The Series S/X are getting cheaper while the PS5 is getting more expensive



Where is MS going to make a further 100/150 dollars of margin on this user? They don't really sell games anymore.
Where does the $150 come into play? It's either $50 or $100. If the user subscribes to Game Pass for a year and pays $10 a month, that's already $120 that Microsoft may not have gotten due to the user not wanting to buy the console at $300/$500. People still buy third party multi-platform games on Xbox. It's just not as high as PlayStation due to the fact that majority of games are cross-gen and PS4 is 117m compared to 55m for XBO give or take so the ratio will be higher and in favor of PlayStation. But people do buy games on Xbox. I have bought every third party multi-platform game on Xbox this generation and im just one user.

What majority don't realize is that Microsoft can't get anything until they get the user into the eco-system and if it's via console, selling them cheaper even though both are deals for students or coupons, both of which most people won't even know about but if Microsoft can get a user into the eco-system, they'll make money in the short and long term. After all, if you don't get the user into the eco-system to begin with, you're going to make any money off that user to begin with but once you get the user in, who knows how much they spend over the coming months and years.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Xbox sells loads of games, just mostly 3rd party ones.
Do they? The splits we see tend to be heavily slanted towards PS from what I remember. And when I said "they" I meant MS themselves actually. I can't remember the last time they had a sustained chart topper. I could be wrong though!

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Where does the $150 come into play? It's either $50 or $100. If the user subscribes to Game Pass for a year and pays $10 a month, that's already $120 that Microsoft may not have gotten due to the user not wanting to buy the console at $300/$500. People still buy third party multi-platform games on Xbox. It's just not as high as PlayStation due to the fact that majority of games are cross-gen and PS4 is 117m compared to 55m for XBO give or take so the ratio will be higher and in favor of PlayStation. But people do buy games on Xbox. I have bought every third party multi-platform game on Xbox this generation and im just one user.

What majority don't realize is that Microsoft can't get anything until they get the user into the eco-system and if it's via console, selling them cheaper even though both are deals for students or coupons, both of which most people won't even know about but if Microsoft can get a user into the eco-system, they'll make money in the short and long term. After all, if you don't get the user into the eco-system to begin with, you're going to make any money off that user to begin with but once you get the user in, who knows how much they spend over the coming months and years.
Sorry, I misread your post I quoted. I see now you wrote 100/50. The dollar sign in front of the 50 threw me off. I stare at computer screens all day, my eyes are no longer the best! :)

Game Pass is not "free money" btw. 120 bucks to support all the first party games present, and all the third party deals? There are huge costs to cover with all the studios they now own and are responsible for. I get the feeling a lot of the proponents of what MS is doing don't even think about that. Let's take Ninja Theory. Going into the fifth year they've owned them? How much money have they pulled in from that studio over that time? Near zero? And when Hellblade 2 launches it's going to be on Game Pass and not sold on PlayStation ... So what is supporting that studio? Now multiply that by 23 and then Activision incoming.

MS is spending. I don't think they are really earning. Not in a profitable way of course. They would say so if they were. They refuse to share any meaningful numbers, while Sony and Nintendo are wide open about such things. There is only one reason to behave in such a way.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Again, I don't get why all the defensiveness around MS. Why is it so important to you? If you like the stuff fine, but ... more people do not. Their offerings just are not good right now.

There is only one company hiding numbers, squelching competition by doing massive buyouts and pulling games to be exclusive, then turning around and saying all they care about is the good of all gamers and the industry.

The others are happily saying, yeah, we are gonna make the best products we can and we are going to sell them to you at the price we think they are worth. And these are the ones succeeding.

There just isn't any getting around those facts. Trying to confuse things by saying value this, best deal that, "they are catching up", while nothing happens and no games release is just smoke and mirrors.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
Again, I don't get why all the defensiveness around MS. Why is it so important to you? If you like the stuff fine, but ... more people do not. Their offerings just are not good right now.

There is only one company hiding numbers, squelching competition by doing massive buyouts and pulling games to be exclusive, then turning around and saying all they care about is the good of all gamers and the industry.

The others are happily saying, yeah, we are gonna make the best products we can and we are going to sell them to you at the price we think they are worth. And these are the ones succeeding.

There just isn't any getting around those facts. Trying to confuse things by saying value this, best deal that, "they are catching up", while nothing happens and no games release is just smoke and mirrors.

Yeah, the messaging is kind of obvious also. Phil Spencer saying Sony and Nintendo will not harm gaming, because they know sony and nintendo are only in the businesss of making games.

