Your Unpopular(?) Gaming Opinions thread


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
VR isn't quite ready, judging by PSVR1's older output, and how hype for PC VR headsets seems to have cooled after Half Life Alyx.

Too many shit (PSVR1 at least) "VR experiences" where you had to lasso the ground to even walk.
Something like a Resident Evil 7 where it's still a real game with controller and you're just in the room with your head as the camera; or something like TWD: Saints and Sinners, where you're reaching behind you to draw weapon out of an imaginary backpack, should be how to do it.

Every other style of VR gameplay/VR games just isn't up to snuff yet. Games first, VR second. That said... I need to see more info about setting normal games to VR mode on PSVR2, whatever that was. If VR becomes more of a complimentary viewing mode to standard games that's great, but I don't think it's gonna survive as it was with PSVR1's type of effort/support.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Dedicated gaming hardware (i.e.) consoles is a superior method for people to play / enjoy their games.
-Better optimization
-more efficient use of components and power
-faster to turn on and get to playing a game
-no shader compiling issues
-architecture built around gaming.... not word processing / spreadsheets etc. etc.
-console model allows business flexibility.... if something is wrong the company that makes the console can change course (PC cannot change course due to so many companies being involved)

-1st party studios and exclusives
-accessibility both in terms of being available in a range of stores and online and needing little to no setup and then in terms of controllers for those with disabilities and other in game options.

-price of hardware is subsidized or at least at cost with consoles, while every component manufacturer on PC needs to make money, so you are being fleeced several times over when you buy a PC.

-Puts focus on games and gaming, not hardware and performance...... which shows console is for gamers more than PC. PC is for technologists and performance benchmarkers.... they always emphasize how little they pay for games, which shows they value gaming far less than real gamers.

-Cheating is rampant on PC and gaming online on console is much fairer in 99% of cases.
-Most games release in a mess on PC with stuttering, reduced performance that negates all the hardware investment (Denuvo) and developers will never get the type of performance you are paying for out of high end GPU's.

-Pirating is rampant and ruining gaming, destroying developers and cheating them further out of the compensation they deserve for many years work.

-RGB lighting while claiming PC gaming is for adults and consoles are toys is highly ironic. The parts come from the same factories.

And a lot more....
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Deleted member 417

  • Xbox used to be good and can still turn every around
  • Sony need more RPG's, RTS' and Point and Click adventures, as they've become very stale in that department
  • Nintendo are the Apple of the games industry. Their games are aimed at kids and played by pedophiles
  • The new generation of PC gamers are like the unpopular fat kid on the playground who's rich parents buy them all the toys so they can pretend to have friends
  • PC has become so stale that they even beg for console ports as the platform has been completely abandoned by all but shysters
  • The community is infested with parasitic gamers who only game because it's the in thing and the industry is infected with fake journalists and devs who see gaming as a 9-5 job, not an artform to be proud of.
  • Digital distribution has been a blight on innovation..
  • Openly allowing anyone to play online games has destroyed online gaming
  • Pandering to CoD kiddies and fortnite has put the final nail in the 'games should be challenging' coffin
  • Elden Ring is over-hyped, repetitive and the game only exists as a [Redacted] simulator
  • One day a virtual rain will come and wash the scum off of the streets industry.

Deleted member 417

The steam deck serves no purpose other than to make PC kiddies feel superior to switch-owners. "I play when I travel" would be the biggest oxymoron in the industry, if it wasn't for the fact that old-school PC gamers have been killed off and replaced by show-offs and infantilised adults with more money than sense who lack a personality and intelligence to be a proper PC gamer.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Dedicated gaming hardware (i.e.) consoles is a superior method for people to play / enjoy their games.
-Better optimization
-more efficient use of components and power
-faster to turn on and get to playing a game
-no shader compiling issues
-architecture built around gaming.... not word processing / spreadsheets etc. etc.
-console model allows business flexibility.... if something is wrong the company that makes the console can change course (PC cannot change course due to so many companies being involved)

-1st party studios and exclusives
-accessibility both in terms of being available in a range of stores and online and needing little to no setup and then in terms of controllers for those with disabilities and other in game options.

-price of hardware is subsidized or at least at cost with consoles, while every component manufacturer on PC needs to make money, so you are being fleeced several times over when you buy a PC.

-Puts focus on games and gaming, not hardware and performance...... which shows console is for gamers more than PC. PC is for technologists and performance benchmarkers.... they always emphasize how little they pay for games, which shows they value gaming far less than real gamers.

-Cheating is rampant on PC and gaming online on console is much fairer in 99% of cases.
-Most games release in a mess on PC with stuttering, reduced performance that negates all the hardware investment (Denuvo) and developers will never get the type of performance you are paying for out of high end GPU's.

-Pirating is rampant and ruining gaming, destroying developers and cheating them further out of the compensation they deserve for many years work.

-RGB lighting while claiming PC gaming is for adults and consoles are toys is highly ironic. The parts come from the same factories.

And a lot more....

This is the thread for the unpopular opinions, not the popular ones.


