Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


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29 Apr 2023
SoloKingRobert is mad.đź’€

Judge Corley apparently said so:

As a game publisher, Sony’s PlayStation Studios, is responsible for blockbuster hits like
God of War, The Last of Us, and Spider-Man, the vast majority of which can be played only on
PlayStation. (See PX7053 (Ryan Dep. Tr. Vol. I) at 20:16–20:23; RX5055 at 015–016.) And as a
purchaser of third-party games,
(PX7054 (Ryan Dep. Tr. Vol. II) at 107:10–18.; Dkt. No. 283,
6/23/23 Tr. (Spencer) at 357:12–16.)
Sony views exclusive content as crucial to PlayStation’s continued success and to
“differentiate [their] platform.” (PX7053 (Ryan Dep. Tr. Vol. I) at 212:19–23; RX0079.) As a
result, Sony offers far more exclusive first- and third- party titles than Xbox. (PX7053 (Ryan Dep.
Tr.) at 169:24–170:2; Dkt. No. 283, 6/23/23 Tr. (Spencer) at 362:17–23.) Sony also enjoys “an
enormous competitive advantage” because it can draw on the intellectual property of “Sony
Music, Sony TV, and Sony’s film library” for its game development. (Dkt. No. 285, 6/28/23 Tr.
(Kotick) at 723:13-16.) The number of exclusive games available on PlayStation dwarfs the
number available on Xbox, with eight exclusive games on PlayStation for every one on Xbox.
(RX2098-001 (“Overall, for every 1 exclusive Microsoft game, PlayStation has 8 of them.”); see
Dkt. No. 284, 6/27/23 Tr. (Bailey) at 684:3–25; RX5055 at 018–019, Exs. 11A, 11B; Dkt. No. 285,
6/28/23 Tr. (Nadella) at 849:1–8 (“The dominant player [i.e., Sony] there has defined market
competition using exclusives and so that’s the world we live in.”).)
Sony has often paid third-party studios to “skip” Xbox—either entirely or to delay a title’s
release on Xbox. (Dkt. No. 283, 6/23/23 Tr. (Spencer) at 313:4–8.) For example, on June 22,
2023, while this trial was happening, Square Enix released Final Fantasy XVI, the latest release in
the iconic Final Fantasy franchise, exclusive to PlayStation 5. Previous versions of Final Fantasy
shipped on Xbox, but the reason Final Fantasy XVI is a PlayStation exclusive is because Sony
“pa[id] to exclude Xbox.” (Id. at 312:20–313:8, 441:18–443:1.) ZeniMax, too, was paid by Sony not to ship Deathloop or Ghostwire for Xbox, and one of the reasons Microsoft bought ZeniMax
was concern Sony would also arrange for Starfield to go exclusive and skip Xbox. (Id. at 314:16–

The cat is out the bag. We always knew she would rule in favour of Microsoft.

It's just really good that Microsoft themselves never paid for exclusivity ever...
Also that 8 to 1 figure seems to only be true because of japanese only games

On Demand

30 Jul 2022


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022

Calls were made, that is it. Sometimes a few calls are made, threats are thrown around, nothing gets the points across. Time lapses and then the big calls are made. All of the sudden everything starts to work its way. At this point I'm just wondering how high it went, not if.
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On Demand

30 Jul 2022
Because she is giving very surface level answers, technically right now it is blocked, but that ignores all the shit they said they are trying to do during the CAT hearing. If the reporter actually started digging deeper her bullshit would be exposed.

It’s such a ridiculous response after what they publicly did.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
It’s better you make your peace with Activision Blizzard. Say goodbye to Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon.


25 Mar 2023
It’s better you make your peace with Activision Blizzard. Say goodbye to Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon.
We already got all the Crash, THPS and Spyro games that matter remade recently, most if not all of them given away on PS+.

All the Activision stuff MS is paying so much for to put into Gamepass including many CoD game were already included on PS+ and hardly anyone cared.

Now CoD day one on Gamepass will cost Xbox a lot more money than it will cost Sony.

With all that said, ideally Sony would buy publishers of their own so Xbox will be hurt even more, hopefully killed for good.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
SoloKingRobert is mad.đź’€

Judge Corley apparently said so:

As a game publisher, Sony’s PlayStation Studios, is responsible for blockbuster hits like
God of War, The Last of Us, and Spider-Man, the vast majority of which can be played only on
PlayStation. (See PX7053 (Ryan Dep. Tr. Vol. I) at 20:16–20:23; RX5055 at 015–016.) And as a
purchaser of third-party games,
(PX7054 (Ryan Dep. Tr. Vol. II) at 107:10–18.; Dkt. No. 283,
6/23/23 Tr. (Spencer) at 357:12–16.)
Sony views exclusive content as crucial to PlayStation’s continued success and to
“differentiate [their] platform.” (PX7053 (Ryan Dep. Tr. Vol. I) at 212:19–23; RX0079.) As a
result, Sony offers far more exclusive first- and third- party titles than Xbox. (PX7053 (Ryan Dep.
Tr.) at 169:24–170:2; Dkt. No. 283, 6/23/23 Tr. (Spencer) at 362:17–23.) Sony also enjoys “an
enormous competitive advantage” because it can draw on the intellectual property of “Sony
Music, Sony TV, and Sony’s film library” for its game development. (Dkt. No. 285, 6/28/23 Tr.
(Kotick) at 723:13-16.) The number of exclusive games available on PlayStation dwarfs the
number available on Xbox, with eight exclusive games on PlayStation for every one on Xbox.
(RX2098-001 (“Overall, for every 1 exclusive Microsoft game, PlayStation has 8 of them.”); see
Dkt. No. 284, 6/27/23 Tr. (Bailey) at 684:3–25; RX5055 at 018–019, Exs. 11A, 11B; Dkt. No. 285,
6/28/23 Tr. (Nadella) at 849:1–8 (“The dominant player [i.e., Sony] there has defined market
competition using exclusives and so that’s the world we live in.”).)
Sony has often paid third-party studios to “skip” Xbox—either entirely or to delay a title’s
release on Xbox. (Dkt. No. 283, 6/23/23 Tr. (Spencer) at 313:4–8.) For example, on June 22,
2023, while this trial was happening, Square Enix released Final Fantasy XVI, the latest release in
the iconic Final Fantasy franchise, exclusive to PlayStation 5. Previous versions of Final Fantasy
shipped on Xbox, but the reason Final Fantasy XVI is a PlayStation exclusive is because Sony
“pa[id] to exclude Xbox.” (Id. at 312:20–313:8, 441:18–443:1.) ZeniMax, too, was paid by Sony not to ship Deathloop or Ghostwire for Xbox, and one of the reasons Microsoft bought ZeniMax
was concern Sony would also arrange for Starfield to go exclusive and skip Xbox. (Id. at 314:16–

The cat is out the bag. We always knew she would rule in favour of Microsoft.

It's embarrassing how she just repeats whatever Microsoft said. Sony did God of War and The Last Of Us from the ground up...and it made them lose this case because they were too successful? Also Sony barely uses any IP from Sony Pictures for games. I can't even name one.

Basically Microsoft can just buy whatever and make deals while Sony needs to do everything themselves and take all the risk. No 3rd-party deals.


14 Jul 2022
It’s better you make your peace with Activision Blizzard. Say goodbye to Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon.

It seems like ABK wasn't interested in doing much with those franchises, though. And, realistically speaking, do we really want MS doing anything with them? Their handling of their first party isn't great and it shows in the quality of the titles they release. Luckily, the older titles still remain and won't be worsened by Game Pass. On the other hand, I suspect we'll see a decline in CoD and other titles over time simply because they can't make much money back when they're day one on a sub service.


14 Feb 2023

Sarah Cardell of the CMA addressing accusations that her team has caved in to pressure from Microsoft. Skip ahead to 7:30.
So they haven't received the new proposal but still chose to stay the litigation. Not to mention that Microsoft had many months to restructure the deal before the block and only chose to do so now. Here's hoping Lina Khan gets the last laugh and wins in court on August, but the way these corporate bought U.S judges are...
25 Jul 2022

Sarah Cardell of the CMA addressing accusations that her team has caved in to pressure from Microsoft. Skip ahead to 7:30.

Sarah Cardell let me down bad. Can admit to being proud to see the CMA an independent regulator working outside of political influence holding its own and blocking the deal with clear fair reasoning. To then find out not only have they been swayed but literally arguing with both parties' lawyers in court to close the deal in time and work everything out later......just no......I'm not mad Sarah, just dissappointed.

It's such an obvious anti-competitive merger. MS even conveniently spelled out in company emails what they're trying to do in both the short and long term.

How CMA go from blocked due to cloud competition concerns and COD must be divested. To here, take COD and we'll help you close on time is mind blowing :LOL:


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Sarah Cardell let me down bad. Can admit to being proud to see the CMA an independent regulator working outside of political influence holding its own and blocking the deal with clear fair reasoning. To then find out not only have they been swayed but literally arguing with both parties' lawyers in court to close the deal in time and work everything out later......just no......I'm not mad Sarah, just dissappointed.

It's such an obvious anti-competitive merger. MS even conveniently spelled out in company emails what they're trying to do in both the short and long term.

How CMA go from blocked due to cloud competition concerns and COD must be divested. To here, take COD and we'll help you close on time is mind blowing :LOL:
It was the final word and then not so final anymore. Are they going to let other companies negotiate with them after all the deadlines are done to make sure they get an approval long after it was rejected? I doubt it.

If they accept a behavioral remedy with a carve-out for UK then Big Tech can just do that for every deal going forward and make them useless.
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Should be thanking playstation for steamrolling the Xbox one since it only got backwards compatibility because of that terrible TV TV TV DRM launch & playstation 4 absolutely crushing it with focusing on great games , can guarantee Xbox would never have gotten backwards compatibility if it wasn't for that