The Xbox to PS5 migration has begun. Reddit thread deleted but gamers show their disdain for Xbox and wanting to switch to PS5.


28 Jul 2023

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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
On our twiiter feed they are going crazy over this post 😂 it's funny to see. Reality hurts though, I guess. Idk it's a damn plastic box.
The comments make me feel absolutely embarrassed to be of the same species as the people writing them. The amount of illiterate fanboys that can't understand that the twitter account is a news feed to the forum, something that is stated in the description, is uncountable.

Not only has Microsoft fostered the most toxic fandom there is, they have also attracted the dumbest people gaming has to offer.


14 Jul 2022
MS gaming in absolute shambles right now.

They tried different strategies, from foreclosing competitors to subsidizing subscription services.

All of it failed.

Their next move is being a third party publisher.

But once they realize their survival will be entirely dependant on the quality of their software, they'll exit the gaming market all together.

Sell your msboxes and no longer invest in that platform.

That's what I've been thinking about too. There's all this talk about MS going third-party - much of it from MS itself - but given their most recent output, why would anyone buy their games? It's possible backlog from their acquisitions would sell well , but who exactly is excitedly waiting for Redfall, Starfield, and Halo Infinite? For me, I have no interest in any of their titles except Fallout. And even then, if there's no physical release, I have zero reason to buy any game from them ever.

Then again, this is MS. A company that's been in the gaming industry for decades and hasn't learned a fucking thing. They likely think the strength of their acquired IPs will guarantee success on other platforms (even while they gut the studios that made those games such a success).


28 Jun 2022
The comments make me feel absolutely embarrassed to be of the same species as the people writing them. The amount of illiterate fanboys that can't understand that the twitter account is a news feed to the forum, something that is stated in the description, is uncountable.

Not only has Microsoft fostered the most toxic fandom there is, they have also attracted the dumbest people gaming has to offer.
💯 The irony of it all is that some or most of those same people cheered during the acquisitions and applauded Microsoft and comments saying that those aquisitions would be the end of Sony.


29 Jun 2022
You were smart. 360 was a good era but then it deflated.
I sold 360 in like 2010. Whenever it was Kinect was revealed and it became all Xbox focused on. Ruining devs like Rare and Lionhead in the process while scaring off Bungie and Epic who wanted nothing to do with motion control gaming

It was very clear right away they didn't care about gaming, nor understood why they had gained momentum with 360 - especially once J Allard and Peter Moore abandoned ship. It was all about chasing the dollar sign regardless of anything else. Most didn't wake up to this until Xbox One was revealed


26 Jun 2022
They likely think the strength of their acquired IPs will guarantee success on other platforms (even while they gut the studios that made those games such a success).
They think that people buy the "brand" because they like the logo or something, no merit or whatever people would want "a game console" and whoever has more social media engagement will win the sales. So they made a 12tf console because the focus group reacted positively, they keep announcing games and OS features because each drive engagement.

The only plan is marketing.


14 Jul 2022
They think that people buy the "brand" because they like the logo or something, no merit or whatever people would want "a game console" and whoever has more social media engagement will win the sales. So they made a 12tf console because the focus group reacted positively, they keep announcing games and OS features because each drive engagement.

The only plan is marketing.

Considering their head of gaming believes building great games won't sell consoles, it's apparent they have no clue about the gaming industry. All Phil ever gives is excuses for why Xbox is doing poorly. Agreed on the marketing. The sheer volume of astroturfing and blaming competitors for their own mistakes is undeniable at this point. Media, articles, tweets - it's everywhere. The one satisfaction I get is that this prolonged effort of duping the public has most assuredly helped cement the decline of their brand world-wide.
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14 Jul 2022
they do sell consoles but not to the degree you think

I don't have data on how many consoles good games will sell. I don't think anyone does so there is no "degree" to how I think. However, we can look at Sony and Nintendo who do prioritize releasing good games from their first-party studios and are extremely successful - and there is undeniably a correlation. At the very least, releasing mid and poor games has not helped Xbox. And the refusal to learn from that will keep on not helping them.


