Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


28 Jun 2022
Elios83 from gaf made a Brilliant point:

I think that trying to extinguish competition during this gen is something they carefully planned for a few years before the beginning of the current gen.
The whole plan was based on exploiting their financial strength coming from other dominant positions which at some point they clearly identified as their main strength and differentiator.

Luring casuals from the beginning with a cheap hardware promising them access to big games almost for free because they could afford to pay the bills as long as necessary to reach their goals.
In parallel the plan was to start buying whole publishers to starve competition progressively of key support.
The icing on the cake was supposed to be a continous FUD campaign against the competition (and a positive propaganda for them) acted with the help of the many friendly characters in the press and on socials to try to influence and change the public's perception towards the brands at a marketing level.

I must say that on paper the whole thing sounded good, so much that seeing the whole thing currently failing as much as it is is a surprise, but they clearly miscalculated the fact that people are not buying things just because they're cheap, gamers are actually willing to pay for great games, subscription services for games are less effective and attractive compared to similar services for movies and music because games simply cannot be consumed as if they were songs or movies. If you like a game you can spend many weeks if not months on it and at that point you can just buy it.
And finally with Activision they just aimed too high, too quickly and completely miscalculated they would put themselves into a legal mess that now risks to compromise their whole strategy long term and at very least has fully exposed them.”


21 Jun 2022
Luring casuals from the beginning with a cheap hardware promising them access to big games almost for free because they could afford to pay the bills as long as necessary to reach their goals.
In parallel the plan was to start buying whole publishers to starve competition progressively of key support.
The icing on the cake was supposed to be a continous FUD campaign against the competition (and a positive propaganda for them) acted with the help of the many friendly characters in the press and on socials to try to influence and change the public's perception towards the brands at a marketing level.
This was 100% the plan. Kill Sony by giving games away for free and buy publishers to choke them in the long term.

MS still didn't give up on that plan yet with the daily FUD campaign against Sony. It's getting worse everyday.

I have to admit I was worried when they started the 3 years gold conversion in 2019. Thousands of people were saying they were moving to Xbox the next-gen. I was sure Sony was going to lose market share.


Active member
25 Jul 2022
This was 100% the plan. Kill Sony by giving games away for free and buy publishers to choke them in the long term.

MS still didn't give up on that plan yet with the daily FUD campaign against Sony. It's getting worse everyday.

I have to admit I was worried when they started the 3 years gold conversion in 2019. Thousands of people were saying they were moving to Xbox the next-gen. I was sure Sony was going to lose market share.
I think you guys are giving MS too much credit
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21 Jun 2022
I think you guys are giving MS too much credit
Keep in mind that the narrative before the gen started was that Sony went to all the big publishers to get exclusive deals and promised them 50% of the market. Their shills were saying Sony was trying to kill Xbox, that was the script. It still comes up 3 years later even if it wasn’t true (besides those 2 Bethesda flops Ghostwire and Deathpoop).

In reality it was Xbox that was trying to kill Sony by giving games away, undercutting them on console prices and buying publishers to keep games off PS. The media were also attacking Sony 24/7, shilling for gamepass and creating fake controversies with whatever talking points they got from the Xbox warriors (we believe in generations, 8tf, Spider-Man avengers DLC, paid upgrades, etc)

No way all of this happened organically. It was all organized by MS the underdog and it's backfiring badly.
24 Jun 2022
This was 100% the plan. Kill Sony by giving games away for free and buy publishers to choke them in the long term.

MS still didn't give up on that plan yet with the daily FUD campaign against Sony. It's getting worse everyday.

I have to admit I was worried when they started the 3 years gold conversion in 2019. Thousands of people were saying they were moving to Xbox the next-gen. I was sure Sony was going to lose market share.

Whoo boy if you could go back to 2019 you and laugh at how they were worried over nothing (the shift to Xbox for Game Pass through $1 conversion trick).

Keep in mind that the narrative before the gen started was that Sony went to all the big publishers to get exclusive deals and promised them 50% of the market. Their shills were saying Sony was trying to kill Xbox, that was the script. It still comes up 3 years later even if it wasn’t true (besides those 2 Bethesda flops Ghostwire and Deathpoop).

You'd think this rumor (which was always baseless) would be dead by now considering all the obvious games Sony would have locked down, but haven't. Street Fighter 6, RE4 Remake, Wu Long, Harry Potter (tho considering how little Xbox is contributing to the record-breaking sales it might as well be considered exclusive by many), etc.

That rumor was really just fearmongering, and also a way for certain folks to say: Sony having exclusives is anti-competitive. Notice how a lot of the same people who always say Xbox should be allowed to buy ABK, when Sony comes up none of their suggestions are related to a publisher acquisition but rather that Sony should "make their own COD killer". If it were that easy, wouldn't Microsoft be doing the same thing?

Or are they having a Freudian slip and saying that Sony are more capable as developers to pull that off than Microsoft? This is just me reflecting on the things other people say (or imply, or accidentally imply), nothing more.


22 Jul 2022
The last couple of posts here




6 Jul 2022
The last couple of posts here


To be fair, in the last few weeks I’ve read much worse things. This one actually make sense.
I mean some people really thought that the files MS demand from Sony would have the “top secret plan to kill Xbox”

Off topic.

