Xbox content and services soars as Xbox hardware continues to collapse.


23 Jul 2022
It should be noted their gaming division being up is entirely due to the Activision acquisition, they would be at a loss without it. And yeah Xbox hardware down 42%
Yep GamePass stagnant and hardware sales in the toilet. But at least you Firesticks, $20 GamePass, and a $600 2tb Series X to come.


22 Jul 2022
Revenue up due to absorbing a publisher I gather. Curious if the added revenue is +/- on what Activision did independently.

Edit: this sheds light on it :



Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I think the X/S can make the 35 million at end of gen, maybe with a bit of luck 40 million, but I don't think can do more, especially if the hardware continues to fall from quarter to quarter.


The problem is this: q1+q2 2024 sales are 1.3m units combined, both XBO and X360 never reached that low until the last year before the next gen came out and after that they fell off a cliff.

The even worse problem is that the trend is going downwards.


28 Jul 2023

So many in the Xbox camp like Gaz got royally played by Satya. They thought the ABK and Zenimax acquisition were a sign that Xbox was back to competing but more importantly that those titles were going to be taken off PlayStation and that they were going to enjoy ponies tears. Welp, the reality is it was all part of Satya's goal to move the Xbox brand into full 3rd party publishing and treating PS and Nintendo like first class citizens over their own. :ROFLMAO:


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023

So many in the Xbox camp like Gaz got royally played by Satya. They thought the ABK and Zenimax acquisition were a sign that Xbox was back to competing but more importantly that those titles were going to be taken off PlayStation and that they were going to enjoy ponies tears. Welp, the reality is it was all part of Satya's goal to move the Xbox brand into full 3rd party publishing and treating PS and Nintendo like first class citizens over their own. :ROFLMAO:

More like the Activision deal forced Satya to step in and pay attention because shareholders started asking questions once he had to be dragged out on TV defending it. Meanwhile the company's image took a beating, had politicians and figure heads taking aim at the UK and Japan a country where their enterprise business matters and publicly damaging relationship with Sony who has been their business partners for decades outside of PlayStation lol..

Crazy how in the Activision was the final straw for the Xbox brand very poetic justice and it's even more funny because all the bots cheered it on.


27 Jun 2023
Personally I think Sony still should keep everything to Playstation. Even MP games, but hey atm they are doing PC and I cant do anything about it.
All PS singleplayer should be permanently exclusive to console & in some case certain multiplayer games such as shooters (3rd person or FPS) survival, br, top down/diablo/league of legend likes should release across PS, PC & Mobile but multiplayer live service like GT7, a potential PS Allstars or sandbox/party/cozy/farming game should be exclusive to PS or PS & mobile like gacha games. A inFAMOUS or Demon Slayer gacha game should release across PS & Mobile & not PC & if it does release on PC it’s exclusive to the PS PC launcher as a throwaway.

The moment GT7 is available on PC all GT YouTubers will ditch PS console & go to PC & likely when GT8 release they’ll wait & main other sims like iRacing till a potential GT8 releases on PC either way PS damages its console & its ability to maximize profits by not selling console, 100% of games sells & 100% mtx sells on PS storefront not to mention the devalued console & harm that it do to 3rd party sells/3rd party mtx


27 Jun 2023
The problem is this: q1+q2 2024 sales are 1.3m units combined, both XBO and X360 never reached that low until the last year before the next gen came out and after that they fell off a cliff.

The even worse problem is that the trend is going downwards.
Xbox series not surpassing 30 million they be lucky if they 300K-500K next year per quarter. RN Xbox is at low 20 million around 22-23 & there selling under 1 million per quarter & that number will get worse when more exclusive comes to PS & Nintendo + the increase of GP price making Xbox console less attractive.

Didn’t Xbox last quarter sold like 800K & that was with Starfield + the promise of ABK being exclusive?

Xbox will be lucky to see any meaningful bump when GTA6 releases if PS has the marketing + any sort of exclusive dlc/cosmetic/benefits.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Just saw the capcom data. Incredible. They really don’t sell any software on Xbox consoles.

“Bu bu it’s MT framework!”


Best part about these BS damage control narratives is that they literally fall apart the next day.
24 Jun 2022
remember: all of this started with PC releases

Not necessarily; when MS started porting their XBO games to PC, it was in 2016, and they were exclusive to their Windows Store. Honestly, their own PC storefront was never popular for gaming, so that had a minimal impact on XBO sales. We can tell that because according to some sources, they still did around 58 million. More so than that, they did hold their own in the US and UK.

I'd say rather than the PC ports, it was MS not prioritizing other markets outside of US & UK, and drying up on 3P exclusives that were bigger contributors to the drop from 360 to XBO in install base. People keep forgetting that MS didn't put their PC games on Steam until 2020, and that was with Sea of Thieves, a late port.

Coincidentally, I'd say the PC porting strategy has particularly been damaging to Xbox Series hardware sales this gen, because MS's focus on Steam ports coincided with the new console launches. Steam is many magnitudes more popular than MS's own storefront (or PC Game Pass) for PC gaming. Also, since MS are a 3P on Steam, they lack the control and 100% revenue they have with PC Game Pass or their own Windows storefront.

The gradual declines with XBO have simply accelerated and compounded on the declines of self-inflicted stab wounds with Xbox Series, and the coincidence between MS pushing Day 1 Steam for their PC games around the start of the 9th gen gives strong grounds that the two are correlated. If it weren't for the pandemic and chip shortages, we would've seen this rapid collapse of XBS sales two years earlier. So effectively those two things gave MS two years of padding that made them oblivious to the actual damage their strategy was going to do long-term towards their own hardware.

I mean think about it; during the pandemic, PS5s were incredibly hard to come by. PS4s had basically stopped manufacturing, and even the Series X was negatively impacted. Outside of the Switch, the only system not affected was the Series S. If you wanted something, anything, during that period to play the current AAA games, and also happened to be relatively cheap...the Series S was really the only option. That created artificial demand for Series S, because if supply for other systems like PS4, Series X or especially PS5 were decent, those systems would've curb-stomped Series S's sales volume roughly a year after it launched.

MS relied on external market, economic & societal (pandemic) factors to drive Xbox sales in 2021 and 2022, which made them blind to what damage their Day 1 PC (Steam) strategy taking full effect in the same time frame, would eventually have on Xbox console demand.

And now we're here.

The problem is this: q1+q2 2024 sales are 1.3m units combined, both XBO and X360 never reached that low until the last year before the next gen came out and after that they fell off a cliff.

The even worse problem is that the trend is going downwards.

Even if we're being generous and using Welfare's estimates of 800K for the reported quarter, and let's say 800K the quarter before that, and they somehow maintain that for this quarter and get a 600K boost in Q4...that would still only top out at 3.8 million for the CY.

Frankly it's an abysmal number for what's meant to be a mainstream, mass-market console brand, and everyone but the diehard warriors are willing to admit as such. Keep in mind, MS are still losing money on each unit being sold, which just makes it sting that much more.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: anonpuffs


14 Jul 2022
No. It started during the second half of the 360 era, when MS stopped supporting the 360 with quality games and started losing market share. Enough with the revisionist history.

Agreed. There's a lot of things that lead Xbox to this point - the Xbone misfire is part of it too, but the biggest issue has been and always will be a lack of quality games.