Was there ever a mask to begin with? Anyone that understands coverage favoritism, partiality by omission etc, specially a trained eye used to being around/analyzing political partisanship, geopolitics etc will see through those boys like a knife slicing through butter. It's amateur hour.
The worst part about DF being a partisan rag of Nvidia and Microsoft is seeing the PlayStation community complete inability to shake them off by way of ignoring them. Every time I see a PS fanboy counter-troll Xbox or PC using DF videos and "findings" I got to
. Nice job amplifying, and defacto legitimizing them idiot. Then the obvious - don't cry and eat the bitterness when they push their hands on the lever to favor the competition if you enable them. As for NXGamer, the second he made a pact with IGN for exposure, that was it. He can't break out big - nonsensical.