Elden Ring is a good, even a very good game, but it's not even close to being From's best game. The open world is the biggest flaw of the game, it makes the game unnecessarily bloated. This, plus it being (one of) the easiest Souls games from From, make it clear that they tried to appease more to the casuals than usually.

BotW is one of the most overrated games ever. The boring and useless open world and the breakable weapons alone, make it to one of the worst Zelda games ever.

Sony shouldn't have introduced Extra and Premium. It seemed to be a reaction to GamePass and has the same drawbacks (in minor form) as it: devaluation of games, incentive for gamers to skip buying games at all.
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  • haha
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26 Jun 2022
Microsoft really had a second secret GPU in the xbox one, but they decided to release the one X instead of enabling it to make more money!
  • haha
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28 Jun 2022
BOTW is not that good. Unpopular opinion but I stand by it. I forced myself to finish it three times because the world was barren, lifeless, shrines sucked and bosses (divine beasts) were just mediocre.
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26 Jun 2022
BOTW is not that good. Unpopular opinion but I stand by it. I forced myself to fishing it three times because the world was barren, lifeless, shrines sucked and bosses (divine beasts) were just mediocre.
You did it three times? I barely started playthoughs a couple of times and could not get too far into it because I was bored to death.
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28 Jun 2022
You did it three times? I barely started playthoughs a couple of times and could not get too far into it because I was bored to death.
I was bored but since it was Zelda and I just got my Switch I forced myself. Never touched it again. Compared to games like Souls and Bloodborne I platted and have replayed multiple times.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
This is the thread for the unpopular opinions, not the popular ones.


Elden Ring is a good, even a very good game, but it's not even close to being From's best game. The open world is the biggest flaw of the game, it makes the game unnecessarily bloated. This, plus it being (one of) the easiest Souls games from From, make it clear that they tried to appease more to the casuals than usually.

BotW is one of the most overrated games ever. The boring and useless open world and the breakable weapons alone, make it to one of the worst Zelda games ever.

Sony shouldn't have introduced Extra and Premium. It seemed to be a reaction to GamePass and has the same drawbacks (in minor form) as it: devaluation of games, incentive for gamers to skip buying games at all.
I feel like once they sort those PS3 server blades out, and make it where PS3 crap is downloadable rather than just streaming-only, they remove much of the need for separation into 3rd tier. At that point they should just go PS+ and PS+ Extra as their 2x tiers.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
Sony devs need to stop catering to the lowest common denominator and step up their game and level design to not handhold you all the time
Man I don't think that's happening. Genie is out of the bottle now.

I mean... Who was that doofus whom couldn't complete Cuphead's tutorial, even with the instructions right there on the screen?

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22 Jul 2022
- VR in commercial gaming will never take off
- I'd be happy if this entire generation keeps games looking like high end last-gen games if that means it guarantees high performance.
- RT has been a disappointing waste of resources in most games its in with only Metro Exodus EE being a rare exception


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Playing the Xenoblade remaster right now and while it's not a bad game its definitely not great either, and I loved 2. I'm shocked that people consider it a masterpiece.

Otherwise... I am just not at all interested in TLOU. It looks fucking boring and zombies are trite. Yeah, yeah, other humans are the real villains... just like every other zombie property. Even the original NotLD had that.

Hades also looks boring. Just the next "hidden gem" to come out of the ~indie community~ I'll pass.

Warcraft artstyle is incredibly ugly and poisoned so many cheap trend-chasers 15 years back. Like the gaming equivalent of poisonous animals being brightly colored.

If WB ever does divest its gaming arm the actual best fit for them would be Nintendo. Sony also acceptable. The actual home for them, of course would be one of Saudi Arabia, Tencent, Amazon or Netflix. SATAN wins again...

Oh, and just to prove I don't blindly like everything Nintendo makes... Mario Kart looks boring and I have no interest in it.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
The actual home for them, of course would be one of Saudi Arabia, Tencent, Amazon or Netflix. SATAN wins again...
That's pretty catchy. Gonna steal this myself lol.

I got a G and an E for another word, for Google and Embracer, but my brain's not working properly atm to think of the other vultures whom are waiting.

Deleted member 417

That's pretty catchy. Gonna steal this myself lol.

I got a G and an E for another word, for Google and Embracer, but my brain's not working properly atm to think of the other vultures whom are waiting.
You can almost spell STAGNENT


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
That's pretty catchy. Gonna steal this myself lol.

I got a G and an E for another word, for Google and Embracer, but my brain's not working properly atm to think of the other vultures whom are waiting.
Embracer buys stuff cheap while WB tried selling for more than the assets were worth. NetEase is probably more likely than them, and Google is out of game publishing after Stadia flopped. Krafton is also expanding with western devs, but they seem to be building new studios rather than buying old ones. The truth is that, contrary to most's fear of there being fewer viable publishers than ever, there's actually more than ever, being fueled by the ease of online publishing, the prestige (and safety from gov meddling) of the western market, the size of the game-buying public, etc.

Actually just as a final note, aside from their very troubled THQ Nordic division, I love Embracer as a publisher. They budget games appropriately, release them on everything, target all genres and market segments and even have room for unwoke eastern European developers. They'd be a great home for any studio.
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