What is the deal with Phil Spencer?

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8 Jul 2022
We are getting close to 15 years with Phil Spencer being responsible for MS output of games and about 8 or more year since he is calling all the shots. I have a hard time understanding how he has such a strong following while apparently overpromising and failing to deliver every time.

2008 - After many year managing the European side of Microsoft Game Studios, Phil Spencer is promoted head of MGS.

2009 - Promoted to corporate vice president of Microsoft Game Studios, with the mission to continue "overseeing the entirety of first-party content at MGS."

2013 - During the Xbox One launch he did every single thing Don Mattrick did but got none of the blame despite being really high up. He even said stuff like "If you live somewhere without good reception, you won't buy a cell phone." He also recommended Xbox 360 for players whose online connections aren't up to the task".

2014 - Becomes head of Microsoft's Xbox division.

In all those year I don't think he was able to create a single successful new IP (Halo, Gears of War, Forza were all IPs that existed before he was put in charge). What does he have to show for these 15 years? Grounded? Sea of Thieves? It also extends to their second-party deals, they just seem unable to create any hits and they have a terrible track record with those as well. They even seem to have a hard time nurturing and evolving their already successful IPs, with Halo and Gears being the best examples of that.

Even on the hardware side, he announced VR support for the One X and that never happened, promoted on the big stage stuff like HoloLens and IllumiRoom that never materialized. When the One X was the most powerful console on the market it had almost no games to take advantage of that and relied on third-party game that many times didn't even bother that much with the Xbox version. Ok, maybe the terrible second half of the Xbox One had as far as games was a sacrifice to ensure the Xbox Series would have a great launch... but no, it had nothing (even now, one and a half years later it still has very little).

On the service side, they made this big deal about every MS game releasing on Gamepass, then we get a year like 2022 where they completely strike out and looking at the games the included this month they don't even seem to be trying anymore.

He goes all in on PR spins trying to play the role of the good guy, while his actions don't align with what he says at all. He still keeps guys like Aaron Greenberg around and even retweets hardcore Xbox warriors and Xbox marketing is way too focus on the competition while Nintendo and Sony have been a lot more chill about console wars in the last few years. I love that he was going around saying that he doesn't like exclusive while MS marketing even tries to pass games that aren't exclusive by using tricks like "Exclusive World Premier" or having publisher agree to hide for a few days that their games are multiplatform, not to mention the unholy amount of money spent to take games away from PlayStation by buying entire publishers instead of building their studios over time.
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1 Jul 2022
there's something deeply wrong with him imo. the cult of personality that surrounds him is extremely worrying as well. He seems like he's been purposefully shoved down our throats like a commodity precisely because that's exactly what his job was. He's one of the hold-ons of the XBONE 2013 disaster repair PR people, his entire job was to deceive and repair Xbox's broken image.

His Achilles heel though is that he clearly knows nothing about videogames and has terrible taste in them, noted by his 'favorite' games being VooDoo Vince, Crackdown, and Phantom Dust.

He's been outed as a toxic leader by former Xbox-VP Mike Ybarra whom he holds in low regard. After Mike quit Xbox in disgust (due to poor business decisions and launching insultingly low-quality software for years), a since-deleted tweet (found it on google search but i remember the convo at the time) mentioned that '1 person makes all the decisions there' [at Xbox].

So either it's Phil himself, or someone above him, that's the '1 person' Mike was talking about? I'm betting it's Phil though. What we see with XBox now, the whole no exclusives, the mismanaged studios, the toxic woke marketing and 'xbox influencer propaganda squad' falls on him. This was all his vision.

Every true Xbox fan should be rooting for his prompt removal or retirement. Once he's gone,I bet the games will finally start to come out. The problem is, he just keeps getting promotions. :LOL:


8 Jul 2022
there's something deeply wrong with him imo. the cult of personality that surrounds him is extremely worrying as well. He seems like he's been purposefully shoved down our throats like a commodity precisely because that's exactly what his job was. He's one of the hold-ons of the XBONE 2013 disaster repair PR people, his entire job was to deceive and repair Xbox's broken image.

His Achilles heel though is that he clearly knows nothing about videogames and has terrible taste in them, noted by his 'favorite' games being VooDoo Vince, Crackdown, and Phantom Dust.

