What is the deal with Phil Spencer?

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Active member
4 Jul 2022
They invested blindly. They clearly don't know what to do with all of these studios they bought.
Phil also introduced a confusing definition of "platform" and mixed the fuck out of the term " exclusive".
All he does is fucking people minds and disrupting the media.
At night he is against fanboys and games should be played on every platform, then few hours in the morning he is in a famous fanboy podcast. What the fuck?
My mindset is if Xbox fuck up Fable then i'm done with the BRAND.


Old Guard
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21 Jun 2022
My mindset is if Xbox fuck up Fable then i'm done with the BRAND.

Yea after closing lion head and not giving them a second chance with better leadership, was a bad look. If we dont see anything next year for Perfect Dark, Fable, Everwild, State of decay 3 and the highlights are all games Microsoft don't internally manage like Bethesda titles. Then I'm just going to be interested in Bethesda titles, and whatever Coalition make.


Active member
4 Jul 2022
Yea after closing lion head and not giving them a second chance with better leadership, was a bad look. If we dont see anything next year for Perfect Dark, Fable, Everwild, State of decay 3 and the highlights are all games Microsoft don't internally manage like Bethesda titles. Then I'm just going to be interested in Bethesda titles, and whatever Coalition make.
100% brother.


1 Jul 2022
Agreed, I'm absolutely stunned that they've done literally nothing to buffer their software slate for 2022. If they really had no plans to delay Starfield & RedFall until May, then their communication pipeline along upper management is 100% broken; they should have been able to communicate a delay for RedFall, especially one by half a full year, by February or March of this year at latest, given realistic developer expectations.

And, that should have given them enough time to try working something, ANYTHING, out for getting a couple big 3P releases in GamePass. Between that and more than a few 1P games being shown too early (Perfect Dark, Everwild, Fable etc.), the more it feels like MS was not prepared for this generation and if they hadn't purchased Zenimax, they'd have little to no AAA releases for the first three years for Xbox outside of more Halo and Forza (I guess Flight Sim counts but it's a year-old port from PC, and Pentiment & Grounded are simply not AAA games at all). That's completely inexcusable.

My gut tells me Sony likely locked down contracts for a lot of these major 3P releases, from Gotham Knights, Hogwarts, and Avatar to Street Fighter 6, Calistro Protocol & RE4 Remake, years ago, even before 2020 in some cases, and MS were likely too busy R&D'ing Xbox Series (IIRC there was a period where Xbox division had massive budget cuts, around 2016 & 2017. Maybe it was earlier; whenever they did that they probably also delayed work on their 9th-gen systems if they were considering shutting Xbox down altogether) and picking up teams like Ninja Theory, to really try signing similar exclusivity and marketing deals with 3Ps. It's not like they'd of have the branding power or budget allocations to do such, anyway.

As for the Sega stuff, well at one point Sega literally proposed the OG Xbox be a Dreamcast 2, with full native DC BC, but it was MS who shut them down. Probably from the enterprise side. That was a missed opportunity; an OG Xbox with DC BC, being led by Ed Fries, Seamus Blackley, Peter Moore, even Bernie Stolar (he might've helped bury Saturn in America but he also helped the Dreamcast have a very successful USA launch after SOJ botched it in 1998), with MS money backing them, would've been quite big. Bigger than what the OG Xbox managed sales-wise, tho still very far away from PS2.

Still though, it probably could've done well enough to where MS could've held off on 360 for a year, avoided the RROD catastrophe, and maybe plan out some parts of the 360's setup better (built-in wifi, built-in native HD-DVD support, non-proprietary HDD). That maybe would've increased the MSRP by some, but the later release would've made sure it wasn't by too much. This would've helped out PS3 to a degree, but still hurt it because it's still the same easier-to-program-for 360, same fully-unified RAM, still a bit cheaper (maybe $499 for the top model instead of $399) too.

Even if that would've resulted in a 360 that sold a bit less (say, 75 million LTD vs. 90 million LTD for PS3), it would've gone a long way towards ensuring a stronger core gaming focus in the twilight years, and maybe would've helped prevent the bad design choices of the XBO.

You present a possibility for a very interesting alternate timeline tbh. What if Microsoft simply doubled-down on PC gaming instead of trying to get into the console gaming space? I think we'd of eventually gotten Steam Machines from Microsoft, but actually supported fully, and a Steam-like counterpart from them rather than Valve. I think that could've been very successful for them tbh.

Similarly I have thoughts here and there of what if Sega doubled-down on arcades in the mid '90s and released a comprehensive Neptune (with CD-ROM support built-in) instead of the Saturn, and essentially focused on Neptune as their main, lower-end 32-bit entry from '94 - '98 while doing select ports to systems like the PS1 a year or two after the Neptune? Maybe they could've helped save arcades from fading away and built up a bigger console gaming audience even earlier.

Actually, VF5 came out first for the 360. I remember because the first gameplay vids for VF5 I scoped from Gamespot were the 360 version, and there was a big deal back then because the 360 release was the only one with online play. It took a few years for the PS3 port to get online enabled play (and for the graphics to get patched up to look as good as the 360 version).

