I think people just lump Gaas/Service with any online or multiplayer games now. I dont know if thats correct.Thats what I assumed... would you consider Flight sim or Killer Instinct to be service games?
Whichever way you look at it, Sony needs more multiplayer games and Helldivers was a good start. GT7 too. Final Fantasy 14/ or the next online FF 17 or 18 online would be great too.
Plus Imagine if Sony had a Fortnite or GTA online, it would sell a bunch and help the company so much.
I think people fear they will stop making single player games if they got success with a game like that, but I dont think Sony would neglect that.
PS needs some more genres tbh. But with all these games getting cancelled I think they are getting cold feet with alot of stuff. I wonder what the future will be