Microsoft are worried aobut the companies getting in the business for the same reason they’re in the business. To expand streaming, cloud, data collection, etc. games are not the priority just a stepping stone. Thats why they dont care about the value of games dwindling, its not an important factor for them.

People think Microsoft as a whole and Satya Nadella jumped in on xbox for no reason out of the blue? Naw they convinced them they can sell cloud services through it, they don’t care about xbox they care about azure. Hence the billions of dollars in investments and FTC scrutiny, its not because of microsoft trying to be the best game maker.

They’re all businesses and they are making games to make money, but the focus of Microsofts strategy is not gaming, never has been.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Yeah, the messaging is kind of obvious also. Phil Spencer saying Sony and Nintendo will not harm gaming, because they know sony and nintendo are only in the businesss of making games.

Microsoft are worried aobut the companies getting in the business for the same reason they’re in the business. To expand streaming, cloud, data collection, etc. games are not the priority just a stepping stone. Thats why they dont care about the value of games dwindling, its not an important factor for them.

People think Microsoft as a whole and Satya Nadella jumped in on xbox for no reason out of the blue? Naw they convinced them they can sell cloud services through it, they don’t care about xbox they care about azure. Hence the billions of dollars in investments and FTC scrutiny, its not because of microsoft trying to be the best game maker.

They’re all businesses and they are making games to make money, but the focus of Microsofts strategy is not gaming, never has been.
I have to agree with this. Nadella is basically the “everything in the cloud” CEO.
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Sorry, I misread your post I quoted. I see now you wrote 100/50. The dollar sign in front of the 50 threw me off. I stare at computer screens all day, my eyes are no longer the best! :)

Game Pass is not "free money" btw. 120 bucks to support all the first party games present, and all the third party deals? There are huge costs to cover with all the studios they now own and are responsible for. I get the feeling a lot of the proponents of what MS is doing don't even think about that. Let's take Ninja Theory. Going into the fifth year they've owned them? How much money have they pulled in from that studio over that time? Near zero? And when Hellblade 2 launches it's going to be on Game Pass and not sold on PlayStation ... So what is supporting that studio? Now multiply that by 23 and then Activision incoming.

MS is spending. I don't think they are really earning. Not in a profitable way of course. They would say so if they were. They refuse to share any meaningful numbers, while Sony and Nintendo are wide open about such things. There is only one reason to behave in such a way.
I never said Game Pass was free money. But it is money that Microsoft would be getting that they wouldn't be getting if they didn't sell the console.

Why are so many PlayStation fans obsessed with how much money Microsoft makes off their development studios? Especially when im sure everyone here realizes that Microsoft doesn't need to make massive profits from the gaming division and if anything, once ABK is completed and they start racking in all the money from King and Diablo Immortal, them looking at Ninja Theory or others "losing money" won't even matter to them.

Microsoft doesn't need to share their numbers with anyone outside of shareholders and investors. More importantly and I can't speak for anyone else but I don't care if they make money, lose money or break even. That's Microsoft problem if it is one to figure out.
Again, I don't get why all the defensiveness around MS. Why is it so important to you? If you like the stuff fine, but ... more people do not. Their offerings just are not good right now.

There is only one company hiding numbers, squelching competition by doing massive buyouts and pulling games to be exclusive, then turning around and saying all they care about is the good of all gamers and the industry.

The others are happily saying, yeah, we are gonna make the best products we can and we are going to sell them to you at the price we think they are worth. And these are the ones succeeding.

There just isn't any getting around those facts. Trying to confuse things by saying value this, best deal that, "they are catching up", while nothing happens and no games release is just smoke and mirrors.
I'm not being defensive of Microsoft and they don't need me defending them to begin with. Them selling Series X/S via deals and whatnot isn't important to me. All I said was that it's a smart move because it's all about getting consumers into their eco-system. Can't sell shit to anyone if they don't first invest into the console.

PS5 is at 22m while XSX/S is at 17m give or take. Microsoft will win back NA. They will cut the lead to at least half in Europe so while so many believe that most aren't into Xbox is simply inaccurate and incorrect.

No one will argue that they have nothing this year but at the same time, if they stay within that 5m gap of PS5 going into 2023 while Sony released HFW, GOWR and GT 7 in 2022, I would say that Microsoft would have had the more impressive year simply due to the fact that they have nothing and barely if at all lose any ground. That's impressive for a company that don't have any good offerings. For the vast majority of consumers, they simply want what is best for their life situation and if it's someone that has kids, Xbox Series S is a great deal especially if they combine it with Game Pass.

