Your Unpopular(?) Gaming Opinions thread

Mobile Suit Gooch

Active member
21 Jun 2022
People with multiple console love to virtue signal about owning all systems. Claiming they're unbiased, but if a game is exclusive to their non-favorite platform, they'll lose it.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
People with multiple console love to virtue signal about owning all systems. Claiming they're unbiased, but if a game is exclusive to their non-favorite platform, they'll lose it.

Who even had the time to play multiple consoles? It's like when people boast about gamepass having 200+ games, who honestly has the time to sit down and play all that?

I play like 5 games a year at most


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Who even had the time to play multiple consoles? It's like when people boast about gamepass having 200+ games, who honestly has the time to sit down and play all that?

I play like 5 games a year at most
Thats me unless im sick or we get snowed in where all I can do is make it to work, come home shovel snow, plow out my mom's driveway then pass out on the couch playing some games.

I will say I am on the final stretch of finishing Legend of Dragoon on PS classics on PS+pREMIUM.

But year for 2023 I've been playing Halo on PC, RE4 on PC, and legend of dragoon on my PS5. I need check out tchia. im waiting for FF16. Already got it preordered.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
xbox should collect up their services and features and roll them into one thematic nomenclature.

MS Gaming, MS Game Studios =
Xbox Gaming (XBG), Xbox Game Studios (XGS).

xCloud / MS Games Cloud =
Xbox Games Cloud (XGC)

PC/XB GamePass (Recombined) =
Xbox Game Pass (XGP)


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Smash 64 is a better pick up and play than the rest of the series if you are casual. All allstars and punches and kicks have weight to them.


10 Jan 2023
Fallout 4 is complete garbage

Yakuza LaD had the best gameplay in the series

Xbox > Xbox 360

Xenoblade X is the best nintendo game ever made

Returnal is the best game Sony has ever made
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26 Jun 2022
xbox should collect up their services and features and roll them into one thematic nomenclature.

MS Gaming, MS Game Studios =
Xbox Gaming (XBG), Xbox Game Studios (XGS).

xCloud / MS Games Cloud =
Xbox Games Cloud (XGC)

PC/XB GamePass (Recombined) =
Xbox Game Pass (XGP)
No, we would need to fight a whole new group of buzzwords 😬. That would last for years.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Who even had the time to play multiple consoles? It's like when people boast about gamepass having 200+ games, who honestly has the time to sit down and play all that?

I play like 5 games a year at most
I have all 3 consoles. Yeah, this is true. At some point it just becomes buying consoles for the sake of it. A buddy of mine has all 3 as well, has his own business and still has many more trophies/achievements than me, meaning he plays more games. I have no idea how he does it.


26 Jun 2022
I have all 3 consoles. Yeah, this is true. At some point it just becomes buying consoles for the sake of it. A buddy of mine has all 3 as well, has his own business and still has many more trophies/achievements than me, meaning he plays more games. I have no idea how he does it.
Some people can live with only 4hours of sleep per night. After a while these extra hours add up to something.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
A sof the Ratchet and Clank series, I have to say that the first game was the only one that really hooked me.

While the sequels were visually impressive and introduced new gadgets and weapons, I just couldn't get into them the same way I did with the first game. One of the main reasons is the shift in focus from platforming to combat. While the first game had a healthy mix of both, the sequels placed a greater emphasis on combat, which made the platforming sections feel more like an afterthought. I

really enjoyed the challenge and variety of the platforming sections in the first game, and was disappointed to see them take a backseat in the sequels. Another issue I had with the sequels was the overly convoluted storylines. The first game had a simple yet effective story about Ratchet and Clank teaming up to save the galaxy from the evil Chairman Drek.

However, the sequels introduced a host of new characters and subplots that were cliche like the whole last lombax nonsense, and detracted from the core gameplay experience. Finally, I also missed the unique charm and humor of the first game.

While the sequels had their moments, they felt more like generic action games rather than the quirky and fun adventure that made the first game stand out.

Overall, I hated the direction the series took


10 Feb 2023
DMC s overrated. I played each and every and didnt like single one.

Whole premise i need to finish games multiple time to get good of unlock moves s stupid for me. Or that main point s combos and chaining moves. Maybe thats because i get zero feedback from hitting enemies. Its like fighting wind. Gun s just combo filler. Its 2023 and it still have fixed camera or semi fixed. Level design s stuck in ps2 era. Story and dialogue re cringe as F. Dmc2 and dmc 4 were the worst. DmC and dmc5 were ok, probably liked them the most.

I ll take revengance, bayoneta, gaiden, god of war....and day over it.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
I have one …

VR is fucking stupid and not surprised consumers don’t give a shit.

The helmet is a bulky is a no go. Most games are on-rails tech demos. It’s nowhere close to ready. Cockpit games make a decent transition but that’s pretty much it.

Waste of money. All of it.


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
VR is not stupid, it just doesn't make sense for the home. If you go to a VR place that has a large open space and the games incorporate actual player movement, it's a fucking total blast. You simply cannot do this at home and the home VR experience will forever be this disconnect between what you want to physically do and the room you have available. Some shit is probably fine like a Fruit Ninja type game but nobody wants to pay for a second console to play some standing VR mobile game type experience.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
I believe Sonic and TR and RE should all have different gameplay style series sub-games continuing different lines of story, perhaps contributing still to an overall canon despite the different playstyles. You can't cover everything in one like RE6 and Sonic 4/Generations showed, so compartmentalise into pillars, and push each foundation better.

We sort-of see this with Sonic atm, where we have the Frontiers 3D game line, the Mania 2D game line, and the Sonic 4/Gens/Superstars 2.5D line. At least someone's listening. I've been screaming about that since Sonic Mania was a mere twinkle in many people's ballsacks.