier signs sooner and started talking about them earlier than I did.
The preparation for another studio to take over Uncharted should've started before Uncharted 4 was even released. Seems like they operated for years unaware that long dev cycles were going to become the norm. They did not capitalize on PS4 success to secure their future and just started to coast instead and take all that success for granted.

Eventually they'll hit a rough patch and numbers will start going down, if they never had the confidence to double down on PlayStation until now they sure won't have that confidence in the future.

Modern Sony has benefited from key decisions made in the PS3 era (after the initial bad launch) that pretty much ensured their success for the next 15 years but along the way they lost their way and started to coast and think too much of themselves.

PlayStation is now one lukewarm launch away from unrecoverable obsolesce, only because they chose to be in this position by being way too conservative and basic.
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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
I'm really optimistic. The Ps5 has allowed me to have absolutely incredible experiences, there have been plenty of SIE published games this year that I haven't even completed yet. + tons of high quality third party games.

So I except for the weird decisions delisting the PC ports, which are really weird especially the ghost of Tushima one because the entire single player experience doesn't require PSN account.

But I'm optimistic, & I believe in the future of consoles, especially PlayStation. Square Enix is its own company and I'm a very big fan of their games, if they see a future in multiplatform I don't care as long as games release on PS.

I'm hopeful.

At the end of the day, it’s all about the games. Anything else is just noise.

I’ve been playing my PS5 way more than my PS4 or PS3 at the same point in their generation. I’m grateful for that.

If Helldivers or GoT is delisted from Steam in Azerbaijan, I couldn't care less.


16 Jul 2023
At the end of the day it’s all about the games. Anything else is just noise.

I’ve been playing my PS5 way more than I played my PS4 or PS3 at the same point in their generation. I’m grateful for that.

If Helldivers or GoT is delisted from Steam in Azerbaijan, I couldn't care less.

ofc the issue is that rn we know absolutely fuck all coming
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
This is for example pure gloating.

Well she is right with her claim that they lost Atlus and Falcom as exclusive partners, but today's news doesn't say that Square will stop doing exclusive deals with Sony. All these Nintendo and PC fanboys are jumping on the Doom train.

Square has been making games for Nintendo for decades and only stopped because Nintendo didnt impliment CD technology. And GC was just not selling well enough.

Even recently Switch wouldnt be able to play games like FF15,FF16, FF7 remake, KH3 etc. Its not Sony’s fault Squares games cant be played on Wii/Wii U/Switch tech lol


10 Jan 2023
Multiplat is worth it if it can allow people to be FF fans instead of the discussion always revolving around how SE does business and whether or not their games are flops, and portbegging.


24 Sep 2022
As for Sony Pictures IP fit for gaming...Sony literally own the Starship Troopers rights. Helldivers is basically Starship Troopers without the license. Starship Troopers would at least make a perfect single-player space sci-fi action/adventure survival-horror game with some RPG mechanics in there.
There's 2 Starship Troopers games on Steam. One is in early access, came out last year.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
The gloating of Drones and PCMR is so annoying. My entire time-line is flooded with this goofballs. Just wait you Drones until Switch 2 gets revealed and your phantasy about a powerful Nintendo system gets bursted like a bubble!
24 Jun 2022
There's 2 Starship Troopers games on Steam. One is in early access, came out last year.

Proves the point. Console seems less and less the priority for Sony/SIE, at least in terms of making it the best experience it could possibly be.

The preparation for another studio to take over Uncharted should've started before Uncharted 4 was even released. Seems like they operated for years unaware that long dev cycles were going to become the norm. They did not capitalize on PS4 success to secure their future and just started to coast instead and take all that success for granted.

Eventually they'll hit a rough patch and numbers will start going down, if they never had the confidence to double down on PlayStation until now they sure won't have that confidence in the future.

PS5's already tracking behind PS4 launch-aligned in markets like the UK and Japan. Probably globally; we'll know once the fiscals release (those are way later than they normally were in the past).

Some people have been trying to say it's due to no PS5 Pro, but Sony already projected to be comfortably ahead of PS4 by now knowing PS5 Pro would be coming late 2024. The price increase for the console is a better excuse for the slowdown in some markets, but I wouldn't say it's the only reason.

Modern Sony has benefited from key decisions made in the PS3 era (after the initial bad launch) that pretty much ensured their success for the next 15 years but along the way they lost their way and started to coast and think too much of themselves.

This probably can't be said enough. The fact TLOU, Uncharted & Demon's Souls, IP introduced in the PS3 era, have mostly been carrying forward momentum for PS4 and (up to this point) PS5 is telling.

PlayStation is now one lukewarm launch away from unrecoverable obsolesce, only because they chose to be in this position by being way too conservative and basic.

I think how they handle PS5 Pro will say everything, IMHO. Because that effectively is a new hardware launch. How are they going to upsell people on it, when the vast majority of their current-gen 1P games are now on PC with more features & better visuals/framerate than console offerings? AND in a lot of cases, can be had for cheaper (or with free online play, like with Helldivers 2)?

100% a self-made problem on Sony's part. I almost feel bad for Mark Cerny and the engineering team in that sense. But, hey, maybe Sony will surprise me (and many others) in a good way. I haven't completely closed the door on that happening. We'll see.
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28 Jun 2022
The doom will die down tomorrow with the fiscal report. 2023 was a record year after the shortages and the mega surprise hit of Helldivers 2 will help a lot.

It's going down after that tho 😅
I guarantee the CEOs will throw gaming under the bus, say how mobile and PC is the new frontier, and margins in AAA are too thin. Nothing of note will be spoken about and all focus will be on paramount and sony music. Sony usually has a string of good coverage or announcements the week before every quarterly report and the fact theyve been radio silent, well besides the whole Hellsdivers 2 fiasco, is all you need to know.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Sad this was actually quite the decent PlayStation fan. What in the world has Jim Ryan done to PlayStation...

Quite saddening


Trading a PS5 for an underpowered, oversized emulation machine. These people are attention seekers. If they really wanted to do that, they'd just do it, not bitch about it on social media, looking for approval.
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