What does Concord need to be a success?


Active member
20 Feb 2024
Concord launches in August and the reactions to the game are very negative, with people criticizing its similarities to Overwatch and its Marvel-style characters. But leaving these criticisms aside and being very positive, what do you think this game needs to be a commercial success?


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Back to the drawing board, because I don't think anything can make it a success from what I've seen so far. It simply doesn't look compelling. Gameplay doesn't look particularly polished. New IP makes it an even a harder sell.

The best thing they can do is drop full match unedited gameplay and take feedback.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Needs a better showcase for starters. Why was your Cinematic trailer for a GaaS game longer than the Gameplay reveal? It just doesn't make sense

With that said. They need to sell the mechanics, give details about the contents of the game, modes, long term plan

But I think the beta should have dropped immediately after SOP

Now it's gonna be a month of negativity to overcome

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
Not locking beta behind a paywall would be a good start.

Eh this can go both ways.

There are a lot of reasons to put it behind a paywall. You get way more interested players who will give you way more valuable feedback, it creates revenue, and it controls the number of participants compared to an open beta.

I think they have a nice balance of saying a pre-order gets you 5 slots for the beta, so I mean in reality the cost at worst would be 14 dollars a player if the game was 70 dollars and 8 dollars if it is 40 dollars.

At the end of the day it comes down to the gameplay. If the gameplay is there, the game is going to be successful and if it isn't it won't.


27 Jun 2023
Has to be F2P. $40 isn’t bad but a tougher buy especially if you want to get friends into Concord & $70 is a death wish imo

Mtx must be cosmetic only.

Fair & low cosmetic $5, $10, $20 max cosmetic no $30+ cosmetic mtx like Multiversus or Valorant/OverWatch.

Heroes (Freegunner) needs to be easy to be unlock by playing the game ie Rainbow 6/Apex Legends. Or make new heroes completely free with no barrier similar to how Overwatch changed how you unlocked heroes.

Multiple game modes similar to COD also a bonus would be having party modes like COD BO1.

Rank mode day. Including unique & exclusive cosmetics by playing rank mode. Custom games must be well fleshed out including a system to host & view players to have players host tournaments & make easy callouts of what’s happening while the game is being played.

Level progression including prestige system like COD. Weapon/Hero level including exclusive cosmetics by playing heroes & leveling up like lvl 25 hero you get bronze skin for gun lvl 50 hero silver & lvl 100 hero gold skin for gun (similar to Xdefiant) having COD style weapon camo challenges would be a bonus & give more reason for players to grind outside playing for fun (can be like BO2/BO3 camo challenges)

Game has to run smoothly. Stable servers. Game has to be fun with a decent amount of map & content + well thought out roadmap for content. Beta needs to be amazing there should also be a free open beta to get everyone to atleast try the game & give feedback.

Ultimately 3 things. F2P, seasonal content roadmap, fun gameplay/fleshed out rank mode. You can also put progression/earnable cosmetics (bronze,silver,gold gun skin) I played OW ranked for so long solely to get the gold guns


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
Obviously the Microtransactions, need to be cosmetic. It needs to have a good backend server system.

Gameplay needs to feel heavy, the performance need to be solid, abilities need to have effect with the envirement and feel interactive.

Ideally a 20-40 USD price point. I think it will do good & more if it has these things.

I'm glad they are doing a beta, I'll try it out.


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
But leaving these criticisms aside and being very positive, what do you think this game needs to be a commercial success?
It would need to be what the cinematic trailer suggested, a coop heist game with a GotG-esque team and humor.
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27 Jun 2023
Needs a better showcase for starters. Why was your Cinematic trailer for a GaaS game longer than the Gameplay reveal? It just doesn't make sense

With that said. They need to sell the mechanics, give details about the contents of the game, modes, long term plan

But I think the beta should have dropped immediately after SOP

Now it's gonna be a month of negativity to overcome
Yes they should’ve save that cinematic for Summer game fest & instead went through a 10 min deep dive with the first 5 hero’s & the game modes that would be available at launch. Also a deep dive on rank mode/progression will we be able to get camo challenges or gold gun skin like COD, Xdefiant or OW. What’s the reason to play a 5v5 everyday if there’s no sort of gun camo progression level progression. Is there a prestige system? How do i unlock heroes? How many maps will there be at launch?

Beta should’ve drop with the state of play. With the cinematic at summer game fest. People are calling Concord a Overwatch clone when it’s more like COD, Destiny or Halo with moba style hero. If anything it’s more like Xdefiant but more of an arena moba shooter then Xdefiant military grounded hero shooter. Marvel Rival or Valves new hero shooter is more keen to Overwatch then Concord imo


27 Jun 2023
With the character choices they've gone for in a hero shooter it's DOA

This type of game lives and dies on its heros and this is just a bad joke

View attachment 5174
Yeah that’s a bad hero design. People under estimate how much of a difference a stronger set of design for a hero can alter game views & discussion.

I’d say Apex Legends & Valorant has better hero designs the Concord there’s only like 5 great hero design in concord. Those being the 5 being shown in the cinematic the boy character all the way in the left & the purple guy in the middle right area. Also the girl design in the cinematic who was wearing a orange outfit with the akimbo pistol that was a good design imo.


27 Jun 2023
Ideally a 20-40 USD price point. I think it will do good & more if it has these things.
Idk about $20 if it’s $20 it should be F2P & if it’s F2P & Sony wanted to recoup like Multiversus sell a special edition for $40 that unlocks all launch heroes which would be enticing for $40 or you can grind the game to unlock in game currency like R6/Apex Legends.

It’s either F2P or $40 & $40 makes it a much harder buy in unless the beta is amazing & they have a open beta & Sony goes crazy with the twitch partner promos & get streamers from Overwatch, Apex, Valorant, Destiny, Halo, COD & streamers like XQC, Kai Cenat & Asmongold that can somehow make funny memes of the game (hopefully good one) like what happen to Helldivers 2.
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1 Jul 2022
free to play will be a good start. (at least the beta)

If it's good, it will have a slim chance.


21 Jun 2022
  1. Top tier, super fun gameplay
  2. Appropiate pricing (max $40) including a free demo/version and/or open beta, not aggresive monetization
  3. Remove pronouns and wokenism in cutescenes and upcoming characters
  4. Add badass white, male, heterosexual characters, minimum a couple (not ugly/weak/old/kid) at launch
  5. Episodic single player/coop campaign
Now I get why the burger dissapeared.
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25 Mar 2023
Game is set in space, with multiple alien species, new IP. They had near complete freedom to create anything. They go and create this uninspired, forgettable, AI generated, DEI obsessed bore. These type of devs have edge and should be making mobile games.