Squelching competition? Huh. Isn't that what Sony has been doing since the original PlayStation days by trying to get everything as either a full or timed exclusive? Or does the last 25+ years of doing that not count because Microsoft simply showed them up on how to do it? Neither company cares about the industry or this shit or that shit. That's all PR. Of course, the difference is that the entry point is far cheaper on Xbox than it is on PlayStation because you have various ways to play. And no, none of it should include PlayStation because that's not Microsoft's eco-system.

Back to the competition, oh please. Nintendo doesn't have COD at all and IS kicking Sony's ass and Microsoft's ass combined. So the whole buying/killing competition is bullshit simply because it's not Sony doing it. If Sony acquired ABK, not a single person here would be crying about it.

And of course, they should make all ABK's games exclusive. WTF would be the point in buying them if you still give the competition your shit? And technically, Sony can easily have all these games. All they have to do is allow Game Pass on PlayStation, and you'll get literally every first party Microsoft game.

PlayStation fanboys/extremists have simply been spoiled for the last 25+ years and feel entitled to everything but that's not how reality works. Sony has been the bully for 25+ years and the main issue for all the fanboys/extremists is that a far bigger bully with a far bigger war chest has come along and they simply can't accept it.

Here's one thing that no one realizes despite the fact that it's an actual fact. In 2013 when Microsoft revealed Xbox One and they wanted to be always online and all digital. Well, less than a decade later, what is gaming now? Well, according to Sony's first party sales, 80% digital and vast majority of gamers even when playing a single player game are connected online. Disc is basically almost obsolete. I give it this generation and it's pretty much done.

Digital is the present. Streaming and subscription is the future. It just fucking is. Companies and users have two choices. You either adapt or you get left behind. It's that simple. I'm someone who prefers to adapt instead of getting left behind.


22 Jun 2022
Do they? The splits we see tend to be heavily slanted towards PS from what I remember. And when I said "they" I meant MS themselves actually. I can't remember the last time they had a sustained chart topper. I could be wrong though!
The console userbase is heavily slanted though.

There's games on Xbox that bat above their weight (less than a 2:1 PS advantage) and some that bat below.

There's less competition from 1st party, for one lol

Either way it's just a bit silly to claim they don't make any money back on console purchases. Their ecosystem is smaller, but people are spending plenty of money in it.


16 Jul 2022
Digital is the present. Streaming and subscription is the future. It just fucking is. Companies and users have two choices. You either adapt or you get left behind. It's that simple. I'm someone who prefers to adapt instead of getting left behind.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Price is one component of value. Xbox also has superior backwards compatibility, offers more flexibility with digital game purchases and 3rd party peripherals, and their game sub services have features PlayStation services lack. I also appreciate not having to pay for quality of life features like cloud saves.

I found its predominantly Sony only fans think Xbox game offerings are 'garbage' which is clearly fanboy nonsense. The general consensus is Game pass with an affordable, available console is a superior value to anything anyone else is doing. Not everyone is willing to pay extra for the privilege of owning a PlayStation.
PS+ is better value and cheaper than Game Pass. The library is also much better. Your spiel doesn't work anymore.

Why did you even get a PS5 if all you do is criticize it? You could be playing all these "games" you never name on your Xbox instead.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Verified Gamepass Reseller
15 Jul 2022
This is not an argument to value, I am giving you a real scenario of what I have paid and the level of performance I am getting vs other machines.
Your personal anecdotes don't relate to the broader casual gaming market. You aren't a casual gamer and I'm not detecting that you have any idea of what those guys want.
Uh no? What im saying is that value is subjective, if people didn’t find playstation to be the better value they wouldn’t actively invest in it over the competition.

The ps4 wasn’t sonys first console, they’ve been squarely the market leader in home consoles since the original PSX.
I disagree. For a casual gamer price and availability are value propositions. PlayStation was pressed pretty hard in the PS3 generation due to their own fumbles. They were outsold in the largest gaming market. During the PS4 generation Sony was largely unopposed. We'll see how things turn this generation. Sony is already complaining about having to compete which is a good thing because it will force them to offer better products. An unopposed Sony gets us $10 upgrade fees, monopolistic digital stores, and systems launching missing basic features.

Thats because you don't actually understand value. You're thinking in terms of pure speeds and feeds per dollar spent. I'm getting X amount of power and Y amount of ram blah blah blah. None of that matters, and that is not value unless you are comparing like for like (such as when building a PC and shopping for parts of nearly identical quality). What matters is the experience you get from your purchase. That's why something that is more expensive can have a better value to the person who is paying the money. Because they are getting what they actually want from their purchase. That's why a fantastic meal at a high end restaurant can actually be a "better value" than a crappy cheap meal from an all you can eat buffet. The latter of which being essentially what Xbox is now trying to be.

