How can triple a games be made in less than 5 years without crunch?
Establish baseline gameplay engine for an IP.
- Main PS Studio Team concentrate on Single Player Game, then support with DLC story chapters/standalone short games, like Infamous First Light after release.
- Support Team concentrate on MP on their own time, release as standalone game purchase, like GOT Legends. Support as GAAS with content updates.
Neither development route has to automatically take time away from the other. Team 1 moves onto another game, Team 2 supports something else, and PC port houses takeover, releasing the single player and MP as 'seperate games'; or more likely PC will recieve the eventual GOTY/Director's Cut edition that'll probably be in the works for PS5 too etc. But you could blow that idea out and apply it to all game IPs. That could be one cross section doing it for Uncharted, and another cross section is over here applying that template to TLOU projects.
It'd save SSD space too. I'd love to have just TLOU Factions MP installed, rather than the whole entire TLOU1 game.
Instead of Sony's half-steps...
Like, you can't release Uncharted Remasters without the MP modes, then shutter the PS3 MP with the justification that not enough people play it. You've already cut into the potential userbase, by only serving the people who're only interested in the Single Player. Yeah, PS3 is old hardware only slowed-down by time, but people can't play UC MP if no longer able-to. Just bring them forward to a modern PC/PS platform, and let them breath on their own right, not shackled to a single player game release, or console hardware. I hope after all that paragraph what I wrote is correct, I don't play UC MP myself so it's 2nd hand knowledge/memory.
MP games should be treated as GAAS with content drops, even if they give previous games' mp maps and game modes, make the old game literally obsolete, and standardize the player base on this new MP standalone game which is independant of mainline game releases, dlc scheduals for that etc; and just keep it evergreen with content updates etc. Allow it to keep a series in people's thoughts, but allow the single player games to maybe take a break if they've been rotated-in too much already. Allow the main story team to turn around and insert a new IP into the rotation etc.