[The Verge] Final Fantasy XVI has a medieval approach to diversity


6 Jul 2022
There is a reason South of Europe was more diverse, it’s all to do with Geography and access to other continents. There is no question to this, nor is there a lack of representation in media of Ancient Rome conquering and assimilating many other cultures for example. This is not the conversation.

The diversity expected by the article and proponents of skin color diversity everywhere, at all times as a standard is the issue. When Columbus brought back a handful of American Indians to Europe, that’s a worthy story - not that American Indians were documented in mid Century Europe therefore Europe must have been a melting pot of global ethnicity.

People rarely ventured outside their villages for their whole lives much less immigrated cross continent. Mobility was practically non existent and that shapes the regional ethnicity and creates period accurate cohesion.

Feudal Japan shouldn’t have white representation, century old African Tribes shouldn’t have Latino representation. It defies common sense to misrepresent cultural makeup when attempting to ground it in a time appropriate way. But logic be damned.
Finally I understand what you are tying to say.
You are viewing this issue as Hollywood does, where they toss all of the races into one thing.

I said in my first post, most of this is a non issue in the rest of the world. USA society right now is obsessed with race.


26 Jun 2022
You're clearly approaching or have entered the stages of the white replacement theory, so I'll just point you to Dodrake's post above and use my ignore feature.

1) It's a video game with flying bird monsters, it can have non white people if they so chose. And 2) Europe was and still is ethnically diverse.
Seeing white replacement theory in what was said to you is borderline conspirationist, this is one of the many the problems with the DEI crowd, they se malice in everything that does not comply to their views or even characterization of events. Now, white replacement happens, you should not deny it, we don't make babies, we have a lot of immigration. So in the end it happens, some people don't like seeing their culture vanish or change so drastically so fast, some people love it, others don't care. But acting as if this phenomenon does not happen is delusional.

Same for all the DEI initiatives at every level of government in pretty much all major businesses and non profits in the western world, this has gone way beyond what a reasonable person would have considered "inclusive" if we lived in a world that make sense. They all have minimal representation quotas, which means that if you apply for a job opening and you happen to have a handicap, appear as "gay" (somehow), are a women or belong to one of the group that is considered victimized then you get extra points. If you happen to be a white dude that doesn't pretend do be gay? well you better check your privilege at the door, and come with a gender pronouns badge.

This whole ideology is motivated by hate.

1) OK, then why is it suspicious to let the design teams do whatever they want instead of pushing your preferred approach to this? Not everything has to be inclusive at all times in ever screen, in the credits and what not. I don't like that cookie cutter approach to "representation" 2) Not that much either, you can't have a population where most people never go more than a few KM away from where they were born AND it being very diverse at the same time.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I don't know how this is even getting into discussion.

It is a fantasy world... it is not based in reality.
If I want to create a fantasy world where only the fish race exists you will call me "anti-diversity"? C'mon.

If it was some work based in historical facts but not it is a work that have magic as base... toally fantasy... I never related anything FF with real life history.
I mean there are Chocobos... maybe they are not diverse enough for some lol
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2 Jul 2022
I don't know how this is even getting into discussion.

It is a fantasy world... it is not based in reality.
If I want to create a fantasy world where only the fish race exists you will call me "anti-diversity"? C'mon.

It it was some work based in historical facts but not it is a work that have magic as base... toally fantasy... I never related anything FF with real life history.
I mean there are Chocobos... maybe they are diverse enough for some lol
Fishing for clicks, Era-bait and, as @thicc_girls_are_teh_best said, I suspect there's some agenda to put the game on some sort of bad light because it's a PS exclusive.
I mean, no one is crying there's no diversity in Stalker 2 and other Xbox timed exclusives, are they?


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Fishing for clicks, Era-bait and, as @thicc_girls_are_teh_best said, I suspect there's some agenda to put the game on some sort of bad light because it's a PS exclusive.
I mean, no one is crying there's no diversity in Stalker 2 and other Xbox timed exclusives, are they?
But also, it is The Verge, they’re both firmly in MS’ pocket and deeply infected with SJW brainworms.
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26 Jun 2022
But also, it is The Verge, they’re both firmly in MS’ pocket and deeply infected with SJW brainworms.
Yes, what a sh*t show this site has become. I recall early on (that was a very long time ago) their phone\tablet reviews impressed me.
I mean, no one is crying there's no diversity in Stalker 2 and other Xbox timed exclusives, are they?
I keep bringing this up, but there are too many racist people here so nobody takes me seriously 🤡. Maybe I should file a complaint at The Verge for not taking racism seriously enough!


6 Jul 2022
Fishing for clicks, Era-bait and, as @thicc_girls_are_teh_best said, I suspect there's some agenda to put the game on some sort of bad light because it's a PS exclusive.
I mean, no one is crying there's no diversity in Stalker 2 and other Xbox timed exclusives, are they?
Gaming media is mostly made by Americans for Americans, therefore they are busy focusing on stuff only their country cares and loving/hyping things made by American companies.

Even if they are not an American publication they still follow the majority so they can gain traffic.
Perfect example is Eurogamer... can someone imagine how ridiculous it would be being called Japangamer and focusing mainly on xbox? That is how Eurogamer works.
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Yes, what a sh*t show this site has become. I recall early on (that was a very long time ago) their phone\tablet reviews impressed me.

I keep bringing this up, but there are too many racist people here so nobody takes me seriously 🤡. Maybe I should file a complaint at The Verge for not taking racism seriously enough!
The Verge was good for the limited amount of time the original founder was present. It went to complete shit within a year.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Come on guys. PS exclusives since TLOU2 get shat on by media and “journalists” its a common thing. A tactic to kill hype and sales. They try and embarrass themselves

TLOU2- Waaa woke, Joel blah blah blah
GoT - White people making a Japanese game… Its just assassins creed in Japan
Demons Souls - Uhh its a remake
Spiderman MM - DLC
Returnal - $70!!!!
Rachet and Clank - Its only Ratchet and Clank
Horizon 2- It failed. Have you seen Elden Ring?
GT7 - Microtransactions
TLOU1- Uhhh Remake
God of War R - Its DLC, nothing has changed from the 1st game
Forspoken - Cringe ( Yet High on Life literally is cringey but praised )

Deathloop, Ghost Wire are the only ones who got no hate from media because go figure…. Boss Phil would have their head

FF16 = Racist

Every game exclusive PS has, will have hate and downplayed.


21 Jun 2022
Come on guys. PS exclusives since TLOU2 get shat on by media and “journalists” its a common thing. A tactic to kill hype and sales. They try and embarrass themselves

TLOU2- Waaa woke, Joel blah blah blah
GoT - White people making a Japanese game… Its just assassins creed in Japan
Demons Souls - Uhh its a remake
Spiderman MM - DLC
Returnal - $70!!!!
Rachet and Clank - Its only Ratchet and Clank
Horizon 2- It failed. Have you seen Elden Ring?
GT7 - Microtransactions
TLOU1- Uhhh Remake
God of War R - Its DLC, nothing has changed from the 1st game
Forspoken - Cringe ( Yet High on Life literally is cringey but praised )

Deathloop, Ghost Wire are the only ones who got no hate from media because go figure…. Boss Phil would have their head

FF16 = Racist

Every game exclusive PS has, will have hate and downplayed.
how FF16 racist?

Spider Man also got the same treatment with puddlegate
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Vr2 is dead as well.
Too expensive
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A cord
Nobody will buy it.