What is the story behind Icon Era?

I was promised huge amounts of cash, hot chicks and copious amounts of alcohol and drugs.

Instead, what I got was people like @TubzGaming, @Kokoloko and @PropellerEar.

Fuck this place.
20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman
on a serious note, does camel milk taste like cow milk? or totally different.

During this time after monsoon, in some grazing areas, it can taste like a cow milk. Usually it's more salty. I don't love it but I can choke a whole liter no problem because I'm Milkaholic. Fresh cow milk compared to whatever offered in the market is like comparing fresh orange juice to orange drink. It's just too good. They're mostly wild fed.

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17 Jul 2022
The resident xbox astroturfers like adam still working hard atacking ps5pro

Imagine doing that to xbox series x back then

Wont last long there
I preordered one like a pro 😎

Sadly missed out on the anniversary edition.

Oh, and I'm banned from 3 forums now; Gaf, reset and fami. All silly reasons.
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
I mean I've never been ban-happy myself (as a moderator) but it seems like there's indeed websites out there with moderators etc. that are quick to ban you... But I've myself always giving people a chance on the websites/forums I was a moderator on though.
I was banned on eurogroomer because they did an article on some Activision drama where Activision removed a streamers bundle because he said 'protect the children's in response to kids being indoctrinated by the rainbow mafia , I simply commented 'what's wrong with wanting to protect children from being exposed to stuff they shouldn't be seeing until they're older' & boom perma ban 😂
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Reactions: Bo_Hazem and TLZ