Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


Well-known member
Icon Extra
24 Jun 2022
So it's likely the judge already received the evidence since the deadline was by mid-day Thursday, right?


Active member
19 May 2023
“Sure, Phil. We at Sony agree exclusives are bad for consumers. That’s why we are offering our entire catalogue of games, including our third party partners on XSX/S and Xbox Gamepass, all wrapped ina blue and green bow to celebrate our friendship. along with all of the candy you can eat. We at Sony and PS expect nothing in return, and neither does Nintendo. Love, Jim.”

-Phil Spencer’s Big Fantasy

On Demand

30 Jul 2022
Exactly. xbox is just not an appealing product to people in the real world.

"People" can say all the bullshit they want on internet forum bubbles, but numbers can never lie and the people have already spoken with their wallets so to say.

we see that in how xbox continues to monumentally flop in sales and is always in dead last place in every demonstrative category of sales

People buy great products and Playstation has always delivered and been great and that hasnt changed one bit and isn't changing any time soon

Despite the FUD over Sony trying to invest in GAAS in the future, Sony is still also upping their investment into single player games (people constantly misread that graph).

Just check who's released what the past several years consistently, and anyone seriously trying to paint a doom and gloom picture over Playstation is an insincere troll, drama idiot, or payed microsoft shill

People like this

are blatantly insincere or out of touch (forgivable), or at worst just straight up microsoft shills (unforgivable) whether unknowingly or knowingly

What's crazy is that people (in general) whove been parroting these antiPlaystation talking points, whether they realise it or not, they have subconsciously been programmed by microsoft

There is nothing xbox can do to upsurge Playstation. They can try all they want. xbox is already a disgraced last place meme brand

Just trying to just speak accurate to the facts and to history, I will say this, Sony dominating these PS4 and PS5 gens has been the greatest thing they could have ever done. Especially starting in the PS4 gen which was the real start of digital libraries and online subs etc. Sony dominated the most important gen in gaming history(PS4 gen). So it means EVERYONE built their digital libraries and digital footprints on Playstation in the Playstation ecosystem...AND THAT is something that microsoft can never undo or ever ever get back

And that PS4 domination has grown even more in this current PS5 generation of Playstation domination.

I'm a believer in Christ. Those who believe know that in the end good always wins.

microsoft is evil corporatism personified. microsoft will not win. Trust that

I pray that IF the corrupt agencies actually allow this anticompetive deal to pass, that activision metaphorically burns to the ground and that xbox finally gets obliterated out of gaming

The garbage toxic xbox brand has been nothing but a cancer on gaming. With the removal of xbox I pray its delusional fake toxic xbox fanbase which xbone executives cultivated, finally gets thrown the fook out of gaming too with their thrashxbox

I think this poster was making some good points. Outside of the Bible talk of course.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
He can spit facts without trying to convert the whole forum into Christians.
What if it works and Lina Khan hears you? Did you recite your prayer today 😁

"LORD Jesus convict the hearts of those overseeing this deal to block it. Put it in their hearts to do whats right and block it. Block this deal by your grace and authority so that all may glorify you LORD Jesus, my God, my Savior. Don't let the toxic xbox fans who blaspheme you get this victory. All victories belong to you. May your will be to block this deal and may your goodness come out of this deal being blocked."
prayer GIF


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Was there ever a mask to begin with? Anyone that understands coverage favoritism, partiality by omission etc, specially a trained eye used to being around/analyzing political partisanship, geopolitics etc will see through those boys like a knife slicing through butter. It's amateur hour.

The worst part about DF being a partisan rag of Nvidia and Microsoft is seeing the PlayStation community complete inability to shake them off by way of ignoring them. Every time I see a PS fanboy counter-troll Xbox or PC using DF videos and "findings" I got to 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️. Nice job amplifying, and defacto legitimizing them idiot. Then the obvious - don't cry and eat the bitterness when they push their hands on the lever to favor the competition if you enable them. As for NXGamer, the second he made a pact with IGN for exposure, that was it. He can't break out big - nonsensical.
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