The location made Ghost of Tsushima, where would you like Jin to go next?


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29 Nov 2022
They wouldn’t just be re-using it, but redoing it in some sense. The technical challenge of making it larger and denser, with Ishi’s island too, and overhauling population A.I, going with a bigger story, bigger side quests, along with overhauling the game mechanics, yeah I think this is what they will do. They probably have grown to 200 people.

Probably leave mainland to a third game if Ghost of Tsushima 2 is a smash hit and they can justify the budget.
hmm, well I'm hoping they make a new map and Tsushima island is just like an act 1 or prologue type deal. When I think about the environmental puzzles and stuff it would be kinda weird having different ones in the same places.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
He should go to Europe and become a Knight, so that we'd have all the meltdowns related to an Asian dude being a Knight instead of a white dude. Perhaps call the game "Ghost of Iberia" or something. Have the secondary character be a portuguese woman baker, kinda inspired by this lady

Boom, melt the internet.