Since he are talking about theories…
I’m more interested in what drives you to defend MS.
You can’t be an employee, you’re too obvious and you are doing it solo, you’re also far too stable to be a Xbox fanboy…
My theory is that you are a Nintendo fan who is joking with MS and PS fans.

You’re the nicest Xbox fan I’ve ever met on a forum! I’m being serious.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
You’re the nicest Xbox fan I’ve ever met on a forum! I’m being serious.

@Exanthus maybe you should introduce yourself.

You can’t be an employee, you’re too obvious and you are doing it solo

Are you sure about that? Many theories and answers are straight from the script, as you can see the same answers from other people.

Nevertheless, @adamsapple please stay and stay as you are (with just a bit of less shilling would be nice). I need some counterbalance to @Sircaw and @Bryank75 . One of them even likes Fallout 🤮

Lord Mittens

Community Cat
1 Jul 2022
@Exanthus maybe you should introduce yourself.

Are you sure about that? Many theories and answers are straight from the script, as you can see the same answers from other people.

Nevertheless, @adamsapple please stay and stay as you are (with just a bit of less shilling would be nice). I need some counterbalance to @Sircaw and @Bryank75 . One of them even likes Fallout 🤮

Hi, my name is Exanthus and I might be an alcoholic, however I am a pretty nice guy who enjoys games and am primarily on Xbox, however I will absolutely criticize the shit out of em when required. Which is pretty often.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great night/day.


21 Jun 2022
To be fair, in the last few weeks I’ve read much worse things. This one actually make sense.
I mean some people really thought that the files MS demand from Sony would have the “top secret plan to kill Xbox”
They laugh at stuff that actually happened and call it a conspiracy theory and then they believe Sony has hidden contracts with every publisher to block games from Game Pass and Xbox.

Yeah that's the only explanation why publishers don't put all their AAAs Day 1 on GP. Sony is threatening them and those contracts from 2019 will prove it 🤡

They couldn't stop Capcom with Monster Hunter and Exoprimal tho. Exoprimal was announced at a Sony State of Play. What's the conspiracy about that one?


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
@Exanthus maybe you should introduce yourself.

Are you sure about that? Many theories and answers are straight from the script, as you can see the same answers from other people.

Nevertheless, @adamsapple please stay and stay as you are (with just a bit of less shilling would be nice). I need some counterbalance to @Sircaw and @Bryank75 . One of them even likes Fallout 🤮
Would adamsapple without the shilling truly be the same adamsapple? A question for the ages. tbh I honestly admire the mental fortitude it must take to constantly be embarrassed by the brand he supposedly likes and yet continue soldiering on. Either that or he really needs the money.


14 Jul 2022
Keep in mind that the narrative before the gen started was that Sony went to all the big publishers to get exclusive deals and promised them 50% of the market. Their shills were saying Sony was trying to kill Xbox, that was the script. It still comes up 3 years later even if it wasn’t true (besides those 2 Bethesda flops Ghostwire and Deathpoop).

In reality it was Xbox that was trying to kill Sony by giving games away, undercutting them on console prices and buying publishers to keep games off PS. The media were also attacking Sony 24/7, shilling for gamepass and creating fake controversies with whatever talking points they got from the Xbox warriors (we believe in generations, 8tf, Spider-Man avengers DLC, paid upgrades, etc)

No way all of this happened organically. It was all organized by MS the underdog and it's backfiring badly.

The amount of FUD aimed at Sony has been incredible the last few years, hasn't it? The interesting part is the only people it sways are people who are already invested in the XBox ecosystem. I think this can be seen by the absolutely astounding numbers the PS5 is selling world wide. It's another thing that MS doesn't quite get - these tactics are not going to work for the many people not invested in social media and internet "journalism". It's just a waste of time and effort which would be better spent managing their studios and releasing games.

Deleted member 417

The amount of FUD aimed at Sony has been incredible the last few years, hasn't it?
2012 is when it really ramped up

Sony are bankrupt
There won't be a ps4
there will be a ps4 but it is weaker and more expensive
PS4 has drm
ps4 has no game sharing
ps4 requires an internet connection

Then the worst one for me was the targeted attack on The Order 1886. "it's too short!" because it was a tight, 6 hour campaign with single player and no multiplayer. It had to be dragged over the coals because if single-player games became successful again, it would ruin the market share of those who force online in every game. The biggest criticism of The Order was "it was too short, not enough gun play". There were no negatives about the game, setting, story or graphics.

TL;DR - FUD against Sony has been going on for decades but really hit a fever-pitch in 2012 shortly before the launch of the xbone.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
You’re the nicest Xbox fan I’ve ever met on a forum! I’m being serious.

We have quite a few friendly Xbox people on this forum,

@Exanthus properly being the most chill and most liked one of the forum.

We also have @MScarpa, a 95-year-old cat lady clone that has not changed her avatar yet.

@peter42O is also xbox centric as in "I DIE for you Phil" but is generally pleasant although to chat too,

@adamsapple is the biggest shill on the planet but he is friendly and well-mannered in his chats. (~i think he is probably a good guy in real life just very confused)

I am trying to think of more but those are the 4 that pop up in my mind atm