18 Nov 2023
I don't have data on how many consoles good games will sell. I don't think anyone does so there is no "degree" to how I think. However, we can look at Sony and Nintendo who do prioritize releasing good games from their first-part studios and are extremely successful - and there is undeniably a correlation. At the very least, releasing mid and poor games has not helped Xbox. And the refusal to learn from that will keep on not helping them.
Why do you say they're refusing to learn? They're always trying to make great games. They didn't spend 80 billion on ips to make them suck. No devs set out to make bad games. So you saying they're refusing makes no sense.
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14 Jul 2022
Why do you say they're refusing to learn? They're always trying to make great games. They didn't spend 80 billion on ips to make them suck. No devs set out to make bad games. So you saying they're refusing makes no sense.

I take it you didn't read the article I linked? Those are the words of Phil Spencer. As well, if you think the purpose of their acquisitions was to make great games, then we'll simply have to agree to disagree. As for "refusing", I have zero interest in what could be. I'm looking at what is. I don't see great games in output like Redfall and Starfield. Neither do many other people and that is yet another reason why the Xbox brand is failing.


18 Nov 2023
I take it you didn't read the article I linked? Those are the words of Phil Spencer. As well, if you think the purpose of their acquisitions was to make great games, then we'll simply have to agree to disagree. As for "refusing", I have zero interest in what could be. I'm looking at what is. I don't see great games in output like Redfall and Starfield. Neither do many other people and that is yet another reason why the Xbox brand is failing.
Phil just said he doesn't believe great games will sell consoles. Thats not him saying he doesn't want to make great games. Which is what you're saying. Like i said devs don't set out to make bad games. Some games just don't work out. Xbox devs want to make great games.


14 Jul 2022
Phil just said he doesn't believe great games will sell consoles. Thats not him saying he doesn't want to make great games. Which is what you're saying. Like i said devs don't set out to make bad games. Some games just don't work out. Xbox devs want to make great games.

Mass lay-offs and an emphasis on contract employees over permanent employees (as seen with the developers of Halo Infinite) tell a different tale - as do the results we've already seen. There is an issue with how MS approaches gaming but if you don't see that, fine, I can't make you.

Aside from that, you really believe what Phil says, don't you? I think his goals are Game Pass, eliminating all competition, and the bottom line. When the great games start coming out in steady cadence, I'll gladly retract my opinion on this. It's been ten years so far with minimal and even dismal results, but any day now, right?
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18 Nov 2023
Mass lay-offs and an emphasis on contract employees over permanent employees (as seen with the developers of Halo Infinite) tell a different tale - as do the results we've already seen. There is an issue with how MS approaches gaming but if you don't see that, fine, I can't make you.

Aside from that, you really believe what Phil says, don't you? I think his goals are Game Pass, eliminating all competition, and the bottom line. When the great games start coming out in steady cadence, I'll gladly retract my opinion on this. It's been ten years so far with minimal and even dismal results, but any day now, right?
Mass lay offs are everywhere in the gaming industry. That's not unique to Xbox. Xbox just completed a mega gaming deal. Again no devs set out to make bad games. If you want to believe that go ahead. But just know its false :)
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14 Jul 2022
Mass lay offs are everywhere in the gaming industry. That's not unique to Xbox. Xbox just completed a mega gaming deal. Again no devs set out to make bad games. If you want to believe that go ahead. But just know its false :)

Other companies didn't champion Unions and commit to improving working conditions for employees prior to an acquisition like MS did. You're a fan, a MS fan. We are not going to agree on this. And since I am obviously not making myself clear to you, whether or not a dev sets out to make a good or bad game is not the issue. That they will be unable to make or severely limited in their ability to make good games under MS is the actual argument.