The fifa bundle in europe right now is showing how much most people really care about the price increase.
Take for example in the uk go to sites like argos and smyths and they dropped ps5 fifa bundles today costing £540, shit is selling out within hours.
Now go and check a much cheaper xbox series s and x and still in stock, you can actually see stock levels of ps5s in stores on smyths website.
They even have xbox series s + fifa 23 for £250, nowhere near selling out compared to a ps5 more than double the price.
People underestimate how much the average consumers wants the “cheapest” offer or entry into gaming. I think people that aren’t super into gaming but own consoles are ok with waiting years while continuing to play on last gen. I dont think anyone is like so desperate they are running to buy series s because of its perceived “value” or threat they can’t get ps5/x.
People always opt for the more “premium” offer when it comes to tech. People don’t want the Half-way entry entry into next gen, they want the full experience with a nice brand new TV and sound system, etc.
Look at the way the IPhone SE’s are selling, no one wants them despite the fact that they are still “iPhones” and not that far different from the higher priced ones.