But the (at the time) final version, Final Tuned I believe, PS3 was the only system that got that version of VF5. It was definitive console port for a while until Ultimate Showdown last year for the PS4. That all said, I think VF's fanbase post-Saturn/Dreamcase, console-wise, was always PlayStation. VF4, 'nuff said. VF5, vast majority of console fanbase was on PS3 since VF itself was always an IP much more popular in Japan/Asian than the West (VF4 helped to start change that, but VF5 regressed some of that progress), so most of that audience was on PS3. I wouldn't be surprised if VF6 is PS5 console-exclusive, or if that version is the lead platform with marketing rights to it.
VF5 came out for PS3 exclusively first, and then was ported to 360 as VF5: online with added online play later. i think it was 6 months. i remember VF5 being one of the first 'big' ps3 exclusives, and no one expected a 360 version to be announced.

And after that i'm pretty sure all the versions were multiplat up until the recent VF5: E-Sports which is PS4 only.


22 Jun 2022
The intent is to just bring up something that everyone just seem to ignore, the fact that the guy that has being promise stuff for so long has actually a ridiculous long history of not being able to put out successful games. I got banned on the other forum once for even bringing this up. Dude was in the same position Hermen Huls is today almost 15 years ago. Shuhei Yoshida became head of what is today PlayStation Studios in the same year I think, look at everything that he was able to do.

Right; I said the same in my post.

That is certainly not the intent of claiming he has bad taste because he once said he loved working on Voodoo Vince because it was the first game he played through with his daughters, or acting like people know other stuff about him because of one deleted Mike Ybarra tweet lol

Execs are best ignored outside of their output, and from a gamer perspective Phil is pretty poor unless you are a big Gamepass fan.
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24 Jun 2022
They invested blindly. They clearly don't know what to do with all of these studios they bought.

Definitely this. It's the main reason why I roll my eyes when I see some people say MS should buy yet another publisher. Zenimax and ABK aren't enough? We haven't even seen consistent results and indicators of growth from most of the studios they've purchased so far. We still haven't gotten a chance to play Avowed, Starfield looks like it's struggling as if nothing changed (for the better) post-acquisition, RedFall doesn't seem that much a step up from stuff like Deathloop, most of what Psychonauts 2 became was done before the acquisition, we still don't have Hellblade 2 (or Project Mara), still nothing from State of Decay 3, etc.

I don't think just having money to throw around to buy a company means it's the best idea to buy or the target's best choice to sell. I want to see how being owned by MS actually elevates Bethesda, Ninja Theory, Obsidian etc. with final products, before feeling comfortable as a gamer with them going into another massive acquisition. Or even a medium-sized one. A small studio here or there I would probably be comfortable with, though. I think the only acquisitions we've seen so far that have bore some real fruit are Playground Games and Mojang, but I wouldn't say games like Forza Horizon 5 are well beyond in ambition, scope etc. to the games Playground were already making for MS pre-acquisition.

My mindset is if Xbox fuck up Fable then i'm done with the BRAND.

Fable should be in good hands, since Playground Games are on it. Tho, the rumors of dev trouble and them struggling to make the transition to that style of game have me worried. It's not like Guerrilla when they switched from KillZone to Horizon, there were still many design similarities in those two even with their different genres.

Modeling cars and designing open worlds for racing is WAAAAYYYYY different from modeling (and animating) human characters and making open world environment for mostly foot-based travel. Yes the Forza Horizon games have human NPCs and a create-a-character mode but the models there (and their animations) are crude compared to majority of actual open-world games on the market, let alone stuff like HFW.

I kind of worry sometimes why Obsidian didn't take up an interest in working with Fable, I think they could've done a lot with the IP. And instead, let Playground try their hands at a different type of racing game with maybe more storytelling going on. Something like a Wipeout/F-Zero type of game in their engine but open-world and story emphasis would've gotten A LOT of attention and hype, been a lot easier for them to transition to, and cause a lot less dev complications.

But I'm still hopeful Fable will be pretty good under their wings.

VF5 came out for PS3 exclusively first, and then was ported to 360 as VF5: online with added online play later. i think it was 6 months. i remember VF5 being one of the first 'big' ps3 exclusives, and no one expected a 360 version to be announced.

And after that i'm pretty sure all the versions were multiplat up until the recent VF5: E-Sports which is PS4 only.

Went and did a little look-up and you're right, VF5's first console port was for PS3. It was just based on an older version tho, for some odd reason, while the 360 one was based on a more recent build that allowed online play. I guess it goes to show how dominant 360 coverage was here in the US at that time, that I remember VF5 on console as coming first to 360 when in reality that wasn't the case.