He's been outed as a toxic leader by former Xbox-VP Mike Ybarra whom he holds in low regard. After Mike quit Xbox in disgust (due to poor business decisions and launching insultingly low-quality software for years), a since-deleted tweet (found it on google search) mentioned that '1 person makes all the decisions there' [at Xbox].

So either it's Phil himself, or someone above him, that's the '1 person' Mike was talking about? I'm betting it's Phil though. What we see with XBox now, the whole no exclusives, the mismanaged studios, the toxic woke marketing and 'xbox influencer propaganda squad' falls on him. This was all his vision.

Every true Xbox fan should be rooting for his prompt removal or retirement. Once he's gone,I bet the games will finally start to come out.
I also find it funny that pretty much no other suit gets the same treatment and I have a really hard time seeing what sets Phil Spencer apart. It's like people are really falling for his really basic PR spins.
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1 Jul 2022
you can't blame MS for keeping him around. he's got game production costs down significantly (by not releasing any AAA games or signing any exclusives), and managed to create a constant revenue stream even when MS releases said no games, by forcibly transitioning his customers into a subscription service where money is actually being exchanged for games like Peppa pig and bleeding edge. Plus, his cult of personality status will keep him in the news cycle constantly, ensuring xbox gets constant attention and clicks.

he's one of the greatest PR persons this industry has ever seen. Probably the longest running exec, too. 10 years almost, is it?

His fans are more than willing to spend $500 every 2 or 3 years on machines that have no exclusive or compelling software and only offer minor hardware revisions, all because 'He's a nice guy" and the boxes have his name behind them.

I think I even saw him signing someone's forehead during the last e3 aftershow.

He's a unicorn in marketing terms. :ROFLMAO:
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The Legend - Scourge of the Green Rats
21 Jun 2022
he puts a good guy mask while mingling with the worst xbox warriors on twitter

he's a used cars salesman, nothing but wait wait for years and the promise things will be better

and when he realized he can't compete with Sony he asked daddy to use the wallet, any clown with the kind on money MS has can buy publishers, but we saw the state of xbox studios without daddy's wallet



Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Oh my gosh, the work has let him grown older. 😳

I really wouldn’t trade for any salary my life with his. It must be much troubling than we can imagine. But respect that he didn’t get worn out already. Most in his position would have already resigned from fatigue. It’s not I am a fan of him but he doesn’t give up. That’s what we can acknowledge, even as Playstation fans.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
I seriously dont get it. Its almost like a mutually assured no-compete pact.

XB seemingly refuse to develop AAA blockbusters and put any effort into the games industry. Just using absurd amounts of money to literaly buy their competitive edge.

Sony's AAA blockbusters sell, but they seem to refuse to bring a full offering to the table. Their BC, MP, GAAS services, marketing & communication offerings are handicapped, but especially by comparison to XB.


8 Jul 2022
He killed xbox. Even the tv tv guy before him did much better job by signing 3rd part exclusives. 2013 even though it was a disaster, is still better than the years following it. They at least got Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall back then. Even Sunset overdrive was signed by the guy before Phil. Nothing came after that other than talk
The irony is that Don Mattrick actually had an interesting background as a game developer.

It would be interesting to read a book on what happened inside Xbox in those days, if Don was truly alone in pushing for those things that backfired and who was aligned with him.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
He’s a passive aggressive guy.
Plays the nice guy, sometimes will say Nintendo and Playstation aren’t there competition but will take digs at them when he gets the chance.

Also I don’t see all the praise, I don’t think the previous guys in charge got unlimited money to buy studios like Ninja Theory, Obsidian And publishers like Bethesda and Activision. Don didn’t get nowhere close to 80+ billion to spend.

As well as beinga able to spend huge amounts of money on gamepass, not worry about 1st party sales and not worry about Gamepass profits.
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...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
Xbox could only ever compete if they kept Peter Moore,no one else could ever make Xbox competitive.
That guy actually felt like he cared.
Phill is this happy go lucky two face... "oh we all play" "oh we all have fun together" "oh we all create wonderful worlds" "oh we buy every studio"....
He talks all the right things in the interviews but I feel he is so slippery.... maybe not greasy but for sure oily.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
The 'Scalebound has actually secretly been made' card for when he gets in trouble some day. I hope...
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