You're also mistaking that people are purely price conscious for the fact that people WANT. GAMES. They don't buy a console so that it can sit there and they can think about how many teraflops it has or think about "the best deal in gaming" they got with a bunch of games they dont want to play that they have to pay forever for (unless of course you were smart enough to do the conversion trick and arent really paying anything at all). That's why people will spend 350 dollars for a Switch OLED but not 499 for a system that is what ... 20x the power? Think about that. And considering just how much the Switch is smashing the Xbox in terms of sales, and the fact it does consistently, it means buyers are happy with their purchase.

So between the Switch and the XSX which system do you think consumers would say has given them "better value" for their money? I know what the answer is. And I think you do too. You just don't want to admit it.
You seem to be missing the current market trends. MS is moving more consoles than they did last generation and are on pace to outsell the 360. You don't speak for all gamers and the market is deciding that XSS is a fantastic value. Your personal dislike of the platform has no bearing on the actual market realities.

I wish people actually knew what they were talking about when referencing Game pass. The vast majority of the titles on the service have high scores so it is pure nonsense to talk about 'crappy meals'. There is a reason so many people consider it the best deal in gaming despite alternative services.

Game pass regularly gets new games and casuals that see the service immediately say 'wow all these games are on the service?' It is OBVIOUSLY a better value that's why it had far more customers than PS Now before Sony merged the services. The statistics are what they are. Are you capable of looking at the service from outside of the hard core PlayStation fan bubble? The market decides.

Switches popularity has little to do with value and everything to so with portability and decades of Nintendo brand mind share. There isn't any other mass market portable system with the library Nintendo offers. They outsold PS4 too so that's hardly and indictment against Xbox. I think between the Switch and the XSS, the XSS offer better value. The XSX is a hard core gamers platform. The Switch is a system for Nintendo fans granted there are lots of them seeing how they have been in video games for over 30 years.


Verified Gamepass Reseller
15 Jul 2022
PS+ is better value and cheaper than Game Pass. The library is also much better. Your spiel doesn't work anymore.

Why did you even get a PS5 if all you do is criticize it? You could be playing all these "games" you never name on your Xbox instead.
This is hilarious. I completely disagree with PS+ being a better value. Library is subjective and I prefer to get a cadence of new games to play than relive the glory days of games from last generation or older titles. I am not alone in that assement.

I have every right to criticize the device I paid for with my hard earned money and demand more from the company I'm paying. I'm not the one claiming that PS5 is the best platform yet taking time out of my day to trash talk a system I don't own. Every comment I make about PlayStation is true. I know it because I own it and use it. I wish more people actually knew what they were talking about before popping off.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I completely disagree with PS+ being a better value. Library is subjective and I prefer to get a cadence of new games to play than relive the glory days of games from last generation or older titles. I am not alone in that assement.
???? You keep mentioning XBox BC as a must-have feature and then you say this 🤔 The PS4 library is also vastly superior to the Xone so I'm not sure why you think people would choose the Xbox BC over PS5 BC.

What new games are coming out on GP (or even Xbox) that you can't play on PS5? You mean those random small indies? The PS5 also had lots of new exclusives this year so what you say doesn't make sense.

What are those games available now on GP that makes you "completely disagree" about the value PS+?
I have every right to criticize the device I paid for with my hard earned money and demand more from the company I'm paying. I'm not the one claiming that PS5 is the best platform yet taking time out of my day to trash talk a system I don't own. Every comment I make about PlayStation is true. I know it because I own it and use it. I wish more people actually knew what they were talking about before popping off.
But what do you want exactly from your PS5 that makes you so frustrated? Day 1 AAA on PS+? That's pretty much the only thing missing. Just get rid of it at this point.
Last edited:


20 Jun 2022
Your bag of 'shite' comment destroys any shred of objectivity in your argument. There is no point in getting into an emotional discussion about how much you love PlayStation.

Actually, it doesn't. My argument is perfectly sound, I just used an extreme example. You just have ZERO counter arguments, so you become salty. Is it not on the Xbox Shill manual?

The PS5 DE is not a better value than XSS especially since you can't buy one easily. More expensive games, sole source digital software sales, and paywalled cloud saves all make the value proposition even worse.

Better value =/= being able to buy something. If I need a family car and the auto seller only has a Sports car, the sports car doesn't suddenly become the better value proposition just because it's the only available one.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
Some people here are really going to bring up "objectivity" like we don't know who you are.