And yeah, outside of Ultimate Showdown all other VF5 versions were on both systems, just with some versions arriving on one system sooner than the other. Doesn't seem like any of them had launch parity in timing between PS and Xbox platforms.
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2 Jul 2022
I was just thinking about it, lets compare the more significant first party games available on Gamepass that released after the new consoles launched vs first party games from Sony that also released this gen:

Psychonauts 2 (also available on PS5)
Age of Empires IV (PC only)
Forza Horizon 5
Halo Infinite (single player part only, multiplayer is F2P)

Microsoft Flight Simulator and Gears Tactics (ports from games previously released on PC)

Spider-man Miles Morales
Demon's Souls Remake

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut
Death Stranding Director's Cut

It could be said that I picked an arbitrary date but if we got back even further it becomes even worse for MS because Sony PS4 library is much better, once games like Spider-man, God of War, Bloodborne, TLoU, etc, start to show up MS got nothing to compete with that. The entire day one narrative, goes down the drain when you look at how few big games MS releases.

Where I think they got Sony beat right now is with the 360 native emulation (since I have gamepass on PC I have no idea of what games are actually there but I'll assume it's a good selection) the PS3 streaming only solution sucks. Sony could easily make up for that since they have the PS1/PS2/PSP library but so far they have done a really shit job at curating that and providing a good emulation (a lot of room to improve I guess).

The intent is to just bring up something that everyone just seem to ignore, the fact that the guy that has being promise stuff for so long has actually a ridiculous long history of not being able to put out successful games. I got banned on the other forum once for even bringing this up. Dude was in the same position Hermen Huls is today almost 15 years ago. Shuhei Yoshida became head of what is today PlayStation Studios in the same year I think, look at everything that he was able to do.
Psychonauts 2 is not on PlayStation 5.

Deleted member 223

Biggest con-man in gaming. Nothing but respect for the hustle. I also have mad respect for Xbox Marketing Dept under Aaron and crew. They eat Sony's lunch in the anglo speaking markets everyday despite having a much, much inferior product offering. It's what it's. They put in the work, they play the media cycle well, they execute the influencer strat to the t.... and it pays dividends. All else being equal, they take laps around the Sony boys when it comes to running the mouth grift.

You gotta respect having millions of ardent followers and paying consumers hooked on broken promises for a decade. If the man had a second life he would have made for a great evangelical preacher. Got the talent for the essence of the grift. Would be driving a lambo to his workplace everyday, owned private jet for cross-country flight.

I wouldn't have a problem with none of these guys except they want to destroy the traditional model to establish a subscription centric model that they wish and feel they can ultimately monopolize. That's were mad respect for the hustle turns into - fuck off bitch!

Not personal.

When Jim Ryan says: "We let the games do the talking"...

All I hear is; "I can't keep up with these boys... here we got the best shit see"
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24 Jun 2022
@Swift_Star @Bodycount611

Psychonauts 2 is not on PlayStation 5, fact.

Ah, but it IS on PlayStation 4, and PS5 is BC with PS4, so it can in fact play Psychonauts 2, so in a way it IS on PlayStation 5!


Jokes aside, I'm actually more curious about Pentiment; in the blog post they said it's a console launch exclusive but MS only uses that for games that'll release on other (non-MS) consoles sometime afterwards. So, are they basically saying Pentiment is coming out for Switch and/or even PS, or are they going to start designating games that are for Xbox at launch and then go to PC later? Or was it a mistake?

Because they definitely didn't have a problem listing Forza Motorsport, etc. as console exclusive (as we'd expect).


2 Jul 2022
Ah, but it IS on PlayStation 4, and PS5 is BC with PS4, so it can in fact play Psychonauts 2, so in a way it IS on PlayStation 5!


Jokes aside, I'm actually more curious about Pentiment; in the blog post they said it's a console launch exclusive but MS only uses that for games that'll release on other (non-MS) consoles sometime afterwards. So, are they basically saying Pentiment is coming out for Switch and/or even PS, or are they going to start designating games that are for Xbox at launch and then go to PC later? Or was it a mistake?

Because they definitely didn't have a problem listing Forza Motorsport, etc. as console exclusive (as we'd expect).
It's either Switch or PC. Microsoft seems friendly with porting easy to run games to Switch.


8 Jul 2022
Psychonauts 2 is not on PlayStation 5.
Why are you lying? You can play it on PS5. I was unaware that there is no native version but who cares? It's a cartoony looking AA game no some high budget prodction. The reason I didn't know there was no PS5 version is because I didn't buy it (like everyone else) nor will I ever since I didn't even finish the first game after all these years anyway. I'm not like Xbox fans that get excited of Hellblade 2 without ever having bothered to play the original game.

Also, pathetic that MS was that petty, depriving people that funded it on Kickstarter from a proper PS5 version. Well, so much for all that "when we all play, everybody wins" bullshit.
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2 Jul 2022
Why are you lying? You can play it on PS5. I was unaware that there is no native version but who cares? It's a cartoony looking AA game no some high budget prodction. The reason I didn't know there was no PS5 version is because I didn't buy it (like everyone else) nor will I ever since I didn't even finish the first game after all these years anyway. I'm not like Xbox fans that get excited of Hellblade 2 without ever having bothered to play the original game.

Also, pathetic that MS was that petty, depriving people that funded it on Kickstarter from a proper PS5 version. Well, so much for all that "when we all play, everybody wins" bullshit.
Soooo it's not on PlayStation 5, got it.
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