2023 most anticipated game?

24 Jun 2022
it was actually last November when the delay announcement happened for progmata

However it is possible it is actually a 2024 game or maybe outright canned but I'm sure it can come out before October next year they won't delay it so it doesn't have to compete with next years holiday titles.

Exoprimal deserves a buy from me just because of the dinosaur forecast line and how it is the troll of the century for dino crisis fans

I mean they even got a Regina lookalike in there; they knew what they were doing xD.

Capcom still have Deep Down on their record for canned next-gen games, but that one was last gen. I'd hope Pragmata comes out in actuality, but if not there was another mecha game shown at the last State of Play which I mistook for Pragmata briefly. That could be a good substitute.

There's definitely a bunch of Capcom games coming this generation that haven't been announced. The internal leak which has been 100% accurate thus far listed a few im hyped for but there's one that is my all time favorite beat em up ever - Final Fight. Supposed to get a remake.

No interest in ExoPrimal and Pragmata has to show me more and mainly gameplay to see what it really is and what you'll be doing in the game itself.

I forgot all about the Capcom leak TBH, didn't even know there was a new Final Fight planned. I hope it's not like the PS2 version, and it's closer to the classic games style-wise (but in 3D like Sega's SpikeOut games were).


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
im dying for a new IP from capcom at this point.

Incredibly burnt out on monster hunter, street fighter, and resident evil


20 Jun 2022
So far... I think Hogwarts Legacy and Heart of the Machine are my most anticipated games.


I forgot all about the Capcom leak TBH, didn't even know there was a new Final Fight planned. I hope it's not like the PS2 version, and it's closer to the classic games style-wise (but in 3D like Sega's SpikeOut games were).

I'm hoping it's exactly like the original arcade game but just better. Prefer it to be 2D instead of 3D. But we'll see.